Site specific development plan definition

Site specific development plan means a plan which has been submitted to a city by a landowner describing with reasonable certainty the type and intensity of use for a specific parcel or parcels of property. Such plan may be in the form of, but not be limited to, any of the following plans or approvals: A planned unit development plan, a subdivision plat, a preliminary or general development plan, a conditional or special use permit, a conditional or special use district zoning plan, or any other land-use approval designation as may be utilized by a city. Unless otherwise expressly provided by the city, such a plan shall include the approximate boundaries of the site; significant topographical and other natural features effecting development of the site; the approximate location on the site of the proposed buildings, structures, and other improvements; the approximate dimensions, including height, of the proposed buildings and other structures; and the approximate location of all existing and proposed infrastructure on the site, including water, sewer, roads, and pedestrian walkways. What constitutes a site specific development plan under this section that would trigger a vested right shall be finally determined by the city pursuant to an ordinance, and the document that triggers such vesting shall be so identified at the time of its approval. However, at a minimum, the ordinance to be adopted by the city shall designate a vesting point earlier than the issuance of a building permit. A variance shall not constitute a site specific development plan, and approval of a site specific development plan with the condition that a variance be obtained shall not confer a vested right unless and until the necessary variance is obtained. Neither a sketch plan nor any other document which fails to describe with reasonable certainty the type and intensity of use for a specified parcel or parcels of property may constitute a site specific development plan.
Site specific development plan means a development plan submitted to a local governing body by a landowner describing with reasonable certainty the types and density or intensity of uses for a specific property or properties. The plan may be in the form of, but is not limited to, the following plans or approvals: planned unit development; subdivision plat; preliminary or general development plan; variance; conditional use or special use permit plan; conditional or special use district zoning plan; or other land‑use approval designations as are used by a county or municipality.
Site specific development plan means a plan of land development submitted to the town by a landowner that describes with reasonable certainty the type and intensity of use for a specific parcel or parcels of land. A Special Use Permit issued pursuant to Section 3.8 of this Ordinance is the only site specific development plan recognized in this ordinance.The following types of applications constitute a Site Specific Development Plan:

Examples of Site specific development plan in a sentence

  • Site specific development plan - A plan of land development submitted to the county for purposes of obtaining a zoning vested right.

  • Site specific development plan - A plan which has been submitted to the city by a landowner describing with reasonable certainty the type and intensity of use for a specific parcel or parcels of property and which is in the form of one of the following plans or approvals: Business-Shopping Center (B-SC) District - Final Development Plan - Section 11.24 (k)(2).

  • Site specific development plan – A plan of land development submitted to the county for purposes of obtaining a zoning vested right.

  • Site specific development plan means a development plan submitted to the Town or its authorized Boards, commissions or agents by a landowner describing with reasonable certainty the types and density or intensity of uses for a specific property or properties.

  • As used in this Article, unless the context otherwise requires: Site specific development plan means for all developments the final approval step, irrespective of this Chapter, which occurs prior to building permit application; provided, however, that if the landowner wishes said approval to have the effect of creating vested property rights pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.R.S., the landowner must so request at least twenty (20) days prior to the date said approval is to be considered.

More Definitions of Site specific development plan

Site specific development plan means a final plat for a major or minor subdivision, district plan of major planned development, or an overlay plan for a minor planned development.
Site specific development plan means the final plat of a subdivision or Final Development Plan of a PUD (Planned Unit Development) when, and as, approved by the City Council.
Site specific development plan means a plan submitted by a landowner which describes with reasonable certainty the types and density or intensity of uses for specific property and must include, at a minimum, a preliminary plat in conformity with section 5-5-4(c) and a site plan which includes the sizes, shapes, dimensions and locations of all proposed structures.
Site specific development plan means a plan of land development submitted to the Town by a landowner that describes with reasonable certainty the type and intensity of use for a specific parcel or parcels of land. The following types of applications constitute a Site Specific Development Plan:
Site specific development plan means a development plan submitted to a local governing body by a landowner describing with reasonable certainty the types and density or intensity of uses for a specific property or properties. Site specific development plans include a planned unit development; a preliminary or final subdivision plat; a preliminary or general development plan to include submissions to the board of architectural review, the commercial corridor design review board, the technical review committee or to staff authorized to grant approval pursuant to the provisions of this chapter that qualify for either preliminary or final approval; a variance; a conditional use or special exception permit plan.
Site specific development plan means only the final subdivision plat, the Exemption from Platting, the development agreement, or the rural cluster map. Site Specific Development Plan does not include final architectural plans or final construction drawings, documents identifying public improvements to be constructed, or documents specifying materials and methods for construction of public or private improvements. (reloc. 7-12-05)
Site specific development plan. (SSDP) means, for all developments requiring a public hearing, the final step, irrespective of its title, which occurs prior to building permit application; provided, however, that if the landowner wishes said approval to have the effect of creating vested rights, pursuant to § 24-68-101 C.R.S., et seq., the landowner must so request, in writing, at the time of application for said approval. Failure to so request renders the approval not a “site-specific development plan,” and