Claims Clausole campione

Claims. 9.1. Any claim or contestation on the part of the Buyer with regard to goods supplied, must be forwarded in writing to the Vendor within 20 working days of the dateofdelivery, as well as sent to the Vendor's registered office by email to the following address: xx.xx@xxxxx.xx 9.2. In the event of claims for tampering with or shortage of goods, the Buyershall promptly notify the freight company in writing at the time the goods are received.
Claims. 6.1 The Buyer, upon delivery, is required to carefully examine the received products and to immediately notify the Seller obvious defects (e.g. broken, deformed packaging, wet goods ...) by making a note on the delivery documents (DN or CMR) and forwarding an email to the relevant sales department (on special forms to be requested from our sales dept.). In case the Buyer does not issue any notice according to the abovementioned indications, the Products will be deemed as accepted and compliant with the indications contained in the Order Confirmation, all the while with the possibility of still claiming possible hidden defects according to the terms specified by law, provided that said claim is done in writing according to the specifications above. non apparenti, purché tale denuncia sia effettuata per iscritto, secondo le modalità di cui sopra. 6.2 I Prodotti, oggetto del reclamo, dovranno essere conservati con diligenza secondo le “Norme d’uso e stoccaggio fornite dal Venditore” e tenuti a disposizione del Venditore, che potrà visionarli ed effettuare i necessari controlli. Solo previa autorizzazione scritta da parte del Venditore sarà accettato il Prodotto in restituzione. 6.3 A seguito del ricevimento del reso, il Venditore provvederà, a sua scelta, a sostituire i Prodotti difettosi o a rimborsare l’importo pagato dal Compratore per il loro acquisto. 6.4 I prodotti acquistati mediante offerte speciali o promozioni possono essere soggette a Specifiche Condizioni di Vendita. In caso di reclamo, tali condizioni prevarranno sulle presenti Condizioni Generali di Vendita. 6.5 A seguito del riconoscimento da parte del Venditore di un vizio nella fornitura, non è ammesso in nessun modo un ritardo nei pagamenti o uno sconto su forniture che non sono oggetto del reclamo. Non sono altresì riconosciuti al Compratore i costi amministrativi o legali relativi all’apertura/gestione della pratica, né eventuali altri costi, come ad esempio costi legati al fermo produzione.
Claims. Recognisable faults and defects shall be reported within eight days after delivery, concealed faults and defects shall be reported within eight days after discovery; in both cases, failure to comply with the above term shall lead to forfeiture of rights. The claim shall be sent to iTALgRANiTi gROUP in writing and shall always be made before installation of the material. The purchaser undertakes to keep the material to which the claim relates at the vendor’s disposal to allow inspection of the defects. in all events, except in case of malicious intent or serious fault, iTALgRANiTi gROUP shall not be obliged to provide any form of compensation except for replacement of the product, if appropriate.
Claims. Claims for missing goods must be made upon receipt thereof. Any claims for the delivery of goods non-compliant with what has been agreed must also be made upon receipt thereof. The buyer must in any case accept the goods sent. Deliveries of disputed goods and/or material to be returned must be appropriately stored by the buyer, protected from damage. The warranty for hidden defects remains excluded or limited in the event of: unauthorised removal of the fitted products, unprofessional laying of the product, non-compliance with the Seller's instructions and specific directives, damaging actions due to failure to comply with standard diligence, which may have prejudiced damage control. The use of visibly faulty goods or goods visibly non-complaint with those ordered implies the acceptance of the quality characteristics and excludes the right to make any claim. For the claim to be accepted, proof must be supplied that the goods have been treated in an adequate manner and laid according to professional standards. In any case, it is essential that the Seller has the possibility to check the faults claimed in their original state. In this case, sufficient time must be granted to check the cause of the damage. If the buyer denies this right, the Seller declines any liability for compensation. The damaged party must take all the measures possible to contain the damage to a minimum. In addition, the said party must provide a sufficient number of samples of the disputed goods.
