Upper Quartile definition

Upper Quartile means, in respect of Benchmarked Rates, that based on an analysis of Equivalent Data, the Benchmarked Rates, as compared to the range of prices for Comparable Services, are within the top 25% in terms of best value for money for the recipients of Comparable Services;
Upper Quartile means, in respect of Benchmarked Rates, that based on an analysis of Equivalent Data, the Benchmarked Rates, as compared to the range of prices for Comparable Goods and/or Services, are within the top 25% in terms of best value for money for the recipients of Comparable Goods and/or Services The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority wishes to ensure that the Goods and/or Services represent value for money to the taxpayer throughout the Framework Period. This Framework Schedule 12 (Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking) sets out the following processes to ensure this Framework Agreement represents value for money throughout the Framework Period and subsequently while any Call Off Agreements remain in force: Benchmarking; Continuous Improvement;
Upper Quartile means that based on an analysis of Equivalent Products Data, the Charges for the Benchmarked Products, as compared to the range of prices for Comparable Products, are within the top 25% in terms of best value for money or the recipients of Comparable Products.

Examples of Upper Quartile in a sentence

  • Campus GroupOut-of-Field Percent 1Title I6.11Non-Title I7.63Title I Low-Income Upper Quartile 26.13Title I Minority Upper Quartile 36.791 Percentage of teachers who are not certified in field for their assignment.2 Title I campuses above the highest quartile for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.

  • Campus GroupInexperienced Percent1Title I22.69Non-Title I17.35Title I Low-Income Upper Quartile 225.88Title I Minority Upper Quartile 324.721 Percentage of teachers who are in their first two years of teaching.2 Title I campuses above the highest quartile for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.

  • We refer to these genes as "Benchmark DEGs" and used them as a measure to compare EBSeq-HMM with multiDE in terms of the proportion of Benchmark DEGs they could find and the percentage of their agreement with Benchmark DEGs. Table 1 reveals that despite the fact that Median-of-Ratios and Upper-Quartile normalization methods resulted in the same number of DEGs using EBSeq-HMM, Upper- Quartile normalization lead to identification of a slightly more Benchmark DEGs (34.09%).

  • Gearing % 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 1.0% 30.0% 0.5% 20.0% 0.0% Peer Average Sector Median Sector Upper Quartile B3living 2017.18 B3living 2018.1910.0% 0.0% Peer AverageSector MedianSector Upper QuartileB3living 2017.18B3living 2018.19 Our reinvestment performance is reflected in our development outputs.

  • Total cost of day service per head of population £450 £400 £350 £300 Physical disability Older peopleLearning disability£250£200 £150 £100 £50 £0Harrow Lower Quartile London Average Upper Quartile Figure 2 – bar chart showing total costs of day services per head of population Further analysis demonstrates that this is caused by a high number of people using services.

