Special personnel definition
Examples of Special personnel in a sentence
Special personnel skills are those for which the expertise required or duties performed for task orders are within the contract scope, but are so specialized or rare that they are not explicitly defined in a skill category description.
Special personnel (i.e., licensed nurses, special education assistants, or other designated persons) will be assigned to a bus route only after a decision has been made by the I.E.P. committee to provide this type of service to a student or students.
Special personnel assisting prior to the store opening and during major store remodelling.
Special personnel requirements exist for the operation of a MADCP.
Special personnel shall be designated at entities engaged in project construction for epidemic prevention and control to take charge.
Special personnel are expected to be able bodied with a fair knowledge of the layout of the ship and to have received some training in safety procedures and the handling of the ship’s safety equipment before leaving port and include the following: .1 scientists, technicians and expeditionaries on ships engaged in research, non-commercial expeditions and survey; .2 personnel engaging in training and practical marine experience to develop seafaring skills suitable for a professional career at sea.
A’s gross receipts from all sales of wid- gets is $100, and its gross receipts from export sales of widgets is $25.
Special personnel should be designated to arrange the necessary prevention and livelihood supply properly, to cooperate with local epidemic control authorities in terms of the required measures to ensure closed-loop operation of crew members’ transfer, treatment, isolation and observation.
Platform personnel shall wear a body (fall protection device) that is securely attached to the platform or booms tip, while over land and detached while over water.C. A boat with rescue personnel shall be available during a personnel lift over water.D. Special personnel protective equipment shall be provided and required to be worn around toxic, flammable or hazardous materials or fumes.
Excluded: Sheriff, Sergeants, Road Patrol Deputies, Communications Officers, part-time employees, auxiliary and Special personnel, and all other employees, including members of the organized militia while on active duty, confidential employees, management-level employees, fiduciary employees, students, and seasonal and casual employees as defined by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4117.01.