Job Number definition
Job Number means a unique confirmation number generated by Modivcare for each trip reservation for each date of service.
Job Number means a series of alpha-numeric digits relating to an Order;
Job Number. The designation used to differentiate between categories of trainees, and types of training. By way of example, distinguishing factors include the minimum hours of training, the approved type of training, and the minimum post-retention wages. Literacy Training: Basic, job-related skills including math, reading, and language skills necessary for the trainee’s job performance and employment retention in a job with definite career potential and long-term security. [Section 4400(n).] Managers and Supervisors: These are employees who primarily perform exempt job duties within the meaning of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and state Labor Code Section 515, where “primarily” means more than one-half of the work time. In performing these duties, Managers and Supervisors must also: exercise discretion and independent judgment; influence policy; supervise at least two employees with the right to hire and fire; and earn no less than two times the state minimum wage. Multiple Barriers (MB): Two or more barriers to full participation in the workforce. The barriers may include mental or physical disabilities, illiteracy, limited English proficiency, limited math skills or some similar impediment.
Examples of Job Number in a sentence
If more than one Job Number is listed for this call, then combination bids will be required on the Jobs listed above.
Use an opaque envelope, clearly indicating on the outside the Job Number, Job Description, and marked “SEALED BID”.
Vendor shall use an opaque envelope, clearly indicating on the outside the Job Number, Job Description, and marked “SEALED BID”.
For job details and application instructions, search the Job Number at
Payments may be made in three stages on a per-trainee basis, by Job Number.
More Definitions of Job Number
Job Number. The designation used to differentiate between categories of trainees, and types of training. By way of example, distinguishing factors include the minimum hours of training, the approved type of training, and the minimum post-retention wages.
Job Number. The designation used to differentiate between categories of trainees, and types of training. By way of example, distinguishing factors include the minimum hours of training, the approved type of training, and the minimum post -retention wages. Literacy Training: Basic, job-related skills including math, reading, and language skills necessary for the trainee’s job performance and employment retention in a job with definite career potential and long-term security. [Section 4400(n).] Managers and Supervisors: These are employees who primarily perform exempt job duties within the meaning of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and state Labor Code Section 515, where “primarily” means more than one-half of the work time. In performing these duties, Managers and Supervisors must also: exercise discretion and independent judgment; influence policy; supervise at least two employees with the right to hire and fire; and earn no less than two times the state minimum wage. [Section 4400(ee).] Mandatory Training: Training is mandatory when the employer leads trainees to believe their continued employment would be adversely affected by not attending; the subject matter is directly related to the job duties; and the trainee does not produce goods or deliver services during training. Trainees must be paid their usual wages during ma ndatory Multiple Barriers (MB): Two or more barriers to full participation in the workforce. The barriers may include mental or physical disabilities, illiteracy, limited English proficiency, limited math skills or some similar impediment. Out-of-State Competition: The Panel will not fund any Retraining project, with the exception of Special Employment Training, unless it first determines that the trainee jobs are threatened by out-of-state competition. This determination is made on a case -by-case basis, using factors such as location of the corporate headquarters and revenue stream, except that a training project in manufacturing and certain other industry sectors classified under the North American Industrial Classification System, are deemed to meet this requirement. [Section 4416.] Payment Earned: The amount of Reimbursement the Contractor is entitled to retain based on Fiscal Closeout. [Section 4400(r).]
Job Number. The designation used to differentiate between categories of trainees, and types of training. By way of example, distinguishing factors include the minimum hours of training, the approved type of training, and the minimum post-retention wages. Literacy Training: Basic, job-related skills including math, reading, and language skills necessary for the trainee’s job performance and employment retention in a job with definite career potential and long-term security. [Section 4400(n).] Managers and Supervisors: These are employees who primarily perform exempt job duties within the meaning of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and state Labor Code Section 515, where “primarily” means more than one-half of the work time. In performing these duties, Managers and Supervisors must also: exercise discretion and independent judgment; influence policy; supervise at least two employees with the right to hire and fire; and earn no less than two times the state minimum wage.
Job Number. The designation used to differentiate between categories of trainees, and types of training. By way of example, distinguishing factors include the minimum hours of training, the approved type of training, and the minimum post -retention wages. Literacy Training: Basic, job-related skills including math, reading, and language skills necessary for the trainee’s job performance and employment retention in a job with definite career potential and long-term security. [Section 4400(n).] Managers and Supervisors: These are employees who primarily perform exempt job duties within the meaning of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and state Labor Code Section 515, where “primarily” means more than one-half of the work time. In performing these duties, Managers and Supervisors must also: exercise discretion and independent judgment; influence policy; supervise at least two employees with the right to hire and fire; and earn no less than two times the state minimum wage. [Section 4400(ee).] Multiple Barriers (MB): Two or more barriers to full participation in the workforce. The barriers may include mental or physical disabilities, illiteracy, limited English proficiency, limited math skills or some similar impediment. Out-of-State Competition: The Panel will not fund any Retraining project, with the exception of Special Employment Training, unless it first determines that the trainee jobs are threatened by out-of-state competition. This determination is made on a case -by-case basis, using factors such as location of the corporate headquarters and revenue stream, except that a training project in manufacturing and certain other industry sectors classified under the North American Industrial Classification System, are deemed to meet this requirement. [Section 4416.] Payment Earned: The amount of Reimbursement the Contractor is entitled to retain based on Fiscal Closeout. [Section 4400(r).]
Job Number means the Job Number listed on the Cover Page;
Job Number the unique job reference number in respect of each element of work undertaken by the Supplier under the Contract as provided by the Supplier to the Client in accordance with Clauses 2.4 and 11.2;
Job Number. 12000 Role: General Contractor Duration: September 1, 2012 to October 1, 2014 Value: $ 200,000,000.00 Client: InterPipeline Fund Primary Work Type: Pipeline