Examples of Rental Units in a sentence
Section 5.01 The Owner will keep accurate records pertaining to the use and occupancy of the Rental Component, including but not limited to: 1) rent rolls that detail the specific monthly rent received for each of the Non-Market Rental Units; and 2) detailed tenant files which include evidence that tenants of Non-Market Rental Units meet the eligibility criteria for Non-Market Rental Units, such records to be to the satisfaction of the City.
Following occupancy of the building, the Owner must provide the City with a statutory declaration in the form attached hereto as Schedule A-1 on the first business day of January each year, that declares that the Permitted Rent of the Affordable Rental Units and the Income Thresholds of the Income Tested Tenants who hold Tenancy Agreements for the Affordable Rental Units all meet the requirements found within this Housing Agreement.
While staff would prefer a greater number of below-market units as originally proposed, below-market units are not required for this project under the Inclusionary Zoning – Affordable Rental Units Policy.
The Owner covenants with the City that the Owner will not sell or transfer, or agree to sell or transfer, any interest in any building on the Lands containing an Affordable Rental Unit other than a full interest in the title to all Dwellings Units, and to a person that will continue to ensure that all Affordable Rental Units are available for rental in accordance with this Agreement.
Inclusionary Zoning – Affordable Rental Units Policy As 100% of the units will be rental units the Policy does not apply.