Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule definition

Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule means the Project schedule required to be submitted with the Proposal and meeting the requirements set forth in Section 4.3 of Exhibit B to the ITP.
Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule means the preliminary schedule submitted with the Proposal, as set forth in Attachment 2 to Exhibit 7.
Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule means the East End Crossing schedule for design and construction required to be submitted with the Proposal and meeting the requirements set forth in Section 4.1.4 of Exhibit B to the ITP.

Examples of Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule in a sentence

  • The Proposal will be deemed non-responsive if the number of days is greater than that shown in the Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule Proposer shall submit a Proposal Price Value using Form O setting forth the Price Value to be used in the determination of the Price Score and Total Proposal Score.

  • The Project Baseline Schedule shall include the Baseline Substantial Completion Date set forth in the Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule.

  • The number of days to achieve Substantial Completion shown on Form P may be less than that represented in the Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule included with the Technical Proposal.

  • All Float contained in the Project Schedule, as shown in the Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule or as generated thereafter, shall be considered a Project resource available to either Party or both Parties as needed to absorb delays caused by any event, achieve schedule milestones, interim completion dates and/or Completion Deadlines.

  • The Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule shall include key activities and milestones included in the design-build baseline schedule and the operations and maintenance baseline schedule (within the Project Schedule).

  • The Proposal shall include a summary level Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule and narrative for all design, construction and operations and maintenance during the construction of the Project (the “Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule”).

  • Proposer’s Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule submission shall not limit, modify or alter TxDOT’s ability to review and approve the Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule, and selection of a Proposer shall not be deemed to be acceptance or approval of Proposer’s Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule.

  • The Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule shall use a high level critical path method and shall represent Proposer’s plan for completing the Work between NTP and Substantial Completion.

  • The Schedule Solutions component of the Proposal shall describe Proposer’s approach to implementing the work and shall include the Construction Staging, Sequence and Traffic Management and a Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule and additional associated information, as described in this Section 4.1.

  • Describe the approach used for preparing, controlling and updating the Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule, for calculating progress performance, and preparing Draw Requests on a monthly basis.

More Definitions of Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule

Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule means the preliminary schedule submitted with the Proposal, as set forth in Exhibit 9.
Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule means the time-scaled, Critical Path
Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule means the logic-based critical path schedule for all D&C Work attached hereto as Exhibit 31 , as required by the Requirements and Provisions for Work, that is submitted with the Preferred Proposer’s Technical Proposal and updated prior to the Lease Commencement Date as part of the Finalized Proposal, and is the basis of the Project Baseline Schedule. For the avoidance of doubt, the Preliminary Project Baseline Schedule will include the scheduled New Facilities Construction Milestone Completion Dates, the scheduled Substantial Completion Date and the scheduled Final Acceptance Date.