Oversight Process. 5.B.1 The PWG established in Section 2.A.1 shall be responsible for an annual assessment report on the effectiveness of this agreement. The report will be made available to the public and presented at the meeting established in Section 2.A.2.
Oversight Process. Section 11
Oversight Process. The effectiveness with which the Interlocal Agreement is being implemented shall be considered at the annual meeting described in Section 1.1.2. The staff representatives of each local government and the School Board, as described in Section 1.1.1, shall provide technical review and recommendations regarding any need for change to the provisions of the agreement. The workshop shall be publicly noticed and the agenda shall provide an opportunity for public input and comment. The representatives of each of the local governments and School Board will report back to their respective bodies with recommendations for any needed changes to this Agreement. The Committee shall prepare and adopt an annual report summarizing its findings and shall distribute such report to the County, all Cities and the School Board.
Oversight Process. 11.1 The School Board and the lLocal gGovernments shall develop an oversight process to monitor implementation of this Agreement. At the annual meeting of elected officials established in subsection 1.2, the body shall discuss the effectiveness with which the interlocal agreement is being implemented. This discussion shall include ample opportunity for public participation.
Oversight Process. 1. Where the dollar value of development is in excess of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000), the Plan shall establish a Project Oversight Committee, consisting of, as appropriate, the contractor, developer or recipient of financial assistance and representatives of the Purchaser, the Land Bank, OEO, DCHD, City Council, and appropriate community organizations. Such Committee shall meet regularly, beginning no later than the initiation of the design phase of the project, and shall be responsible for facilitating compliance with the Plan. OEO will implement the Oversight Process, as required by Section 17-1603(b) of The Philadelphia Code. The Oversight Committee, through the Oversight Process, shall have within its purview the reconciliation of all compliance related issues or grievances. The Oversight Committee Process, as needed, will involve convening individual consultation or periodic small group meetings to include any or all of the constituent parties.
Oversight Process. 10.1 The staff working group described in Section 1.1 is assigned the responsibility to monitor the implementation of the XXX. Staff working group members shall be invited to attend all meetings referenced in Sections 1, 3, 4 and 5 and shall receive copies of all reports and documents produced pursuant to this XXX. All meetings of the staff working group shall be advertised in the local media to encourage public participation in this oversight process. The staff working group shall report annually to participating local governments, the School Board and the general public on the effectiveness with which the XXX is being implemented.
Oversight Process. 11.1 The School Board, the County and the Municipalities shall each appoint up to five members to serve on a fifteen (15) member committee to monitor the implementation of this Third Amended and Restated Agreement. Amended Agreement. Committee members shall be notified in writing and advised of the meetings referenced in Article II and shall receive copies of all pertinent reports and documents produced pursuant to this Third Amended and Restated Agreement. Amended Agreement. The Superintendent shall organize and staff the meetings of this Committee, utilizing the Staff Working Group for assistance as needed. Also, the County and Municipalities shall cooperate as needed to further the work of the Oversight Committee to the extent feasible. The Committee shall appoint a chairperson, meet at least annually to adopt and issue a report to participating local governments, the School Board, the County and the general public on the effectiveness with which this Third Amended and Restated Agreement Amended Agreement is being implemented. The Chairperson of the Committee shall preside over the meeting and within thirty (30) days issue the report stated herein regarding successes and failures regarding implementation of the interlocal agreement during the preceding calendar year. The Committee meeting regarding review of the interlocal agreement shall be conducted as a public meeting advertised to provide opportunity for public participation.
Oversight Process. 11.1 The staff working group shall be responsible for preparing an annual assessment report on the effectiveness of this Agreement. The report will be made available to the public and presented at the Elected Officials Oversight Committee meeting.
Oversight Process. 110.1 The School Board shall appoint up to nine (9) citizen members, the County and the Miami-Dade County League of Cities shall each appoint up to five (5) citizen members to serve on a committee to monitor implementation of this Amended and Restatede interlocal aAgreement. The School Board shall organize and staff the meetings of this Citizens Oversight Committee, calling on the Staff Working Group for assistance as needed. It shall provide thirty (30)no less than seven (7) days written notice of any meeting to the members of the Citizens Oversight Committee, the Staff Working Group, the SSPCC, County, Cities and to the public. Citizens Oversight Committee members shall be invited by the School Board to attend all meetings referenced in Sections 1 and 4 and shall receive copies of all reports and documents produced pursuant to this Amended and Restated Agreement. The Citizens Oversight Committee shall appoint a chairperson, meet at least annually, and report to participating local governments, the School Board and the general public on the effectiveness with which the interlocal agreement is being implemented. At least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting of the Citizens Oversight Committee, the Staff Working Group and the SSPCC shall each submit an annual report regarding the status of the implementation and effectiveness of the Agreement. These annual reports shall additionally be distributed to all parties to this Amended and Restated Agreement. Meetings of the Citizens Oversight Committee shall be conducted as public meetings, and provide opportunities for public participation. The Citizens Oversight Committee shall adopt bylaws that shall govern its operation. Section 121. Effective Date and Term
Oversight Process. 8.1 The Staff Working Group shall serve as the oversight committee to monitor implementation of the interlocal agreement, including monitoring and evaluation of the school capacity tracking system. The committee shall appoint a chairperson, meet by April 15th of each year, and report to participating local governments, the School Board and the general public on the effectiveness with which the interlocal agreement is being implemented. The Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services for the School Board will coordinate the annual meeting with the County Director of Community Planning, Zoning, and Development to publicize the meeting and provide an opportunity for public participation.