Claims. Any claim to be submitted to the Lessor must be received in writing no later than 30 (thirty) days from the rental term.
Claims. 6.1 The Buyer shall accurately examine upon delivery, the received Products and notify the Seller by writing within 8 (eight) days from receipt (on the specific forms requested by our commercial office) about any possible defects found – or that will be found - during said check-up, or suggest any other claim concerning the delivered Products. In case the Buyer does not issue any notice according to the abovementioned indications, the Products will be deemed as accepted and compliant with the indications contained in the Order Confirmation, all the while with the possibility of still claiming possible hidden defects according to the terms specified by law, provided that said claim is done in writing according to the specifications above, within 8 (eight) days from discovering them. 6.2 The Buyer shall refuse delivery from the Carrier in case of Products with damaged packaging and immediately notify the Seller in writing, according to the specifications indicated in point 6.1, otherwise the delivered Products will be deemed accepted in full, in the conditions in which they are at the time. 6.3 The Products object of claim shall be preserved with due diligence according to the ''Rules of use and storage” supplied by the Seller and be available to the Seller for examination and to perform the necessary controls. The Product being returned will be accepted only upon written authorization by the Seller 6.4 After receiving the returned product the Seller, at its discretion will replace the faulty Products or refund the amount paid by the Buyer to purchase them. 6.5 The products purchased through special offers or promotions can be subject to Specific Sales Conditions. In case of claim, said conditions will prevail on the General Sales Conditions. 6.6 In case of a claim, recognized or not by the Seller, the Buyer cannot delay any payment or partially pay other invoices that are not subject of the claim. Not only, the Seller doesn't accept either administrative fees or legal costs or any other costs, such as costs due to stops in the production process. 7-Terms of use and disclaimer The Seller produces and sells polyolefin stretch film for industrial packaging. The Seller is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, to people or things or animals deriving from improper use of the product or above to its technical characteristics.
Claims. (a) Any claim by the Buyer of any and every kind must be made in a writing dispatched to Seller, by registered mail, return receipt requested, not later than thirty days from the date of shipment of the Merchandise with respect to which the claim is made. Failure to make any claim in such manner or within such thirty day period shall constitute an irrevocable acceptance of the Merchandise and an admission by the Buyer that the Merchandise fully comply with all the terms, conditions and specifications of the Contract. (b) The Buyer may not accept only a part of the Merchandise delivered. Acceptance of any part of the Merchandise ordered shall constitute acceptance of all of the ordered Merchandise, whether or not the Merchandise is all tendered in one shipment. (c) No Merchandise may be returned by the Buyer without the prior written authorization of the Seller. All returns shall be subject to verification on arrival at the location specified, in such written authorization, for the return of the Merchandise.
Claims. 6.1 The Purchaser must provide adequate evidence of defective goods delivered. 6.2 Claims must be notified in writing within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the goods. 6.3 If there are non-visible defects, the claim must be submitted within 8 (eight) weeks from receipt of the goods. 6.4 If claims are reasonable, the Seller will provide the missing products, if products are missing, and will also, at its sole discretion, take back or exchange the defective goods or issue a credit note in favour of the Purchaser equal to the value of the goods found to be defective. 6.5 The Purchaser cannot return the goods without the Seller's express written acceptance. 6.6 Any claim from the Purchaser for damages due to termination of contract or some of its clauses for negligence on the part of the Seller will not be acceptedexcept as set out below. 6.7 With the exception of cases of gross negligence or intentional misconduct on the part of the Seller, any damages payable to the Purchaser will be limited to the purchase price of the products in question. 6.8 In cases of gross negligence or intentional misconduct, the Seller's responsibility will be limited to damages probably caused by the breach of obligations.
Claims. 1.1. The current general terms, except for any exceptions specifically agreed in writing, enforce all current and future sales contracts between parties.
Claims. As provided in the previous points 2, 3, and 4, claims are only accepted regarding the authenticity of the lots.