More Definitions of Upper Quartile

Upper Quartile means, in respect of Benchmarked Rates, that based on an analysis of Equivalent Data, the Benchmarked Rates, as compared to the range of prices for Comparable Services, are within the top 25% in terms of best value for money for the recipients of Comparable Services The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority wishes to ensure that the Services, represent value for money to the taxpayer throughout the Framework Period. This Framework Schedule 12 (Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking) sets out the following processes to ensure this Framework Agreement represents value for money throughout the Framework Period and subsequently while any Call Off Agreements remain in force: Benchmarking; Continuous Improvement;
Upper Quartile means that based on an analysis of Equivalent Services Data the Charges for the Benchmarked Services, as compared to the range of prices for Comparable Services, are within the top twenty five per cent (25%) in terms of best value for money for the recipients of Comparable Services; Vendor Management Charges shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph 2.2(e) of Schedule 5 (Charges);
Upper Quartile means, in respect of Benchmarked Rates, that based on an analysis of Equivalent Data, the Benchmarked Rates, as compared to the range of prices for Comparable Services, are within the top 25% in terms of best value for money for the recipients of Comparable Services The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority wishes to ensure that the Services, represent value for money to the taxpayer throughout the Framework Period. This Framework Schedule 12 (Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking) sets out the following processes to ensure this Framework Agreement represents value for money throughout the Framework Period and subsequently while any Call Off Agreements remain in force: Benchmarking; Continuous Improvement; Frequency Purpose and Scope of Benchmark Review The Supplier shall carry out Benchmark Reviews of the Services when so requested by the Authority. The Authority shall not be entitled to request a Benchmark Review during the first twelve (12) Months period from the Framework Commencement Date nor at intervals of less than twelve (12) Months after any previous Benchmark Review. The purpose of a Benchmark Review will be to establish whether the Benchmarked Services are, individually and/or as a whole, Good Value. The Services that are to be the Benchmarked Services will be identified by the Authority in writing. Benchmarking Process The Supplier shall produce and send to the Authority for Approval, a draft plan for the Benchmark Review. The plan must include: a proposed timetable for the Benchmark Review; a description of the benchmarking methodology to be used; a description that demonstrates objectively and transparently that the benchmarking methodology to be used is capable of fulfilling the benchmarking purpose; and a description of how the Supplier will scope and identify the Comparison Group. The Authority must give notice in writing to the Supplier within ten (10) Working Days after receiving the draft plan, advising whether it Approves the draft plan, or, if it does not approve the draft plan, suggesting amendments to that plan. The Authority may not unreasonably withhold or delay its Approval of the draft plan and any suggested amendments must be reasonable. Where the Authority suggests amendments to the draft plan under paragraph 84.2.3, the Supplier must produce an amended draft plan. Paragraph 84.2.2 shall apply to any amended draft plan. Once it has received the Approval of the draft plan, the Supplier shall: finalise the Comparison Group...
Upper Quartile means, in respect of Benchmarked Rates, that based on an analysis of Equivalent Data, the Benchmarked Rates, as compared to the range of prices for Comparable Services, are within the top 25% in terms of best value for money for the recipients of Comparable Services The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority wishes to ensure that the Services, represent value for money to the taxpayer throughout the Framework Period. This Framework Schedule 7 (Value for Money) sets out the following processes to ensure this Framework Agreement represents value for money throughout the Framework Period and subsequently while any Call Off Agreements remain in force: Benchmarking; Continuous Improvement;
Upper Quartile that based on an analysis of Equivalent Services Data, the Charges for the Benchmarked Services, as compared to the range of prices for Comparable Services, are within the top 25% in terms of best value for money or the recipients of Comparable Services;
Upper Quartile means a range equal to the lowest 25% (twenty-five percent) of fees charged to the Comparators for services that are similar to the Services received by Customer under this Agreement. For example, if there are 8 Comparators, the Upper Quartile would be the range of the fees for the two (2) lowest priced Comparators.
Upper Quartile means the lowest pricing available among the Comparators selected through the Benchmark Process, subject to the following: The range of fees representing the Upper Quartile shall be the fees charged to the Comparators selected through the Benchmark process, representing the top twenty-five percent (25%) (i.e., the group representing the seventy fifth [75th] percentile), in a rank order of lowest fees to highest fees.” (See Exhibits 2 and 9, Sections 1 – Definition and 8(b) – Benchmark Process). Contractor shall conduct its analysis, provide Benchmark Reports, and provide information sufficient to allow the County to obtain, if true, all possible adjustments to its fees and other remedies provided for in “Attachment C – Benchmarking” to the SAIC MSA (Exhibit 2 hereto) for the Atos MSA (Exhibits 9 hereto). For all benchmarking analysis provided for herein including, but not limited to, the (1) Pricing Benchmarks for SAIC and Atos, and (2) Service Level Requirements Benchmarks for SAIC and Atos, Contractor shall for purposes of presentation and analysis stratify Comparator data to enable (1) A public-sector only benchmark; (2) A private-sector only benchmark; (3) A comparison of Services provided within the continental United States; and (4) A comparison of Services provided outside the continental United States. For the IT Service Level Delivery Model Assessment, Contractor shall assess the County’s current IT managed services delivery model against industry best practices and discuss in its written report the current industry standards in public vs. private sectors, and explain in its written report whether IT services are provided within or outside the Continental United States. For the IT Service Level Delivery Model Assessment, Contractor shall assess the County’s current IT managed services delivery model against industry best practices and discuss in its written report the current industry standards in public vs. private sectors, and explain in its written report whether IT services are provided within or outside the Continental United States. The Contractor shall normalize all data to obtain relevant comparisons with respect to the Comparators for purposes of the Benchmark and all Benchmark analysis provided for in this Scope of Work. The Contractor’s Benchmark process and methodology, including standard normalization criteria, shall include, but not be limited to, the following: