Examples of JVT in a sentence
These bodyguards shall be entitled to enter the terminal with a handgun, once the registration number of the handgun has been noted by the JVT.
Each party shall identify the locations of its units including combat equipment, and communicate this information to the JVT in writing within 72 hours of the signature of this agreement.
The scope and responsibility of the JVT will be clearly defined in the gazette.
The JVT will visit the locations to verify the information provided and plot unit locations on a map.
They are required to have pT > 25 GeV and |η| < 2.5. To suppress pile-up, a discrimi- nant called the jet-vertex-tagger (JVT) is constructed using a two-dimensional likelihood method [58].
For jets with pT < 60 GeV and |η| < 2.4 a JVT requirement corresponding to a 92 % efficiency while rejecting 98 % of jets from pileup and noise is imposed.Jets containing b-hadrons (b-jets) are tagged using a multivariate discriminant which exploits the long lifetime and large invariant mass of b-hadron decay products relative to c-hadrons and unstable light hadrons [59].
Jets are required to havepT > 35 GeV in the region |η| < 4.5. To suppress jets arising from pileup, a discriminantcalled the “jet vertex tagger” (JVT) is constructed using a two-dimensional likelihood method [60].
The JVT will compute the RCV using the current price based on the latest sale in the area.
For jets with pT < 60 GeV and |η| < 2.5 a JVT requirement corresponding to a 92% efficiency, while rejecting 98% of jets from pileup and noise, is imposed.
But the JVT will compute the RCV using the current price of agricultural commodities as established in the latest sale done in the area.