Reaching Agreement Sample Clauses
Reaching Agreement. As a tentative agreement is reached on each issue, it shall be reduced to writing and initialed by each party. When total consensus is reached, the proposed successor agreement shall be reduced to writing and submitted to the Association and the Board for ratification.
Reaching Agreement. When agreement is reached covering the areas under discussion, the proposed Agreement shall be reduced in writing as a memorandum of understanding and signed by a representative of each negotiating team. Agreement on individual items during the negotiations is binding only when all items are agreed upon. Procedures for ratification of the Agreement by the Association and the Board shall be completed within ten (10) school days after the conclusion of negotiations.
Reaching Agreement. When consensus is reached covering the areas under discussion, agreements will be initialed by both parties and the proposed agreement shall be reduced to writing as a memorandum of understanding and submitted to the Association and the Board for approval. Following approval by a majority of the Association membership and by a majority of the Board, the Board will take such action upon the recommendation(s) submitted as are necessary to make them official.
Reaching Agreement. Upon agreement by the official negotiating teams, the proposed total agreement shall be reduced to writing as a memorandum of understanding, signed by a representative of each team, and submitted to the ratifying body of the Association and the Board for approval within ten (10) school days following receipt of the contract from the negotiating teams.
Reaching Agreement. Within thirty (30) days from the time the tentative agreement is reached by the parties, it shall be submitted first to the Association and then to the Board for ratification. Upon ratification, it shall be signed by the appropriate representatives.
Reaching Agreement. As tentative agreement is reached on each issue, it shall be so dated and initialed by each party. When consensus is reached covering the areas under discussion, the proposed agreement shall be reduced to writing as a tentative agreement and submitted to the Association and Board for approval. The parties agree to pledge to expedite the approval of the Tentative Agreement by the Board and the Association. Following approval by the Association and by the Board, the Board shall, by resolution, adopt the agreement as its official policy. The Association agrees to abide by the terms of the agreement and to take the necessary action to VI. RESOLVING DIFFERENCES (impasse procedures)
Reaching Agreement. 1. As tentative agreement is reached on each issue, it shall be so noted and initialed by each party. When consensus is reached eovering the areas under discussion, the proposed agreement shall be reduced to writing as a tentative agreement and submitted to the Association and the Board for approval. The Assoeiation and the Board agree to abide by the terms of the agreement and to take the necessary action to advise their respective members of the terms of the agreement in the maimer that they see fit.
2. The Board and the Association shall equally share in the cost of printing the Master Agreement in sufficient numbers and in an 8.5” x 11” size for all members of the Association, Administration and the Board, plus twenty-five (25) additional copies for the Board in an 8.5”x 11” format. As new bargaining unit members are hired, the Administration shall provide such persons, upon employment, with a copy of the applieable Master Agreement.
Reaching Agreement. As agreement is reached between the teams on each issue, it shall be reduced to writing and initialed by representatives of both teams indicating tentative agreement. When all items under consideration have been resolved, the total document of issues shall be submitted to the Association to ratify and then submitted to the Board for approval at its next regular or special meeting. Upon affirmative action by the Board, the terms of the agreement shall become Board Policy and both parties agree to abide by the terms and conditions so stated. The Board shall provide copies of the agreement to all teachers within thirty (30) school days of its action. The Association will be responsible to advise its members of the terms and conditions of the issues agreed to set forth in the agreement.
Reaching Agreement. Tentative agreement on negotiated items shall be reduced to writing and initialed by the representatives of each team, but such initialing shall not be construed as final agreement. "Tentative," as used herein, shall have the meaning ascribed by Xxxxxxx’x Third New International Dictionary. When consensus is reached covering the areas under discussion, the proposed agreement shall be reduced to writing, entitled Tentative Negotiated Agreement between North Canton Education Association and Board of Education of North Canton City School District, and submitted to the Association and the Board, respectively, for approval. Following approval by the Association and adoption by the Board, the agreement becomes binding on both the Association and the Board.
Reaching Agreement. As agreement is reached between the teams on each issue, it shall be reduced to writing and initialed by representatives of both teams indicating tentative agreement. When all items under consideration have been resolved, the Agreement shall be submitted to the Association for their consideration. After ratification by the Association, it shall be submitted to the Board for their consideration at the next regular or special meeting. Both parties agree to abide by the terms and conditions so stated. After ratification by the Association and approval by the Board, the Agreement shall be signed within thirty (30) days or the non-signator will be presumed to have waived signature. The Association will be responsible to advise its members on the terms and conditions of the issues agreed to, as set forth in the Agreement.