Upper Quartile definition
Examples of Upper Quartile in a sentence
Campus GroupOut-of-Field Percent 1Title I6.11Non-Title I7.63Title I Low-Income Upper Quartile 26.13Title I Minority Upper Quartile 36.791 Percentage of teachers who are not certified in field for their assignment.2 Title I campuses above the highest quartile for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.
Campus GroupInexperienced Percent1Title I22.69Non-Title I17.35Title I Low-Income Upper Quartile 225.88Title I Minority Upper Quartile 324.721 Percentage of teachers who are in their first two years of teaching.2 Title I campuses above the highest quartile for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.
We refer to these genes as "Benchmark DEGs" and used them as a measure to compare EBSeq-HMM with multiDE in terms of the proportion of Benchmark DEGs they could find and the percentage of their agreement with Benchmark DEGs. Table 1 reveals that despite the fact that Median-of-Ratios and Upper-Quartile normalization methods resulted in the same number of DEGs using EBSeq-HMM, Upper- Quartile normalization lead to identification of a slightly more Benchmark DEGs (34.09%).
Gearing % 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 1.0% 30.0% 0.5% 20.0% 0.0% Peer Average Sector Median Sector Upper Quartile B3living 2017.18 B3living 2018.1910.0% 0.0% Peer AverageSector MedianSector Upper QuartileB3living 2017.18B3living 2018.19 Our reinvestment performance is reflected in our development outputs.
Total cost of day service per head of population £450 £400 £350 £300 Physical disability Older peopleLearning disability£250£200 £150 £100 £50 £0Harrow Lower Quartile London Average Upper Quartile Figure 2 – bar chart showing total costs of day services per head of population Further analysis demonstrates that this is caused by a high number of people using services.