INTRODUCTION Cláusulas de Ejemplo

INTRODUCTION. 1. International commercial contracts usually include choice-of-law clauses. These clauses are often drafted narrowly, such that they do not cover non-contractual obligations. If a dispute arises be- tween the contracting parties, there are, however, usually not only contractual claims, but also non-con- tractual claims, such as tort or pre-contractual liability (culpa in contrahendo). For example, a purchaser could bring a claim that the seller has committed a fraud or has failed to give necessary information about the purchase object. If, in such cases, the choice-of-law clause does not cover non-contractual claims, contractual and non-contractual claims closely linked to the contract risk being governed by different laws. This so-called dépeçage typically causes disadvantages for both parties. After a short description of the interests involved (II.) the following article will show that choice- of-law clauses for non-contractual obligations are necessary in both litigation (III.) and arbitration (IV.). In order to illustrate this, the article will analyse which law a state court in the European Union or an arbitral tribunal would apply in the absence of a choice-of-law clause for non-contractual obligations.
INTRODUCTION. El presente informe se emite a los efectos de lo dispuesto por el artículo 301.1 de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital (en adelante, será referida como la “LSC”), por el Consejo de Administración de la sociedad mercantil “KTESIOS REAL ESTATE SOCIMI, S.A.”, (en adelante, será referida como la “Sociedad”). This report is issued for the purposes of the provisions of Article 301.1 of the Law on Corporations (hereinafter referred to as the "LSC"), by the Board of Directors of the trading company "KTESIOS REAL ESTATE SOCIMI, S.A.", (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). A petición de los señores accionistas el Órgano de Administración somete a consideración de los accionistas aprobación de una ampliación de capital por compensación de créditos y, de igual manera se propondrá a la Junta que se estime lo que necesite oportuno respecto a futuros fondeos. At the request of the shareholders, the Board of Directors submits to the shareholders for their consideration the approval of a capital increase by offsetting credits and, likewise, it will be proposed to the General Meeting to consider what it deems appropriate with regard to future funding.
INTRODUCTION. El presente informe se emite a los efectos de lo dispuesto por el artículo 301.1 y 297.1 b) de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital (en adelante, será referida como la “LSC”), por el Consejo de Administración de la sociedad mercantil “KTESIOS REAL ESTATE SOCIMI, S.A.”, (en adelante, será referida como la “Sociedad”). This report is issued for the purposes of the provisions of Article 301.1 and 297.1 b) of the Law on Corporations (hereinafter referred to as the "LSC"), by the Board of Directors of the trading company "KTESIOS REAL ESTATE SOCIMI, S.A.", (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). A petición de los señores accionistas el Órgano de Administración somete a consideración de los accionistas la aprobación de una ampliación de capital por compensación de créditos y, de igual manera se propondrá a la Junta que se estime lo que necesite oportuno respecto a futuros fondeos a través de la vía del 297.1 b) LSC. At the request of the shareholders, the Board of Directors submits to the shareholders for their consideration the approval of a capital increase by offsetting credits and, likewise, it will be proposed to the General Meeting to consider what it deems appropriate with regard to future funding through 297.1 b) LSC. El Consejo de Administración, somete a la consideración de los accionistas la conveniencia de AUMENTAR EL CAPITAL SOCIAL DE LA SOCIEDAD por Compensación de créditos (Art. 301 LSC). The Board of Directors submits to the consideration of the shareholders the appropriateness of INCREASING THE SHARE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY by offsetting credits (Art. 301 LSC). El valor nominal y la prima de emisión serán desembolsados íntegramente mediante la compensación de los créditos. A tener de lo dispuesto en el artículo 304 LSC, NO existen derechos de suscripción preferente. Las acciones estarán representadas mediante anotaciones en cuenta, correspondiendo su llevanza a IBERCLEAR. The nominal value and the issue premium will be paid in full by offsetting the credit. In accordance with the provisions of article 304 LSC, there are NO pre-emptive subscription rights. The shares will be represented by book entries, which will be held by IBERCLEAR. El Consejo de Administración plantea esta propuesta al entender que, en la situación actual, conviene al interés societario elevar el capital social para fortalecer su estructura de capital y financiera, así como para mejorar los ratios de recursos propios y reducir el endeudamiento. A la vista del interés mostrado p...
INTRODUCTION. Indicating as justification to depart to the case study, the perfect real estate for sale in the importance and relevance of it is that the sales contract is a means by which people can access the right to property and therefore good living as stipulated in our Constitution.
INTRODUCTION. The Northern Humboldt Current System (NHCS) spans the Peruvian coast. Morón (2000) indicates that … « the marine area off the coast of Peru presents very particular features, mainly due to the system of surface and subsurface currents associated with the coastal upwelling» (p. 180). Thanks to these particularities, this ecosystem is very rich in biodiversity, not only in fish 1 Instituto del Mar del Perú. IMARPE. DGIOCC, Laboratorio de zooplancton e ictioplancton. Callao, Perú. Cod Postal 07021., Esas particularidades, hacen que la biodiversidad but also in cephalopods, of which 38 species del ecosistema sea muy rica, no solo en peces; have been recorded (Alamo & Valdivieso, sino también en cefalópodos, de los que se ha 1997; Xxxxxxx et al., 1999; Xxxxxxx et al., 2003; registrado 38 especies (Alamo y Xxxxxxxxxx, 1997; Xxxxxxx & Xxxxxxxx, 2013) belonging to 22 Xxxxxxx et al., 1999; Xxxxxxx et al., 2003; Xxxxxxx y Xxxxxxxx, 2013) pertenecientes a 22 familias, de las cuales Dosidicus gigas “calamar gigante o pota” es el segundo recurso más importante después de la “anchoveta” Engraulis ringens (Produce, 2018). Asimismo, otros cefalópodos como los de la familia Loliginidae (calamares) y Octopodidae (pulpo) son comerciales. Por otra parte, no hay trabajos sobre paralarvas, al existir dificultades para la determinación taxonómica debido a la reducida bibliografía especializada, la información taxonómica existente está dirigida a individuos de gran longitud dorsal del manto (LMD). Otro de los principales problemas, es la baja frecuencia en que son encontrados, de 1 a 5 individuos por muestra de zooplancton (Xxxxxxxxx, 1987), debido a sus capacidades de evadir los aparejos de muestreo, dificultando encontrar relación en los cambios de su comunidad como respuesta a su entorno. En base a estas consideraciones, es importante realizar este tipo de trabajo, para determinar la variación en niveles de abundancia y relación con las condiciones oceanográficas en el mar peruano entre los años 2013 y 2014. Esto contribuirá a comprender mejor la discriminación y reclutamiento de stocks, así como la dinámica de poblaciones para posteriores evaluaciones de sus pesquerías y el manejo sustentable de este importante grupo (Xxxxxx & Guerra, 1994; O’Dor & Xxxxxxxx, 1998).
