Examples of Material Injury in a sentence
Accordingly, the ITC must determine whether imports of the subject merchandise from China materially injure, or threaten material injury to, a U.S. industry.Allegations and Evidence of Material Injury and CausationThe petitioner alleges that imports of the subject merchandise are benefitting from countervailable subsidies and that such imports are causing, or threaten to cause, material injury to the U.S. industry producing the domestic like product.
The Watermaster Engineer shall not make recommendation for approval of an application to commence New Production of Groundwater unless the Watermaster Engineer finds, after considering all the facts and circumstances including any requirement that the applicant pay a Replacement Water Assessment required by this Judgment or determined by the Watermaster Engineer to be required under the circumstances, that such New Production will not cause Material Injury.
LLC., Anti-Dumping Investigation on Imports of Cellulose Pulp, Comments Regarding Material Injury and Causality, 29 July 2013, (Exhibit CAN-12), p.
Although all transfers will be subject to hydrologic review by the Watermaster Engineer, no Material Injury analysis will be required on a transfer that results from a property sale.
Accordingly, the ITC must determine whether imports of the subject merchandise from the PRC materially injure, or threaten material injury to, a U.S. industry.Allegations and Evidence of Material Injury and CausationPetitioner alleges that imports of the subject merchandise are benefitting from countervailable subsidies and that such imports are causing, or threaten to cause, material injury to the U.S. industry producing the domestic like product.