National Health Insurance Sample Clauses
National Health Insurance. In the event the National government should enact a National Health Insurance Program and this program replaces any part of the existing insurance coverage, there shall be no decrease in total Board contribution in insurance benefits. Negotiations shall be reopened within thirty days after enactment of such legislation to renegotiate any monies made available less the amount necessary to fund the national program.
National Health Insurance. In the event that a National Health Insurance Act becomes law during the term of this contract, it is agreed that those provisions of the present agreement affected by this law shall be reviewed and discussed by the parties.
National Health Insurance. In the event a National Health Program is enacted that would effect the benefits in this agreement, both parties would agree to meet and negotiate over the impact of such a program on the above benefit package. However, the benefits of the employee shall not be lowered during the life of this agreement or altered until an agreement is reached.
National Health Insurance. Section 9.1 In the event National or State Health Insurance becomes law, this agreement shall be opened for the sole and exclusive purpose of apportioning the amount currently being contributed to the Wisconsin Laborers’ Health Fund. The reapportionment shall be made in accordance with agreement reached between the Trustees of that fund, the Associated General Contractors of Wisconsin, Inc. and Independent Contractors, and the Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council.
National Health Insurance. If subsequent to ratification of this Agreement, a law is enacted which requires the School District to pay for a fund, or to a state or national health insurance system, to provide, in whole or in part, the same or similar health benefits as those already provided under this Agreement, then the School District's obligation to continue the health benefits provided for in this Agreement shall cease and the parties will immediately enter into negotiations relative to those health provisions.
National Health Insurance. Should National Health Insurance become a reality, the superintendent will meet with representatives of the Association to discuss how provisions of this contract, affected by such a plan, may be modified to complement the provisions of the National Health Insurance Program.
National Health Insurance. (a) It is recognized that without any specific details of Federal legislation on National Health Insurance which could be enacted, it is not possible at this time to envision implications of such legislation on the Group Health and Life Insurance Plan. It is mutually agreed by the Company and Union the Plan should not duplicate the benefits of a National Health Insurance program.
(b) It is further agreed by the parties that in no case will the company’s total liability for costs for the Plan plus any tax or premium contribution required from the Company by legislation or regulation exceed that in effect immediately prior to the implementation of such Federal legislation or regulation.
National Health Insurance. In the event that the Congress of the United States enacts a national health insurance program or the State of Connecticut enacts a state-wide insurance program which would duplicate any of the group insurance benefits provided by the Board under this Agreement, when and in that event, the Board and the F.E.A. shall meet to:
a. verify the area(s) of duplication;
b. verify the amount of money by which premiums will be reduced by the Board through elimination of that part of the Board's group insurance program which reflects said duplication, and;
c. determine if there are rebates due, their amounts and their distribution.
National Health Insurance. The A x x iralty pays th e full contribu tion a t a special rate, w ithout deduction from the ratin g ’s pay.
National Health Insurance. In the event National Health Insurance legislation is enacted during the term of this Agreement, all moneys expended for the present health and welfare benefits shall automatically be subject to negotiations between the Employer and the Union for other benefits except that portion of these moneys necessary to provide the National Health Insurance.