INTRODUCTION. The combustion industry faces new challenges every day in order to increase the efficiency, reliability and flexibility of combustion equipment and also reduce their environmental impact [1]. Besides developing new improved designs and new concepts of burners, continuous monitoring and optimization of the flames, which are the core of any combustion process, appears as a primary tool to achieve these demands. Currently, there are limitations in the optimization and permanent control of combustion systems, because monitoring and control techniques are based on the Dyna, year 80, Nro. 180, pp. 130-135. Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, 2013. ISSN 0012-7353 analysis of exhaust gases. This analysis only allows the determination of the desired air excess and registering the levels of the undesired emissions [1]. Permanent supervision of the flame seems to be the most appropriate alternative for developing safe and efficient strategies for control and optimization of combustion systems. This work is based on optical methods designed to capture information directly from the flame which can be used to diagnose combustion in a reliable and accurate way. The optical methods used are based on a phenomenon called chemiluminescence. Chemiluminescence is the emission of light of those molecules that are returning to their ground state after being chemically and thermally excited. In the case of hydrocarbons, the strongest chemiluminescence emission is produced by CH and OH radicals [2]. The chemiluminescence of CH has been used in several research studies as a visualization technique Spectrometry is often used to identify species or substances through the spectrum absorbed or emitted by them. In the case of combustion, spectroscopy is used to detect the emission of excited radicals generated in the reaction zone. The excited radicals return to their ground state after losing excess energy either in the form of electromagnetic waves at a given wavelength or by intermolecular collisions. During hydrocarbon combustion, particularly methane, some of the most common radicals used to study the flame front of a premixed flame are CH, OH and C2. It is important to clarify that emission of excited radicals produced in flames, is a type of chemiluminescence, because the excitement was produced by a chemical process [5]. Table 1 lists the formation reactions of the radical CH*, with their emission bands [1]. of the flame and has also been proposed in many works as a sensing method in industrial equipment [...
INTRODUCTION. This Agreement and their annexes, read together as the same instrument, will constitute the "Checking Account Agreement" signed between the Customer and the Bank. The Agreement hereof includes the general terms and conditions and all the information related to the accounts and Services chosen by the Customer and constitutes a single entire agreement between the Bank and the Customer. Any reference to the "Bank" shall be understood to be made to the Bank J.P. Xxxxxx Colombia S.A. Any reference to the "Customer" shall be understood as referring to the legal entity to which the Bank, as an independent contractor, provides Accounts and Services. All Accounts subject to this Agreement are hereinafter referred to as the "Accounts". "Services" shall mean those Services offered by the Bank and subject to this Agreement and any applicable Service Contracts. "Service Agreements" shall mean the terms and conditions related to specific types of Accounts or Services subject to the Agreement hereof. In addition to this Agreement and the Service Contracts, all accounts are subject to other documentation related to the Accounts, including all annexes of the present document (the "Account Documentation"). Signature cards must contain the fingerprint of the Authorized Person(s) as Account holder(s), in their capacity as representatives of the Customer before the Bank. For the purposes of this document, the text in "bold" represents the local provisions that modify the Global Account Terms. Likewise, the text not highlighted in "bold" is initially taken from the J.P. Morgan Global Account Terms. The Customer understands that the terms and conditions related to their Checking Accounts are included in this document and that mentioning the Global Account Terms corresponds to the Bank's internal policies. 1. Authorized Persons. ‌‌‌
INTRODUCTION. This survey is part of a larger effort by GEF/EO to conduct a Mid-Term Review of the GEF Resource Allocation Framework. We would be grateful for about 15 minutes of your time to obtain information on your perceptions and experience regarding the RAF. As you respond to the questions, if needed you may go back to previous pages in the survey to update your responses. After you have finished, you will not be able to re-enter the survey. For further information about the RAF Mid-Term Review, please see the MTR web page at xxxx:// . All responses will be treated as CONFIDENTIAL: Any personal identification information will be used for analysis purposes only; your responses will be grouped along with those from others and not associated with you in our reporting. If you have any questions regarding this survey or the MTR, please contact the Review team at . Mid-Term Review of the GEF RAF- Convention National Focal Points-- jmlk lmjk Yes (Please proceed to the next question) No (Please note that this survey is intended only for those with experience with the Resource Allocation Framework.) Mid-Term Review of the GEF RAF- Convention National Focal Points-- lmjk lmjk lmjk xxxx xxxx xxxx Very negatively Somewhat negatively Neither negatively nor positively Somewhat positively Very positively


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