RIF definition
Examples of RIF in a sentence
A committee consisting of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the Federation President shall annually assign each tenured or probationary academic employee to the appropriate RIF unit in order of seniority as defined in Section C.
All faculty members included in an additional RIF unit shall resubmit a request to remain in that RIF unit on a three (3)-year cycle.
If a reduction is determined to be necessary within a RIF unit, the order of reduction shall be based on seniority; provided that temporary faculty performing assignments associated with the RIF unit shall be released prior to implementing a reduction-in-force affecting probationary or tenured faculty in that unit.
For purposes of reduction in force, all teachers will be classified according to the N.H. DOE Endorsement area and their assignment at the time of the RIF.
The faculty member shall make a written request for inclusion in an additional RIF unit to the Vice President of Human Resources no later than the end of October.