Examples of Section 73 Permission in a sentence
This is as an alternative use to the TRP consented on the plot under the RRP Outline Permission, RRP Section 73 Permission, and RRP Section 73 Permission 2015.
The Section 73 Permission for the Brent Cross Regeneration includes a number of Pre-Reserved Matters conditions intended to establish key principles of the forthcoming development.
The Section 73 Permission includes a requirement under Condition 1.23 for submission of a Public Consultation Strategy This was submitted to the Council and considered under planning reference 14/07891/CON.
The proposed alternative design for the alternative Bridge Structure B1 accords with the conditions and parameters approved in the Section 73 Permission, subject to the minor variations proposed under Conditions 2.4 and 2.5. The detailed design of the highways will continue through the separate technical approval process under section 278 and 38 agreements with the relevant highway authorities.
The Section 73 Permission for the regeneration of BXC includes a number of Pre-RMA conditions intended to establish key principles of the forthcoming development.
The application is accompanied by the relevant documentation and therefore provides the LPA with appropriate details for considering the RMA proposals pursuant to Condition 2.1. Parameters of the Section 73 Permission The S73 Permission for Brent Cross Cricklewood is a ‘hybrid’ permission, in that planning permission has been granted in outline for the majority of the proposed development, whilst detailed permission has been granted in relation to the key gateway access junctions.
The Section 73 Permission for the Brent Cross Regeneration includes a number of Pre-RMA conditions intended to establish key principles of the forthcoming development.
This is essentially the same as the timber reprocessing facility that secured outline planning permission on Plot 4 as part of the RRP Outline Permission, RRP Section 73 Permission, and RRP Section 73 Permission 2015.• Planning Permission (ref.
Parameters of the Section 73 Permission The S73 Permission provides a number of parameter plans which establish a series of clear principles and guidelines to help shape the future of the development.
We self-declare the ratings based on our own assessments of our report contents against the GRI criteria in the GRI applications level.