Level D definition
Examples of Level D in a sentence
If there are variances in the designated work area of Level D, a new schematic or plan layout will be necessary to identify the limits of the proposed project and the limits of the work area required for the work authorization; including highway stations, limits within existing or proposed right of way, additional areas outside the proposed right of way, and distances or areas to be included along existing intersecting roadways.
If there are variances in the designated work area of Level D then a new schematic or plan layout, if needed, is required showing the limits of the proposed project and limits of the work area required for this work authorization; including highway stations, limits within existing or proposed right of way, additional areas outside the proposed right of way, and distances or areas to be included down existing intersecting roadways.
Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $1.00, Level B: $0.75, Level C: $0.50, And Level D: $0.25.
Level D facilities may provide limited on-site goods and/or services to meet the needs of guests, though these are not of a type, scale or design intended to meet the goods and services needs of the public at large that is not an overnight guest.
A Level D academic will normally make an outstanding contribution to the research and/or scholarship and/or teaching and administration activities of an organisational unit, including a large organisational unit, or interdisciplinary area.
Quality Level D - Existing Records: Utilities are plotted from review of available existing records.
Level D is defined as the first level of full specialization or the first level of direct and sustained supervision.
This survey found the most serious deficiencies to be isolated deficiencies that constituted no actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm that was not immediate jeopardy (Level D) whereby corrections were required.
Level D facilities are specifically designated by Section 10.27,Q,1.
A Level D facility characterized by any of the factors in Section 10.27,Q,1, Table B is referred to as a “Level D – Expanded Access” facility.