Superannuation contributions definition

Superannuation contributions means: (1) Contributions which the employer must pay under the terms of the rules governing the “Local Super” Scheme; (2) Contributions which the employer must pay to a superannuation fund in respect of the employee in order to avoid the imposition of a superannuation guarantee charge under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992;
Superannuation contributions means all contributions to a complying superannuation fund, and includes (without limitation) any superannuation contributions required to be made under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth), and any additional superannuation contributions made by way of salary sacrifice.
Superannuation contributions means superannuation contributions for your employees in accordance with the details you have notified to us including Superannuation Guarantee Contributions and salary-sacrifice superannuation contributions.

Examples of Superannuation contributions in a sentence

  • Superannuation contributions at the appropriate rate will be payable in accordance with the provisions of these schemes.

  • Superannuation contributions are to be paid throughout the period of a Plan and in accordance with the rate of salary applicable under the Plan.

  • Superannuation contributions are made to the plans based on the relevant rules of each plan.

  • Superannuation New entrants appointed will be required to participate in the Single Public Service Pension Scheme and pay Superannuation contributions at the appropriate rates in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act, 2012.

  • Superannuation contributions shall be made on a pro rata basis per ordinary day worked or while employees are on paid leave.

More Definitions of Superannuation contributions

Superannuation contributions means: a) contributions which the employer is required to pay under the terms of the rules governing the Local Government Superannuation Scheme; b) contributions which the employer must pay to a superannuation fund in respect of the employee in order to avoid the imposition of a superannuation guarantee charge under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Xxx 0000 (Cth); c) Council will pay to the Superannuation Scheme an amount (in respect to each employee) no less than the amount specified in the Superannuation Guarantee Act; d) any additional superannuation contributions which the employer agrees to pay in respect of an employee.
Superannuation contributions means Employer Contributions and Member Contributions;
Superannuation contributions means the minimum superannuation contributions required to be made by MI for an Employee pursuant to the relevant superannuation guarantee charge legislation, or such larger amount as directed by the Employee in accordance with law. Team Lead means an employee’s direct line manager. Union means an employee organisation as defined by the Act. Updated Engagement Letter has the meaning set out in Clause 12.2. WVP means Work Value Points assigned under the Xxxxxx System as described in Clause 18.
Superannuation contributions means: 19.3.1 Contributions which the employer is required to pay under the terms of the rules governing the Local Government Superannuation Scheme; 19.3.2 Contributions which the employer must pay to a superannuation fund in respect of the employee in order to avoid the imposition of a superannuation guarantee charge under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992; 19.3.3 Council will pay to the Superannuation Scheme an amount (in respect to each employee) no less than the amount specified in the Superannuation Guarantee Act; 19.3.4 Any additional superannuation contributions which the employer agrees to pay in respect of an employee. CLAUSE 20 ­ SALARY SACRIFICE 20.1 Subject to the following conditions, an employee may apply to the Council to salary sacrifice any part of his/her salary (including Award or Enterprise Agreement based salary/wages) to make additional contributions to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme.
Superannuation contributions means: (i) contributions which the employer is required to pay under the terms of the rules governing the Local Government Superannuation Scheme; (ii) contributions which the employer must pay to a superannuation fund in respect of the employee in order to avoid the imposition of a superannuation guarantee charge under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992; (iii) 3% of the employee’s ordinary time earnings; (iv) any additional contributions which the employer agrees to pay in respect of an 5.2.1 All such requests will be initiated by the employee in writing and will require the approval of the Chief Executive Officer or his/her delegate. No reasonable request will be refused. 5.2.2 Such requests will detail the amount of salary to be sacrificed, to a maximum of 50% of the employee’s salary, together with a signed statement that the “cash component is adequate for the employee’s ongoing living expenses”.
Superannuation contributions means:- 25.
Superannuation contributions means: 4.