Examples of Wedding Date in a sentence
Florist Name Telephone Florist Signature Wedding Date and Time Bride’s Name Telephone Please return this signed form to your Wedding Coordinator or campus Administrative Assistant at least two weeks prior to the wedding.MUSICIAN POLICIES BRENTWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH1.
Caterer Name Telephone Caterer Signature Wedding Date and Time Bride’s Name Telephone Please return this signed form to your Wedding Coordinator or campus Administrative Assistant at least two weeks prior to the wedding.FLORIST POLICIES BRENTWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH 1.
Additional Costs not notified to Us or agreed in advance of the rearranged Wedding or Wedding Reception.2. commences upon issue of this policy document and the Schedule attaching hereto and expires upon completion of the Wedding Date or a claim being made under this section of the policy, whichever occurs first.
Any remaining balance for agreed services must be paid no later than 6 weeks prior to the Wedding Date.
Policy for Reserving a Wedding Date Please do not sign any contract with a reception hall, caterer, etc., until the parish priest or deacon, with whom you will meet, has confirmed the date and time for your wedding.