Major Capital Project definition

Major Capital Project means the acquisition of any interest in land, including improvements on the acquired land at the time of acquisition, new construction of 5,000 square feet or greater or costing $1 million or more, and improvements or renovations of $1 million or more. The term shall not include any capital lease.
Major Capital Project means a Capital Project with an estimated total project cost of $300 million or more.
Major Capital Project means a large, technically complex work or project, e.g. resurfacing a parkway.

Examples of Major Capital Project in a sentence

  • In accordance with the requirements of CGS §4b-55 through §4b-59, the State of Connecticut, Department of Administrative Services (DAS), Division of Construction Services (DCS), Process Management & QBS Unit advertises for Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) for the Major Capital Project Architect/Engineer (A/E) Consultant Services as specified below.

  • The Board of Visitors shall authorize the initiation of each Major Capital Project by approving its size, scope, budget, and funding.

  • Major Capital Projects may be submitted for Board of Visitors authorization at any time but must include a statement of urgency if not part of the approved Major Capital Project program.

  • The Board of Visitors shall review the design of all Major Capital Projects and shall provide final Major Capital Project authorization based on the size, scope and cost estimate provided with the design.

  • Administrative policy for projects with capital cost exceeding $20 million requires formation of Major Capital Project Steering Committee.

More Definitions of Major Capital Project

Major Capital Project means a capital project with a value of more than 10% of the annual operating budget.
Major Capital Project means a project that involves the construction of a new fixed guideway or an extension to an existing fixed guideway; involves the rehabilitation of an existing fixed guideway with a total project cost in excess of $100 million; or is determined by the FTA to be a major capital project because it has determined that FTA Project Management Oversight process will be beneficial to the project.
Major Capital Project means a capital project as defined in K.C.C. 4.04.020 that:
Major Capital Project means the acquisition of any interest in land, including improvements on the 1631 acquired land at the time of acquisition, new construction of 5,000 square feet or greater or costing $1 1632 million or more, and improvements or renovations of $1 million or more. The term shall not include any 1633 capital lease. 1634 "President" shall mean the president, superintendent, or chancellor of a public institution of higher 1635 education. 1636 "Public institution of higher education" or "Institution" means a two-year or four-year public 1637 institution of higher education, or the Virginia Community College System, entering into a memorandum 1638 of understanding with the appropriate Cabinet Secretary or Secretaries, as designated by the Governor. 1639 "Restructuring Act" means the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative 1640 Operations Act, Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia. 1641 "Rules" means the "Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction" 1642 attached to this Policy as Attachment 1. 1643 "State Tax Supported Debt" means bonds, notes, or other obligations issued under Article X, Section 1644 9(a), 9(b), 9(c), or 9(d), if the debt service payments are made or ultimately are to be made from 1645 general government funds, as defined in the December 20, 2004 Report to the Governor and General 1646 Assembly of the Debt Capacity Advisory Committee or as that definition is amended from time to time. 1647 § 1. Capital program. The Institution shall adopt a system for developing one or more capital 1648 project programs that defines or define the capital needs of the Institution for a given period of time 1649 consistent with its published Master Plan. This process may or may not mirror the Commonwealth's 1650 requirements for capital plans. The Board of Visitors shall approve the program for Major Capital 1651 Projects. Major Capital Projects that are to be funded entirely or in part by a general fund 1652 appropriation or proceeds from State Tax Supported Debt shall follow the Commonwealth's 1653 requirements for capital plans. The Board may approve amendments to the program for Major Capital 1654 Projects annually or more often if circumstances warrant. Each capital project program shall meet the 1655 Institution's mission and institutional objectives, and shall be appropriately authorized by the Institution, 1656 be of a size and scope to provide for the defined program needs...
Major Capital Project means a project or a series of related packages involving the construction, alteration, extensions, refurbishment or the rehabilitation of infrastructure on a single site having an estimated control budget inclusive of VAT of R75 million or more;
Major Capital Project. As defined in Section 10.1.
Major Capital Project means any project in the Area procured by the Local Authority: having a capital value of over [£100,000,] where the project involves the construction of, or refurbishment, repair or extension to, a Relevant Facility (or of any part thereof) pursuant to a PFI Project Agreement; and/or having a capital value of over [£100,000,] where the project involves the construction of, or refurbishment, repair or extension to, a Relevant Facility (or of any part thereof) pursuant to a D&B Contract; and/or having a contract value of over £18, where the project involves the installation, maintenance and/or managed services in respect of ICT Facilities [or any project of any value of that nature where such project is being funded under the BSF Programme]; and/or having a contract value of over [£100,000] in respect of Hard FM Services19 relating to Hard FM Services for a project which has been or shall be the subject of a D&B Contract.