Dollar Exchange Rate definition
Examples of Dollar Exchange Rate in a sentence
All amounts denominated in other currencies shall be converted in the US Dollar equivalent amount in accordance with the Dollar Exchange Rate on the date of calculation.
Trinidad Tobago Dollar Exchange Rate Table, EXCHANGERATES.ORG.UK, (last visited May 7, 2014) (stating exchange rates of Trinidad Tobago Dollars, including 3:1 for Barbadian Dollars, 3:1 for Belize Dollars, and 1:17 for Jamaican Dollars).
Amidst this Indian rupee remained volatile and performed a range bound movement as shown in the chart below: Rupee Dollar Exchange Rate Trend – Apr 2012 to Mar 2013 India continues to sit on a huge latent demand; however more policy reforms are required to improve the economic situation and investor confidence.
The exceptions were the three components Survey Results for Business Conditions, Survey Results for Business Expectations and U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate.
Take Advantage of the Window of Opportunity due to Low Dollar Exchange Rate: The trend in the weak U.S. dollar has made U.S. products more competitive.