GSP Group definition
Examples of GSP Group in a sentence
For each non half hourly unmetered supplies tariff the load characteristics are calculated using profile data derived for each GSP Group.
The CDCA shall in respect of GSP Group Take volumes, use Aggregation Rules to aggregate all Metering System energy volumes relating to the GSPs of that GSP Group, to produce a GSP Group Take volume for each settlement period; 2.
The CDCA shall receive, from the BSC Party, the following information in support of Aggregation Rules:a) Metering System identifier;b) Aggregation Rule(s) for each of Physical Meter, Metering System, Meter Point, Grid Supply Point, GSP Group and Interconnector;c) Other information, as may be required, to support the Aggregation Rules.
A System Connection Point is a point at which two or more Systems are connected, including a connection between Distribution Systems in different GSP Groups (but excluding a connection between Distribution Systems in the same GSP Group).
The CDCA shall adjust the GSP Group Take volumes for Inter-Distribution Network Connections, any Embedded Generation or Embedded Demand registered with the CRA, Direct Connected Consumer Demand and External Interconnector Demand; 3.
The data is aggregated per GSP Group, Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Standard Settlement Configuration (SSC) and Time Pattern Regime (TPR).
Section 4.1.8 describes a typical GSP which includes a Distribution Systems Connection Point and GSP Group Take.
The volumes for missing or disputed data are estimated in accordance with the BSC and reported to the Meter Operator Agent (CVA MOA) and BSCCo; the GSP Group Take is calculated in accordance with the Settlement timetable (published on the BSCCo Website).
These details shall include the relevant SVA MSID and the Identifiers for the MOA and, as the case may be, the HHDA, the LDSO and the applicable GSP Group.
All the meter readings for the current Public Distribution System, and any other Distribution Systems within the same GSP Group, are all aggregated together allowing the operation of the GSP Group Correction Factor to continue to apportion errors across a large number of Non Half Hourly metering systems.A feature of this is that for the purposes of settlement there is no requirement for a meter between two Distribution Systems within the same GSP Group.