Service Budget definition
Examples of Service Budget in a sentence
The Service Budget must set forth in detail the reimbursable items, unit rates and extended total amounts for each line item.
A claim adjustment is required on the Service Invoice (DOR 801B) with an attached brief narrative explaining each line item impacted and may not exceed up to a cumulative amount of ten percent (10%) of the total annual contract Service Budget for all budget years as long, as there is neither an increase nor decrease of the total annual contract Service Budget.
Food Service Budget is the Response and Projected Operating Statement (Form 23).
This includes any major category or detailed line item description changes to the approved Service Budget and Budget Narrative as outlined below: • Adding and deleting a major category budget or detailed line item.
This will only be permitted provided that the carry forward does not result in either the individual budget head, or the Service Budget, overspending its approved budget.