EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. The parties agree that the extra-duty schedules to be affected by this Agreement are accurately reflected in Appendix A.
EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. The extra duty schedule for the teachers of the district shall be in accordance with Exhibit “B” attached. If a position is dropped, so will the salary for that position. The Board has the right to discontinue or reduce any position.
EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. The wages and salaries in Schedule D, attached hereto, shall be part of this Agreement for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years. Teachers may choose to accumulate compensatory
EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. 13.2.1 The Stipend Schedule shall be part of this Agreement. Compensation for extra duty assignments of teachers is not included in the basic contract. The extra duty contract is an addendum to the teacher's contract since persons serve in special assignment capacities at the discretion of the Board of Education and administration. Acceptance of extra duty assignments with pay does not exempt a teacher from being asked to assume additional duties without pay at the discretion of the building principal. All extra duty assignments are subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Schools, with ratification by the Board of Education.
13.2.2 An annual system of review of extra duty assignments and stipends will be established by the Board and Association to ensure that each position or category is analyzed to determine necessary stipend adjustments.
EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. When a coach drives the bus of the activity that he/she coaches, payment will be made as follows/ activity:
EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. 22.1 At the beginning of each school year, the principal, after receiving input from the teachers, shall establish a daily duty schedule. Under normal circumstances, said schedule shall assign duties to teachers on a rotating and equitable basis.
EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. The extra-duty salary schedule is attached to this Agreement as Appendix B and by this reference is incorporated herein. The PERS pick-up is also applied to all of these extra-duty salaries. All extra-duty assignments shall be on a contract that is separate and apart from the teacher's regular contract. The District retains the right to subcontract out extra-duty assignments when no bargaining unit member is willing and qualified to serve in the assignment.
EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. An extra-duty schedule shall be attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as an Appendix.
EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. The extra-duty schedules, identified as Appendix X-0, X-0 and B-3, shall be incorporated into this Agreement with the understanding that the inclusion therein does not limit the right of the Board to approve or disapprove filling such positions or to create and fill positions not included in this schedule. All extra duty positions will be posted and filled as provided in Article 7.14A of this Agreement, except temporarily, in case of unexpected vacancies. A list of all extra duty positions, including multiple and shared positions, will be given to the Association annually after the end of the student school year.
EXTRA DUTY SCHEDULE. Compensation for extra-duty assignments shall be according to the extra-duty schedule, which is attached hereto as Appendix B and made part of this agreement. All persons eligible to advance on the extra-duty schedule shall be advanced. Each person will advance one step if his or her evaluation remains satisfactory. When a sponsor/coach changes assignments within the same activity but moves into a higher category, he/she shall be placed at Step 1 (Years of Experience) of the new category. When the assignment change is a move to a lower numbered category, the sponsor/coach shall be given the years of experience accrued within the same activity. Any staff member wishing to secure yearly activity pass(es) will first meet the requirements listed in Appendix C of this document. A teacher who is assigned duties such as tasks at school-sponsored events after school hours shall be paid according to the schedule in Appendix C. An activity event is defined as an event, as shown in Appendix C.