Leaving School Sample Clauses

Leaving School. 1. Teachers may leave the school campus during non-student contact time for occasional personal requirements without utilizing personal leave. Teachers who leave the campus must sign out in the school office, give their destination, and sign in when returning to campus. 2. By prior arrangement with the principals, a teacher who has a supplemental obligation at another school shall be allowed to leave school during non-student contact time and prior to the close of the regular day at no loss of pay, accumulated leave, nor be required to make up time missed. If a substitute is needed, the cost will be paid by the school sponsoring the activity. 3. However, this shall not exempt a teacher from participating in the activities which normally occur such as faculty, department, team or grade level meetings; participating in conferences with parents or professionals or assigned duties at their primary school site.
Leaving School. Teachers shall be allowed to leave their schools during their lunch periods. Teachers may also leave the building at any other time at the discretion of the Building Administrator. If the Building Administrator is not available, a district office administrator must be contacted. District office administrators can be contacted through the Superintendent's Secretary. If no administrator is at the District office, the secretary will log the request and the teacher may be allowed to leave the building.
Leaving School. Teachers may have occasion to leave their school building during the school day. Any such absence must have prior approval by the build- ing principal or his/her designee. Leaving school during the school day shall be for school-related busi- ness or emergency reasons only.
Leaving School. If you need to leave during the school day, bring a note from your parent to the Office in the morning to get an "Off Campus Pass". This will save you, your teacher, and your parent inconvenience when it comes time to leave campus. You may never leave campus without a pass from the Office and parent permission. If you do, you will be breaking the law requiring you to be at school (truancy). Truants are not allowed to make up schoolwork as are legally absent students; thus their grades are affected.

Related to Leaving School

  • Trial Service Period An employee who has satisfactorily completed their probationary period and who is subsequently appointed to a position in another classification shall serve a twelve (12) month trial service period, in accordance with Section 10.1.3. 10.4.1 The trial service period shall provide the department with the opportunity to observe the employee's work and to train and aid the employee in adjustment to the position, and to revert such an employee whose work performance fails to meet required standards. 10.4.2 An employee who has been appointed from one classification to another classification within the same or different department and who fails to satisfactorily complete the trial service period shall be reverted to a vacant position within that department and classification from which the employee was appointed. 10.4.3 Where no such vacancy exists, such employee shall be given fifteen (15) calendar days' written notice prior to being placed on a Reversion Recall List for their former department and former classification and being removed from the payroll. 10.4.4 An employee’s trial service period may be extended up to three (3) additional months by written mutual agreement between the department, the employee and the Union, subject to approval by the Seattle Human Resources Director prior to expiration of the trial service period. 10.4.5 Employees who have been reverted during the trial service period shall not have the right to appeal the reversion. 10.4.6 The names of regular employees who have been reverted for purposes of re- employment in their former department shall be placed upon a Reversion Recall List for the same classification from which they were promoted or transferred for a period of one (1) year from the date of reversion. 10.4.7 If a vacancy is to be filled in a department and a valid Reversion Recall List for the classification for that vacancy contains the name(s) of eligible employees who have been removed from the payroll from that classification and from that department, such employees shall be reinstated in order of their length of service in that classification. The employee who has the most service in that classification shall be the first reinstated. 10.4.8 An employee whose name is on a Valid Reversion Recall List for a specific job classification who accepts employment with the City in that same job classification shall have their name removed from the Reversion Recall List. Refusal to accept placement from a Reversion Recall List to a position the same, or essentially the same, as that which the employee previously held shall cause an employee’s name to be removed from the Reversion Recall List, which shall terminate rights to reemployment under this Reversion Recall List provision. 10.4.9 An employee whose name is on a valid Reversion Recall List who accepts employment with the City in another class and/or department shall have their name removed from the Reversion Recall List. 10.4.10 A reverted employee shall be paid at the step of the range which the employee normally would have received had the employee not been appointed.

  • TEACHING HOURS AND TEACHING LOAD Section 1 Work Day For the applicable agreement period, the normal work day will be seven and one-quarter (7 ¼) hours including arrival time fifteen (15) minutes before and departure time (15) minutes after the students’ school day. The normal work day will include uninterrupted prep time. The Building Principal, as authorized by the Superintendent, upon request of a teacher or group of teachers, may waive the requirement to remain fifteen (15) minutes after the school day for a specific day or days. It is recognized; however, that the proper performance of their duties may, on occasion, require these persons to work longer than the normal work day, i.e. for conferences, faculty meetings, department meetings, etc. Therefore, “mandatory meetings will occur two times per month and be no longer than 90 minutes in length, inclusive of the additional 15 minutes beyond the scheduled student school day. A schedule of the meetings will be distributed by June 30th of the previous school year, but may be changed at the discretion of the Principal with 48 hours’ notice.” Teachers will also remain at school after the fifteen (15) minutes described above, during one (1) day each calendar week for such periods of time as is necessary to provide students extra help, and/or to meet with parents or guardians, concerning the progress of their children or wards. No teacher shall be required to work more than a normal seven and one- quarter (7 ¼) hour day, including fifteen (15) minutes before and (15) minutes after the students’ school day, which will include uninterrupted prep time; this provision does not apply to other contractually agreed upon time and meetings. Should state law require a longer instructional day, or more days, the teachers shall work the added time and the parties shall immediately commence impact bargaining on the issue. This article does not purport to cover the arrival and departure time of teachers involved in special assignments. Section 2 Other Personnel Personnel other than classroom teachers will work at their assigned tasks for the length of the regular teachers' work day. The exact daily schedule will be worked out on an individual basis between the Administration and the employee with notification to the Association. Instructional Coaches are required to work an additional five (5) days at their per diem rate, beyond the work year for a total of 189 days. These days will be determined prior to the start of the new school year and at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Chief Academic Officer.

