Maximum Contractual Obligation Sample Clauses
Maximum Contractual Obligation. The maximum obligation of COUNTY under this Agreement shall not 12 exceed the amount of $9,750,000, or actual allowable costs, whichever is less.
Maximum Contractual Obligation. The maximum obligation of COUNTY under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of $970,800 or actual allowable costs, whichever is less. The estimated annual amount for each twelve (12) month period is as follows:
21.1.1 Year One: $300,000 for July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021;
21.1.2 Year Two: $300,000 for July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022; and
21.1.3 Year Three: $370,800 for July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.
Maximum Contractual Obligation. The maximum obligation of COUNTY under this Agreement shall not 20 exceed the amount of $1,500,000: The amount of $300,000 for July 1, 2015 21 through June 30, 2016; the amount of $300,000 for July 1, 2016 through June 22 30, 2017; the amount of $300,000 for July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018; the 23 amount of $300,000 for July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019; and the amount of 24 $300,000 for July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 or actual allowable costs, 25 whichever is less.
Maximum Contractual Obligation. The maximum obligation of COUNTY under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of $1,712,400, or actual allowable costs, whichever is less. The estimated annual amount for each twelve (12) month period is as follows:
22.1.1 Year One: $300,000 for July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021;
22.1.2 Year Two: $300,000 for July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022;
22.1.3 Year Three: $370,800 for July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023;
22.1.4 Year Three: $370,800 for July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024; and
22.1.5 Year Three: $370,800 for July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
Maximum Contractual Obligation. The maximum obligation of COUNTY under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of $1,237,500,370,800 or actual allowable costs, whichever is less. The estimated annual amount for each twelve (12) month period is as follows:
Maximum Contractual Obligation. The maximum obligation of COUNTY under this Agreement shall be
Maximum Contractual Obligation. The maximum obligation of COUNTY under this Agreement shall not 14 exceed the amount of $2,142,900: the amount of $714,300 for October 1, 2017 15 through September 30, 2018; the amount of $714,300 for October 1, 2018 through 16 September 30, 2019; and the amount of $714,300 for October 1, 2019 through 17 September 30, 2020, or actual allowable costs, whichever is less. This amount 18 shall consist of $1,500,000 for RSS as described in Exhibit A to this 19 Agreement; and $642,900 for RHS, as described in Exhibit B to this Agreement.
Maximum Contractual Obligation. 27 COUNTY shall pay to CONTRACTOR, monthly in arrears, the rate of 28 reimbursement for the services provided under this Agreement, as established by the State of 1 California, as stated in CDSS Manual of Policies and Procedures, Division 11, Chapter 11-425.1. 2 Payments shall accrue from the date a Xxxxxx Youth/NMD is placed and terminate on the date 3 before the Xxxxxx Youth/NMD is discharged, removed, runs away, or otherwise leaves 4 CONTRACTOR’s facility. No payment shall accrue to CONTRACTOR if the Xxxxxx Youth/NMD 5 is placed and removed from CONTRACTOR’s facility and placed in another facility on the same 6 day, i.e., the Xxxxxx Youth/NMD must spend the night in CONTRACTOR’s facility before 7 payment will accrue.
8 19.1.1 It is mutually understood that CDSS determines CONTRACTOR’s Rate 9 Classification Level (RCL) and sets a corresponding rate using the standardized schedule of rates 10 specified in WIC Section 11462(f), (g), and (h). CONTRACTOR’s RCL is determined using 11 points resulting from the total number of eligible weighted hours per Xxxxxx Youth/NMD per 12 month of Child Care Service, Social Work Activities, and Mental Health Treatment Services, 13 divided by ninety (90) percent of CONTRACTOR's licensed capacity. The total number of points 14 determines CONTRACTOR’s RCL.
15 19.1.2 CONTRACTOR shall be reimbursed at the approved RCL rate until such 16 time that CONTRACTOR becomes licensed as an STRTP. An approved STRTP CONTRACTOR 17 shall be reimbursed at the STRTP rate, as determined by CDSS in accordance with WIC Section 18 11462(c). Monthly reimbursement rate shall be pro-rated accordingly by the number of days in 19 the month at the approved RCL rate and STRTP rate in the event that CONTRACTOR is licensed 20 as an STRTP on a date other than the first day of the month.
21 19.1.3 CONTRACTOR shall submit to CDSS a completed rate application for 22 each program on a biennial basis according to a schedule determined by CDSS, in accordance with 23 Welfare and Institutions Code Section 11462(a)(3)(A).
24 19.1.4 Upon prior written approval of Xxxxxx Youth’s/NMD’s Social 25 Worker/Probation Officer, COUNTY may continue to pay for residential care for up to fourteen 26 (14) calendar days when a Xxxxxx Youth/NMD leaves CONTRACTOR’s facility prior to the 27 planned discharge date (e.g., runaway) if CONTRACTOR has agreed to take the Xxxxxx 28 Youth/NMD back immediately upon notice during the period of continued payment.
Maximum Contractual Obligation. 21 The maximum obligation of COUNTY under this Agreement shall not 22 exceed the following amounts: the amount of $151,804 for March 1, 2014 through 23 June 30, 2014; the amount of $435,278 for July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; 24 and the amount of $447,928 for July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, for a total 25 aggregate of $1,035,010, or actual allowable costs, whichever is less. 26 At no time shall clients be charged or required to pay any amount 27 for services provided to their child(xxx) enrolled in the Early Childhood 28 Development Center.
Maximum Contractual Obligation. The maximum obligation of COUNTY under this MOU shall be $1,961,656 or actual allowable costs, whichever is less. COUNTY will submit a quarterly claim to CDSS for reimbursement from Title IV-E for the federal share of OCDE expenses incurred for performance of Title IV-E allowable administrative activities. Upon receipt of the reimbursement, COUNTY will pay OCDE the amount received.