Examples of Site specific development plan in a sentence
Site specific development plan means a Level II, III, or IV development plan which has been approved or conditionally approved by the Town Council, Planning Commission or Development Review Committee, depending upon which body has authorization.
Site specific development plan - A plan of land development submitted to the county for purposes of obtaining a zoning vested right.
For additional guidance please review GAO-14-704G, STANDARDS FOR INTERNAL CONTROL IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT).
Site specific development plan – A plan of land development submitted to the county for purposes of obtaining a zoning vested right.
Site specific development plan - A plan which has been submitted to the city by a landowner describing with reasonable certainty the type and intensity of use for a specific parcel or parcels of property and which is in the form of one of the following plans or approvals: Business-Shopping Center (B-SC) District - Final Development Plan - Section 11.24 (k)(2).