Make Good definition

Make Good means to carry out repairs, replacements, rectifications where required of the Works at the Contractor’s expenses, and execute such works to the entire satisfaction of the Company.
Make Good means (regardless of the condition of the Premises or any fixtures, fittings, plant and equipment in them at the time they were made available to the Tenant) to return the Premises to the Landlord clean and in good repair and condition having regard to fair wear and tear and the Condition Report, with:
Make Good means to carry out repairs, replacement, rectification where required of the Works at the Contractor's expense, and execute such works to the entire satisfaction of the Company.

Examples of Make Good in a sentence

  • The headings contained in this Make Good Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction of this Make Good Agreement.

  • No portion of the Escrow Shares shall be subject to interference or control by any creditor of any party hereto, or be subject to being taken or reached by any legal or equitable process in satisfaction of any debt or other liability of any such party hereto prior to the disbursement thereof to such party hereto in accordance with the provisions of this Make Good Agreement.

  • This Make Good Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

  • Promptly after the termination of this Make Good Agreement or as may reasonably be requested by the parties hereto from time to time before such termination, Escrow Agent shall provide the parties hereto, as the case may be, with a complete copy of such records, certified by Escrow Agent to be a complete and accurate account of all such transactions.

  • Except for this Make Good Agreement and instructions to Escrow Agent pursuant to the terms of this Make Good Agreement, Escrow Agent will not be obligated to recognize any agreement between or among any or all of the persons or entities referred to herein, notwithstanding its knowledge thereof.

More Definitions of Make Good

Make Good means to restore new or existing work after being damaged, cut or patched or rejected by the Consultant. Use materials identical to the original materials, with new visible surfaces matching the appearance and the expected performance of the original surfaces in all details, with no apparent junctions between the new and existing surfaces.
Make Good means to restore the site to condition and state which is as
Make Good has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.
Make Good means to:
Make Good means the restoration of areas or surfaces to a condition matching existing adjacent areas. Making good of grass or asphalt areas that are damaged in the course of the work shall be to the original (new) condition irrespective of their condition prior to commencement of the work, or the condition of the adjacent unaffected areas.
Make Good means carry out local remedial work to components, features and finishes which have been disturbed by other, previous work under this Contract and leave in a sound and neat condition. It does not include replacement of component parts or redecoration, unless damaged by the Contractor. The meaning of the term shall not be limited by this definition where used in connection with the defects liability provisions of the Contract.
Make Good. “Made Good”, “Making Good” and derivatives thereof, means, as applicable, repairing, restoring, refurbishing, rehabilitating, removing and replacing or performing filling operation on: (a) the Project Work as required under the Agreement; or (b) any existing components disturbed (including Existing Infrastructure) due to the Project Work, to at least the condition existing at the commencement of the Project Work, in terms of construction integrity, finishes, alignment with existing adjoining surfaces, compatibility of materials and sound attenuation.