Project Force Majeure Event definition

Project Force Majeure Event has the meaning given in clause 19.1 (“Definition of Project Force Majeure Event”).
Project Force Majeure Event has the meaning given in clause 9.1 (“Definition of Project Force Majeure Event”).
Project Force Majeure Event is an event or circumstance, or combination of events or circumstances, occurring after the Signing Date that: is not within the reasonable control of Project Operator; and Project Operator could not have avoided, mitigated, remedied or overcome through the exercise of reasonable care, compliance with its obligations under this agreement and Good Industry Practice, including: a Major Casualty Event; and any curtailment or congestion affecting the availability of the Network, that satisfies the above criteria. For the purposes of paragraph (a), the following do not constitute a Project Force Majeure Event: lack of funds, financial hardship, failure or inability of any person to pay any sum due and payable, or the inability of Project Operator (or any of its Related Bodies Corporate) to obtain financing or insurance or to make a profit or to achieve a satisfactory rate of return; a shortage or delay in delivery of materials, consumables, equipment or utilities required by Project Operator or any failure by Project Operator to hold sufficient stock of spares, except to the extent that such a circumstance is itself caused by a Project Force Majeure Event; a malfunction, temporary unavailability, breakdown or failure of Project Operator’s equipment, property or assets caused by normal wear and tear; any event or circumstance arising due to a failure by Project Operator, any of its Related Bodies Corporate or any of their respective employees, agents or Subcontractors to take reasonable measures to maintain, secure and protect any equipment, property or asset in accordance with Good Industry Practice, except to the extent that such a circumstance is itself caused by a Project Force Majeure Event; strikes, industrial disputes or other industrial actions or disruption that only affect Project Operator or any group of companies of which it is a part; failure by any person (other than the other party to this agreement) to perform an obligation, except when such failure is caused by any event or circumstance that, if such event or circumstance had happened to Project Operator, would have been a Project Force Majeure Event under this agreement; delay in obtaining any Authorisation required to be held by a party to perform its obligations under this agreement; any absence, failure, lack or excess of any Input Resource, at the site of the Project; wet or inclement weather (other than extreme storms, floods, hurricanes, cyclones, tornados, typhoons, tsunamis, ice and ice...

Examples of Project Force Majeure Event in a sentence

  • PFME Generation The “PFME Generation” for a Trading Interval is an amount (in MWh) equal to Sent Out Generation that would have been generated during that Trading Interval but for a Project Force Majeure Event (and, for the purposes of this clause only, Project Operator will not be taken to have caused any curtailment or congestion affecting the availability of the Network by virtue of the Project dispatching electricity to the Network).

  • If there is no Project Force Majeure Event affecting the Trading Interval, then PFME Generation is deemed to be zero; and MLFTI = the Marginal Loss Factor for the Trading Interval.

More Definitions of Project Force Majeure Event

Project Force Majeure Event is an event or circumstance, or combination of events or circumstances, occurring after the Signing Date that:
Project Force Majeure Event is an event or circumstance which is beyond the reasonable control of LTES Operator and could not have prevented by the exercise of reasonable care and good electricity industry practice. (b) Despite paragraph (a), the following events will not constitute a Project Force Majeure Event: (i) lack of funds, financial hardship or inability to obtain financing or insurance by LTES Operator and its related bodies corporate; (ii) shortage of materials and consumables required by LTES Operator except to the extent it is itself caused by a Project Force Majeure Event; (iii) breakdown of property or equipment caused by normal wear and tear; (iv) strikes and industrial disputes that only affect LTES Operator; and (v) lack of solar/wind resources. (c) If LTES Operator is delayed in: (i) achieving the Milestones by the Milestone Sunset Dates; or (ii) satisfying the Generation Conditions by the COD Target Date or COD Sunset Date, as a result of a Project Force Majeure Event, then LTES Operator must: (iii) use best endeavours to overcome the impact of the Project Force Majeure Event; and (iv) as soon as reasonably practicable (and no later than 5 Business Days after the commencement of the Project Force Majeure Event) provide notice of the occurrence of the Project Force Majeure Event including reasonable details of that Project Force Majeure Event. No Item Detail

Related to Project Force Majeure Event

  • Force Majeure Event means an event beyond the affected party’s reasonable control, including (without limitation) accidents, severe weather events, acts of God, actions of any government agency, epidemic, pandemic, acts of terrorism, or the stability or availability of the Internet or a portion thereof.

