Examples of Inspection Activities in a sentence
Unless otherwise specified in the PAL, the DOT shall be responsible for providing, or engaging persons or entities to provide, any services required for the Construction Project, including but not limited to, Design Services During Construction and Inspection Activities, and for the procurement and oversight of those individuals or entities.
The Municipality shall reimburse the DOT for one hundred percent (100%) of all construction costs and costs of DOT-provided Services, which costs are the result of errors or omissions of the Municipality or its consultant(s), including, but not limited to, errors or omissions with respect to the PS&E, inadequate provision of the Inspection Activities or Design Services During Construction by the Municipality or any of its consultants, or inadequate Administration by the Municipality, as applicable.
The Municipality shall submit written documentation to the DOT indicating the criteria it used in assigning existing municipal staff, hiring new municipal staff, retaining an Inspection Consultant, or any combination of the foregoing to perform Inspection Activities for the Construction Project.
Post Inspection Activities - Section V, B4, Inspection Records page 17, All types of inspections, and NOI/NOPV- Compliance page 49 (Appendix 6).
Any Participating Municipality may stop receiving Inspection Activities pursuant to this Agreement, at its sole discretion, upon giving the District and each of the Agencies at least 90 days written notice.
The Agencies shall direct matters such as complaints, claims, legal challenges, and other disputes regarding the Inspection Activities to its Inspection Activities program coordinator who will transmit the matter to the District for handling.
The cities and towns listed on Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Participating Municipalities”) have each executed a separate Stormwater Utility Area Agreement with the District that, among other things, authorizes the District to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the particular Participating Municipality, and provides for the invoicing and payment of Inspection Activities costs by the Participating Municipality.
Any Agency may terminate its obligations under this Agreement at its sole discretion by giving written notice to the District, each of the other Agencies, and each Participating Municipality to which it provides Inspection Activities services under this Agreement at least 180 days prior to the effective date of the termination.
The purpose of designating an Inspection Activities program coordinator is to facilitate communication between the District and the Agencies.
The District shall obtain individual indemnification agreements from each Participating Municipality in the Inspection Activities program, which shall specify that such Participating Municipality shall indemnify the District and Agencies.