Participation by conference call, video conference or similar means of communication Clauses Exemplaires

Participation by conference call, video conference or similar means of communication. Any director may participate in a meeting of the Board by conference call, video conference or by similar means of communication whereby: (i) the directors attending the meeting can be identified, (ii) all persons participating in the meeting can hear and speak to each other, (iii) the transmission of the meeting is performed on an ongoing basis, and (iv) the directors can properly deliberate. Participation in a meeting by such means shall constitute presence in person at such meeting. A meeting of the Board held by such means of communication will be deemed to be held in Luxembourg. The Board may validly deliberate and make decisions only if at least one half of its members are present or represented. Decisions are made by the majority of the votes expressed by the members present or represented. If a member of the Board abstains from voting or does not participate to a vote, this abstention or non participation are not taken into account in calculating the majority. Any member of the Board may act at any meeting of the Board by appointing in writing another director as his or her proxy, under the condition however that at least two directors are present at the meeting. Copies of written proxies that are transmitted by telefax or by e-mail may be accepted as evidence of such written proxies at a meeting of the Board. In the case of a tied vote, the Chairman or the chairman pro tempore, as the case may be, shall have a casting vote. In the event that a director of the Company has, directly or indirectly, a financial interest opposite to the interest of the Company in any transaction of the Company that is submitted to the approval of the Board, such director shall immediately make known to the Board such opposite interest at that board meeting and shall cause a record of his statement to be included in the minutes of the meeting. The director may not take part in the deliberations relating to that transaction, will not count in the quorum, and may not vote on the resolutions relating to that transaction. The transaction and the director’s interest therein, shall be reported to the following general meeting.
Participation by conference call, video conference or similar means of communication. Any director may participate in a meeting of the Board by conference call, video conference or by similar means of communication whereby: (i) the directors attending the meeting can be identified, (ii) all persons participating in the meeting can hear and speak to each other, (iii) the transmission of the meeting is performed on an ongoing basis, and (iv) the directors can properly deliberate. Participation in a meeting by such means shall constitute presence in person at such meeting. A meeting of the Board held by such means of communication will be deemed to be held in Luxembourg.