  • School Day The school day for members of the bargaining unit shall not exceed seven and one-half (7½) hours of consecutive time which shall include a duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period of no less than thirty (30) minutes.

  • Trainee is an individual who is a signatory to a training agreement registered with the relevant State or Territory Training Authority and is involved in paid work and structured training which may be on or off the job. Trainee does not include an individual who already has the competencies to which the traineeship is directed.

  • Vacation Carry Over (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, vacation leave for a period of not more than five (5) days may, with the consent of the immediate management supervisor, be carried over to the following year, but shall lapse if not used before the close of that year. Request for vacation carry over entitlement shall be made in writing by the Employee to the immediate management supervisor not later than January 31st of the year in which the vacation is earned, provided however that the immediate management supervisor may accept a shorter period of notice of the request. The immediate management supervisor shall respond in writing within one (1) calendar month of receiving an Employee’s request. (b) An Employee scheduled to take vacation and who is unable to do so within the vacation year due to illness, injury, or where operational requirements prevent the immediate management supervisor from scheduling vacation shall be entitled to carry over this unused vacation to the subsequent year.

  • ALTERNATE SCHOOL CALENDAR 1. In this article, an alternative school calendar is a school calendar that differs from the standard school calendar as specified in Schedule 1 (Supplement) of the School Calendar Regulation 114/02. 2. When a school district intends to implement an alternate school calendar, written notification shall be provided to the local no later than forty (40) working days prior to its implementation. The employer and the local shall meet within five (5) working days following receipt of such notice to negotiate modifications to the provisions of the agreement that are directly or indirectly affected by the proposed change(s). The aforesaid modifications shall preserve, to the full legal extent possible, the original intent of the agreement. 3. The process outlined below in Article D.6.4 through Article D.

  • Teaching Load 11-1 The parties recognize that the number of students, the number of preparations, and the amount of planning time are related to student performance. 11-2 CLASS SIZE 11-2-1 The parties recognize that class size is related to economics and that reduction of class size is faced with fiscal constraints. The parties further recognize that it is not feasible at this time to set general numerical limitations upon class size because of physical space available, special programs, special student needs, attendance area variances, differences in scheduling systems, busing, and because of other variable causes affecting class size. Nevertheless, the parties shall make reasonable effort to maintain class size at reasonable, workable, and educationally effective levels in all situations. 11-3 TEACHER LOAD 11-3-1 Teaching load shall be defined as the number of separate class preparations that a teacher has per school day as delineated in the course description guide.

  • Length of School Day 4.4.1 For each school the length of the “school day” shall be determined according to the requirement that students are normally required to be in attendance for two HD, one before noon, the other after noon. 4.4.2 The normal teaching load in respect of any one day is therefore related to that requirement and takes account of the normal timetabling practices of each school.

  • TRIAL SERVICE Section 1. Each employee appointed to a position in the bargaining unit shall serve a trial service period upon: • initial appointment to state service; • promotion; • lateral transfer inside his/her Agency to a different classification; • lateral transfer between agencies; • or rehire within two (2) years of separation (including reemployment). Section 2. The trial service period is recognized as an extension of the selection process and is the time immediately following appointment and shall not exceed six (6) full months. For part-time employees trial service shall be 1,040 hours. Trial service will be nine (9) months for employees hired in the classification of Child Support Case Manager (Entry) in DOJ; Client Care Surveyor and Disability Analyst (Entry). Trial service will be twelve (12) months for new employees hired as Industrial Hygienist 1 and 2, Occupational Safety Specialist 1 and 2 in DCBS, and Adult Protective Service Specialist in Department of Human Services. Section 3. The supervisor shall evaluate the employee’s work habits and ability to perform his/her duties satisfactorily and provide the employee feedback within the trial service period. Trial service may be extended in instances where a trial service employee has been on a cumulative leave without pay for fifteen (15) days or more and then only by the number of days the employee was on such leave, or when the Appointing Authority has established a professional or technical training program for positions requiring graduation from a four (4) year college or university or the satisfactory equivalent thereof in training and experience, including but not limited to the training of accountants and auditors, and which is for the purpose of developing the skills or knowledge necessary for competent job performance in the specialized work of such Authority, the employee may be required to train under such program for a period not exceeding six (6) months and the trial service period for such employee shall be the length of the approved training program plus six (6) full months. An employee’s trial service may also be extended for the purpose of developing the skills and/or knowledge necessary for competent job performance. Written notice of the extension will be provided to the employee and a copy of the extension shall be forwarded to SEIU Headquarters and the Labor Relations Unit. Section 4. When, in the judgment of the Appointing Authority, performance has been adequate to clearly demonstrate the competence and fitness of the trial service employee, the Appointing Authority may at any time appoint the employee to regular status. Section 5. Trial service employees may be removed from service when, in the judgment of the Appointing Authority, the employee is unable or unwilling to perform his/her duties satisfactorily or his/her habits and dependability do not merit continuance in the service. Section 6. An employee who is removed from trial service following a lateral transfer or a promotion shall have the right of return to the Agency and the classification or comparable salary level, which the employee previously held, unless charges are filed and he/she is discharged as provided in Article 20--

  • Trainees Except as provided in 29 CFR 5.16, trainees will not be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work performed unless they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a program which has received prior approval, evidenced by formal certification by the U.S. Department of Labor,