New Bargaining Unit Members Sample Clauses
New Bargaining Unit Members. Paragraph 1: Upon reemployment in or transfer to the teachers bargaining unit, teachers will be subject to decisions by the Human Resources Division concern- ing temporary leave, longevity payments and other terms and conditions of em- ployment. Such decisions shall be based on relevant provisions of applicable policies, procedures and employment agreements in addition to the past practices of the District, maintenance of equity among employees and the intent of the applicable language involved.
New Bargaining Unit Members. By the tenth (10th) day of Winter and Spring Quarters, the College shall provide the Association with a list of the employee identification number, hire date, employee type, salary schedule placement (both adjunct and Full-Time rank), home address, work and personal phone numbers, program assignment, and work and personal email addresses.
New Bargaining Unit Members. COSATS shall be responsible for providing a copy of the negotiated Agreement to all new bargaining unit members.
New Bargaining Unit Members. The Association, as the exclusive representative for the Bargaining Unit, shall be provided the names, and home or mailing address of newly hired Bargaining Unit employees, to the extent such information is contained in District personnel records twice annually, once in September and once in February.
New Bargaining Unit Members. The District will provide the Association with a list of all newly hired bargaining unit members (both union members and non-union members) on or before September 30 of each year. The District will provide in digital format (Excel or equivalent) the names, home address, grade level/assignment, date of hire, full time equivalent (FTE) status, employment status (i.e., Probationary, Permanent, Temporary, etc.) of newly hired unit members and The District will update this information as new hires occur up until the end of June. The District shall provide updated information to the Association upon request. The District will withhold addresses of unit members who so request.
New Bargaining Unit Members. After four years in the district, successful completion of the Resident Educator Program, acquisition of 5 year professional license and a contract renewal, a stipend of $600 shall be paid.
New Bargaining Unit Members. SDEA shall be responsible for providing a copy of the negotiated Agreement to all new bargaining unit members.
New Bargaining Unit Members e.1 New members of the Bargaining Unit bringing no accrued sick leave will be granted an automatic ten (10) day advancement of sick leave their first day of work.
e.2 This leave shall be repaid by earned sick leave before additional advances are made.
e.3 This initial ten (10) day advancement of sick leave shall be excluded from the maximum of three (3) leave advancements listed under ALL BARGAINING UNIT MEMBERS.
New Bargaining Unit Members. New bargaining unit members who have been employed for at least 45 six months as of July 1 following the commencement of service will receive the applicable base wage 46 increase as of July 1. New bargaining unit members who have not been employed for at least six 47 months as of July 1 following the commencement of service will receive one half the applicable base 48 wage increase as of July 1.
New Bargaining Unit Members. New bargaining unit members who have been employed for at least 47 six months as of July 1 following the commencement of service will receive the applicable base wage 48 increase as of July 1. New bargaining unit members who have not been employed for at least six 49 months as of July 1 following the commencement of service will receive one half the applicable base 50 wage increase as of July 1.
51 D. Longevity: A 20-year longevity payment of $350 and a 25-year longevity payment of $450 will be paid 52 to unit members who have been employees in the District in the Buildings and Grounds Department for 53 over 20 and 25 years.