Transit Time definition

Transit Time means the time a shipment would take to move from Origin to Destination.
Transit Time means the actual time required to reach the destination of tour from the headquarter or from one outstation to another outstation by the ordinary mode of travel.
Transit Time means the time a shipment would take to move from Origin to Destination. COMMODITY DESCRIPTION AND MEASUREMENT ITEM 20 – PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DEFINED Where the term Petroleum Products is used, the same refers to:Unleaded Gasolines Jet Fuels – Commercial Diesel Fuel Distillates Jet Fuels – Military Gasoline Feedstock Distillate FeedstockGasolines containing MMT and/or oxygenates such as methanol, ethanol, TAME or MTBE as blending components will not be accepted for shipment. ITEM 28 – TRANSMIX HANDLING Transmix occurring in the Carrier’s system that cannot be combined with compatible products shall be retained in Carrier’s custody for disposal by the Carrier on behalf of the Shippers to ensure efficient operations of the pipeline.The total Transmix accumulated in Carrier’s system will be allocated to all Shippers in proportion to each Shipper’s barrels received into the system from all Shipper’s in a calendar month. Carrier shall dispose of the Transmix for Shippers and provide each Shipper’s net proceeds from the disposition of the Transmix.Exception to this Item is referenced in MPL’s F.E.R.C. No. [W] 163.15.0 163.14.0 and MPL’s F.E.R.C. No. [W]161.51.0 161.49.1, Item 400, and Item 320, supplements thereto and reissues thereof. ITEM 30 – VOLUME CORRECTIONS AND TENDER DEDUCTIONS

Examples of Transit Time in a sentence

  • Total Transit Time Delay TargetsThe KPI Target was met for both loco-hauled passenger and XPT trains during the reporting period, for both KPI Regions.

  • Bi X, Avants BB, Meng T, Zuehlsdorff S, Detre JA (2010) Estimation of Perfusion and Arterial Transit Time in Myocardium using Free-breathing Myocardial ASL with Navigator-echo Magn.

  • The target Average Below Rail Transit Time Factor is set out below: Coal Target Average Below Rail Transit Time Factor (%) 1 This formula for ATP assumes that, for a Train Service operating in the Central Queensland Coal Region, the Train Service operates within an single Individual Coal System.

  • PART – IIIAvalanche Transit Time DeviceRead diode, IMPATT Diode, TRAPATT Diode, BARITT Diode.

  • The Roles of Cerebral Blood Flow, Capillary Transit Time Heterogeneity and Oxygen Tension in Brain Oxygenation and Metabolism.

More Definitions of Transit Time

Transit Time means, for each shipment of Hardware, the period of time quoted by ECHELON to VAR from time to time for delivery of such shipment from ECHELON’s shipping facility to the location specified by VAR and by the transportation method specified by VAR.
Transit Time means the Lead Time less the Response Time.
Transit Time means: (a) the period of time from departure of a Cableship from its Assigned Port until its arrival at the site of the work to be performed pursuant to Article 3.2, or (b) the period of time from the departure from the work site until its arrival in its Assigned Port, or (c) the period of time for transit between work sites, or (d) the period of time for transit between Assigned Ports.
Transit Time means the time for transit for a specific route or lane as set out in TMS or any Manual Request plus any rest or break periods required during such transit by Applicable Laws.
Transit Time means the time taken by the Service Provider towards fulfilment of Services (from the time of pick-up of Shipment) with respect to confirmed order placed through the Website, excepting the time taken for clearance (not limited to Customs / Excise / any Statutory body) or documentation required at city / state / foreign shore borders or other events beyond
Transit Time means the time a shipment w ould take to move from Origin to Destination. ITEM 20 - PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DEFINEDWhere the term Petroleum Products is used, the same refers to:Unleaded GasolinesJet Fuels – CommercialPetroleum Fuel Oil DistillatesJet Fuels - MilitaryGasoline Feedstock ITEM 28 – TRANSMIX HANDLINGTransmix occurring in the Carrier’s system that cannot be combined w ith compatible products shall be retained in Carrier’s custody for disposal by the Carrier on behalf of the Shippers to ensure efficient operations of the pipeline.The total Transmix accumulated in Carrier’s system w ill be allocated to all Shipper’s in proportion to each Shipper’s barrels received into the system from all Shipper’s in a calendar month. Carrier shall dispose of the Transmix for Shippers and provide each Shipper’s net proceeds from the disposition of the Transmix.ITEM 30 - VOLUME CORRECTIONS AND TENDER DEDUCTIONS
Transit Time means the appropriate number of hours for monopile or pin pile driving works