Task 5. The contractor shall prepare formal notification which will be used by government to formally notify all applicants (including unsuccessful applicants) in writing of the outcome of the review process and ARL will make formal offers of appointment to selected applicants in writing. The contractor shall verify all successful applicants’ citizenship eligibility requirement. All correspondence sent to successfuland unsuccessful applicants must be approved by theGPM and CO.
Task 5. Adoption): A presentation of a final draft of the form based code to the Planning Commission. Also, a presentation of the final draft of the complete streets policy (if requested by City Manager).
Task 5. Prepare and Circulate Draft EIR and Notice of Completion
1. One (1) reproducible print master of the Draft EIR and Appendix materials.
2. One (1) electronic web-ready version of the Draft EIR and Appendix materials.
3. Fifteen (15) CDs containing the Draft EIR and Appendix materials, plus fifteen (15) printed EIR Summaries and fifteen (15) printed Notices of Completion, for transmittal to the State Clearninghouse.
4. Twenty-five (25) CDs containing the Draft EIR and Appendix materials, plus a printed NOA, to be transmitted to others on the City’s distribution list.
Task 5. Service Transition Management
Task 5. With an emphasis on durability and ease of maintenance, Consultant will fabricate the exhibits pursuant to the specifications and design contained in the final, approved Exhibit Masterplan.
Task 5. Community Outreach: Advise the CITY regarding methods and means of achieving compliance with public outreach requirements associated with development of an ADA Transition Plan and assist the CITY to provide opportunities for interested persons, individuals with disabilities, or organizations representing persons with disabilities to participate in the self- evaluation process. If the CITY chooses to hold a public meeting to collect input, assist in organizing and facilitating the meeting, including attending the meeting, maintaining a record of the proceedings and comments and being prepared to answer questions regarding the project. Final ADA Transition Plan to be completed within eight (8) months of the Notice to Proceed.
Task 5. Remove (De-Install) old batteries per cutover plan
Task 5. Evaluation of the Individual and Cumulative Environmental Implications of the Preferred Option(s) for the Whole Territory
(a) After the preferred option(s) have been selected, the Consultants shall identify major environmental constraints and opportunities, and shall evaluate its environmental feasibility and follow-up investigations required. The information and findings of the environmental performance evaluation carried out under Task 4 above should be used where appropriate to avoid duplication of effort. The environmental benefits and disbenefits of with or without the preferred option(s) should be considered and compared. In the assessment, specific environmental concerns should be identified with possible mitigation measures stated. Aspects to be assessed include the followings:
Task 5. Engendering management methods and decision-making process
Task 5