  • Relevant Force Majeure Event means a Force Majeure Event in relation to which an Affected Party is claiming relief under this Clause 17; and

  • Force Majeure means an event beyond the control of the supplier and not involving the supplier’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but is not restricted to, acts of the purchaser in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes.

  • Force Majeure Events means acts of war, domestic and/or international terrorism, civil riots or rebellions, quarantines, embargoes and other similar unusual governmental actions, extraordinary elements of nature or acts of God.

  • Force Majeure Report means a report to be given by the Affected Party to the other party following the giving of a Force Majeure Notice;

  • Force Majeure Exception means any failure or delay in the performance of the Issuer's reporting obligation pursuant to Section 2.4 arising out of or caused, directly or indirectly, by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God; earthquakes; flood; terrorism; wars and other military disturbances; sabotage; epidemics; riots; loss or malfunctions of utilities, computer (hardware or software) or communication services; accidents; acts of civil or military authority and governmental action. The Issuer shall use commercially reasonable efforts to commence performance of its obligations during any of the foregoing circumstances.

  • Force Majeure Notice means a notice to be given by the Affected Party to the other party stating that a Force Majeure Event has occurred;

  • Event of Force Majeure means one of the following events:

  • Unavoidable Delay means an event which delays Closing which is a strike, fire, explosion, flood, act of God, civil insurrection, act of war, act of terrorism or pandemic, plus any period of delay directly caused by the event, which are beyond the reasonable control of the Vendor and are not caused or contributed to by the fault of the Vendor. “Unavoidable Delay Period” means the number of days between the Purchaser’s receipt of written notice of the commencement of the Unavoidable Delay, as required by paragraph 5(b), and the date on which the Unavoidable Delay concludes.

  • Unavoidable Delays means delays due to any of the following, and only the following, (provided that such delay is beyond Construction Manager’s reasonable control): war, insurrection, civil commotion, strikes, slowdowns, lock outs, riots, flood, earthquakes, fires, casualties, acts of God, acts of a public enemy, acts of terrorism, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, lack of transportation, governmental moratoriums, unusually severe or abnormal weather conditions, failure of utilities, or a court order which causes a delay (unless resulting from a wrongful act of Construction Manager). In no event shall the application to Construction Manager of any applicable law, regulation, rule or other governmental requirement constitute an Unavoidable Delay. Contractor shall use reasonable good faith efforts to notify Owner not later than five (5) days after Construction Manager knows of the occurrence of an Unavoidable Delay. An extension of time for an Unavoidable Delay shall only be for the period of the Unavoidable Delay, which period shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the cause of the Unavoidable Delay.

  • Planned Service Interruption means a Service Interruption that has been scheduled to occur in accordance with Schedule 5;

  • Service Interruption means, in relation to the supply of electricity to an ICP the cessation of supply to that ICP for a period exceeding the time allowed for interruptions in the relevant Service Standard, other than in accordance with this agreement;

  • Excused Outage means any disruption to or unavailability of Services caused by or due to (i) Scheduled Maintenance,

  • Excusable Delay means a delay due to acts of God, governmental restrictions, stays, judgments, orders, decrees, enemy actions, civil commotion, fire, casualty, strikes, work stoppages, shortages of labor or materials or other causes beyond the reasonable control of Borrower, but lack of funds in and of itself shall not be deemed a cause beyond the control of Borrower.

  • Uncontrollable Circumstance means any act, event or condition that is:

  • Planned Outage means the removal of equipment from service availability for inspection and/or general overhaul of one or more major equipment groups. To qualify as a Planned Outage, the maintenance (a) must actually be conducted during the Planned Outage, and in Seller’s sole discretion must be of the type that is necessary to reliably maintain the Project, (b) cannot be reasonably conducted during Project operations, and (c) causes the generation level of the Project to be reduced by at least ten percent (10%) of the Contract Capacity.

  • Outage means the state of a component when it is not available to perform its intended function due to some event directly associated with that component. An outage may or may not cause an interruption of service to customers, depending on system configuration.

  • Excused Downtime means the number of minutes in the Charging Period, rounded to the nearest minute that the link state of Customer’s Port is ‘down’ due to:

  • Disaster means a sudden emergency occurrence beyond the control of the licensee, whether natural, technological, or man-made, that renders the licensee unable to operate the facility or makes the facility uninhabitable.