Examples of Task 4 Deliverables in a sentence
City Deliverables4a Review and Comment on Task 4 Deliverables Consultant Deliverables4A Draft Tech Memo #4: Future Systems Conditions (Subtask 4.1) TASK 5: SOLUTIONS DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATIONThe purpose of this task is to develop and evaluate solutions that are consistent with the vision, goals, objectives and performance measures (criteria) established in Task 2.
Task 4 Deliverables • Three Draft Hydrogen Refueling Station (HRS) Network Progress reports (October 31, 2016, September 1, 2017, 2018).
Task 4: Final Plan and Proposal Preparation 1) Make any final changes necessary to the plans and proposal and supporting documents Task 4: Deliverables (Final Plans): 1.
Task 4 Deliverables: A final report documenting the findings of the work under this task, addressing each of the six areas above.
Task 4 Deliverables: Stormwater utility implementation outreach plan for stormwater utility support and up front outreach incorporated into process.
Task 4 – Deliverables:• One (1) hard copy (11” X 17”) of the 100% Construction Drawings;• One (1) hard copy (8.5” X 11”) of the Technical Specifications;• Final engineer cost estimates;• Letter of Quality Control;• One (1) pdf copy of all Task 4 Deliverables.
Task 4 Deliverables - Communication plan (list of primary contacts, contact information, and protocol for communication) - Monthly invoices and status reports - Meeting materials including agendas and summaries - Project timeline - QA/QC Plan Schedule of Fees Based on our understanding of the scope and our project approach, our Team has put together the below schedule of fees.
Task 4 Deliverables: Detailed memos summarizing the analysis for each city that can be shared with interested parties.
Task 4 Deliverables Memo summarizing program and policy recommendations.
Task 4: Deliverables Review: Conduct reviews of the deliverables produced through the grant to include: articulation agreements, IT performance improvements, system enhancements, statewide marketing efforts, common and fully transferable credit-bearing courses, common core manufacturing competencies, efficiencies of scale, career pathways, curricula, course materials, teacher guides, and other products developed with grant funds.