Examples of Video Games in a sentence
Table 4.6.1. Mean Hours of Screen Time per Day (Adjusted for Weekday and Weekend Activity) Child Watches TV, Videos, DVDs, or Plays Video Games CHL-wide Results (communities=18, participants=5,519)Screen timeFigure 4.6.1a.
Synchronization licenses must be pre-approved by the Licensor before the distribution to Television, Film, Video Games, or other Synchronous projects.
Mean Hours of Total Screen Time Per Day (Adjusted for Weekday and Weekend Activity) Child Watches TV, Videos, DVDs, or Plays Video Games, CHL-wide Baseline and Post-Intervention Differences by Experimental Group (communities=18, participants=5,519) Intervention -0.18 Optimized 0.30Intervention vs.
See Essential Facts: About Video Games and Court Rulings, supra note 123, at 8.
The licensee is not allowed to use the final sound recording for Television Broadcast, Video Games, YouTube, Vimeo, On-hold & in house background music, movies, radio jingles, film soundtracks, pay per view television, CATV, cable transmission or other synchronous projects.