Examples of Production Rate in a sentence
The Performance Test Procedures for the LNG Production Rate Performance Test, including the measurement and calculation methods, shall be in accordance with the following general parameters, subject to change only by mutual agreement of the Owner and Contractor in accordance with Section 21.2 of the Agreement.
If, before or during the LNG Production Rate Performance Test, any deviation from the LNG Production Rate Guarantee Conditions occurs which is not caused by Contractor or its Subcontractors, then the Owner and Contractor shall meet to agree on (a) the technical viability of conducting the LNG Production Rate Performance Test and (b) any adjustments to the Performance Guarantee set forth in this Attachment S and Attachment T.
Owner and Contractor shall confirm that the LNG Production Rate Guarantee Conditions: (i) have been satisfied prior to commencement of the LNG Production Rate Performance Test and (ii) continue to be satisfied during the conduct of the LNG Production Rate Performance Test.
The LNG Production Rate Performance Test shall be conducted in accordance with the LNG Production Rate Guarantee Conditions specified in Section 2.4 and the Performance Test Procedures specified in Section 2.5 of this Attachment S.
If the average gas turbine power measured over the test period deviates from the derated gas turbine power as specified in this Attachment S paragraph 2.4, paragraph 2, then the LNG Production Rate Test results will be adjusted proportionally to the ratio of derated gas turbine power to the average measured power upon mutual agreement of Owner and Contractor.