Examples of Secondary assets in a sentence
These data are stored in the TOE and are not to be send to it.Confidentiality Integrity Table 3: Secondary assets The secondary assets represent TSF and TSF-data in the sense of the CC.
These data are stored in the TOE and are not to be send to it.Confidentiality Integrity Table 4: Secondary assets The secondary assets represent TSF and TSF-data in the sense of the CC.
FIGURESFigure 1: TOE Boundaries 11Figure 2: LC1: Init on module at Gemalto site 15Figure 3: LC2 Init on module at Founder site 16Figure 4: LC3: Init on inlay at Gemalto site 17 TABLES Table 1: Card Production Life Cycle Data 5Table 2: Identification of the actors 14Table 3: Primary assets 20Table 4: Secondary assets 21Table 5: Subjects and external entities 23Table 7: Security functional groups vs.
Name as Additional Insureds, Contra Costa Water District and its respective Directors, Officers, Agents, and Employees.
Secondary assets consist of additional cash reserves, investments and other assets (property and equipment are excluded from this calculation).