Representative Market Rate definition
Examples of Representative Market Rate in a sentence
The interest will be calculated and paid in Colombian pesos using the average Representative Market Rate of the Days in which the late payment interest accrues.
The amount payable will be determined based on the Service Fee certified in dollars and it will be calculated using the official Representative Market Rate (TRM) certified by the Financial Superintendence of the first day of the month of provision of the Services.
The payments will be made in Colombian pesos using the arithmetic average of the Representative Market Rate certified by the Financial Superintendence or the entity that takes its place, of the first day of the month that corresponds to the Service invoice.
The payments will be made in Colombian pesos using the arithmetic average of the Representative Market Rate certified by the Financial Superintendence or the entity that takes its place, of the days of the month that corresponds to the Service invoice.
Shareholder-Approved Profit Distribution for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2021 (1) U.S. dollar amounts converted to Colombian pesos for informational purposes, based on the average monthly Representative Market Rate (Tasa Representativa del Mercado – TRM) published by the Colombian Superintendence of Finance for the year ended December 31, 2021 of $1.00 = approximately COP$3,729.86.