Examples of Program Trading in a sentence
Mr. Marchal was also Deutsche Bank Securities’ Managing Director, and was in charge of Sales Trading, Agency Execution, Program Trading, Listed Futures, and Options and Connectivity Sales.
Clients who interact with CGMI via Program Trading and/or High Touch will be enabled at Citi’s discretion based on factors including, but not limited to, overall client relationship and technology capabilities -- clients may request opt-out by contacting a Citi sales representative.
The Equity Sales Department is divided into the Global Equity Sales Desk (for advising and consulting institutional investors on the purchase and sale of global equities); the Program Trading Desk (for marketing portfolio products); and the Global Sales Trading Desk (to serve as an interface when advising on customer order placements, order taking and order forwarding to the other Citigroup Trading Desks).
Tick Size Pilot Program Trading and Quoting FAQs, available at: http://www.nasdaqtrader.com/content/MarketRegulation/TickSize/TickSizePilotT radingandQuotingFAQs.pdf.FAQ #170 states that The OTC Trading Center may rely on the Block Size exception irrespective of whether it routes an ISO, as required by Regulation NMS Rule 611, to execute against the full displayed size of any Protected Quotation with a price superior to the price at which the Block Size order was executed.
The Commission willSECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION[Release No. 34–54055; File No. SR–NYSE– 2006–32]Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change Relating to the NYSE Retail Trading Product and the NYSE Program Trading ProductJune 28, 2006.
Currently, SCCP charges remote specialist units a fee of $0.30 per round- lot trade side and $0.10 per odd- lot trade side for all of the remote specialist unit’s trades, including any Program Trading Sides.
Press Release, NYSE, Program Trading Averaged 48.6 Percent of NYSE Volume during June 22-26 (July 7, 2009), http://www.nyse.com/press/1246962735805.html (reporting that in June of 2009, Program Trading accounted for over 48% of all volume on the NYSE in one business week).
The Exchange proposes to discontinue the NYSE Retail Trading Product (‘‘NYSE ReTrac’’) and the NYSE Program Trading Product (‘‘NYSE ProTrac’’) market data product offerings.
The NYSE Program Trading Product consists of: (A) A real-time data feed of certain execution report information that has been recorded as program trades; 6 and (B) an end-of-day summary of program trading activity on the Exchange for that day, including total index arbitrage program trading volume.
The Regulation of Program Trading, 8 Computer L.J. 479 (1988) https://repository.law.uic.edu/jitpl/vol8/iss4/5 This Comments is brought to you for free and open access by UIC Law Open Access Repository.