Force Majeure Clausole campione

Force Majeure. IZSVe shall not be liable for failure of or delay in performing obligations set forth in this Agreement, or for having incorrectly performed them, and shall not be deemed in breach of its obligations, if such failure, delay or incorrect performance is due to natural disasters or any causes beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, any act of God, any civil commotion or strike. In the event of such force majeure, the Party affected thereby shall promptly notify the other Party in writing. If the force majeure lasts more than 90 days, the Party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement; the notice of termination shall be made according to the following art. 13.
Force Majeure. If the Issuer determines that by reason of force majeure or act of state occurring after the Trade Date it becomes impossible or impracticable to perform in whole or in part its obligations under the Warrants and/or any related hedging arrangements, the Issuer may cancel the Warrants by giving notice to Holders in accordance with Condition 11. If the Issuer cancels the Warrants then the Issuer will, if and to the extent possible or practicable, pay an amount (if any) to each Holder in respect of each Warrant or, if Units are specified in the applicable Final Terms, each Unit, as the case may be, held by such Holder, which amount shall be the fair market value (if any) of a Warrant or Unit, as the case may be, taking into account such force majeure or act of state less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements plus, if applicable and if already paid by or on behalf of the Holder, the Exercise Price, all as determined by the Calculation Agent in its sole and absolute discretion. Any payment will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 11.
Force Majeure. If the Issuer determines that by reason of force majeure or act of state occurring after the Trade Date it becomes impossible or impracticable to perform in whole or in part its obligations under the Certificates and/or any related hedging arrangements, the Issuer may redeem the Certificates by giving notice to Holders in accordance with Condition 11. If the Issuer redeems the Certificates then the Issuer will, if and to the extent possible or practicable, pay an amount (if any) to each Holder in respect of each Certificate held by such Holder, which amount shall be the fair market value (if any) of a Certificate taking into account such force majeure or act of state less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements, all as determined by the Calculation Agent in its sole and absolute discretion. Any payment will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 11.
Force Majeure. If the Issuer determines that by reason of force majeure or act of state occurring after the Trade Date it becomes impossible or impracticable to perform in whole or in part its obligations under the W&C Securities and/or any related hedging arrangements, the Issuer may, in the case of Warrants, cancel, or in the case of Certificates, redeem the W&C Securities by giving notice to Holders in accordance with Condition 10. If the Issuer cancels or redeems, as the case may be, the W&C Securities then the Issuer will, if and to the extent possible or practicable, pay an amount (if any) to each Holder in respect of each W&C Security, or in the case of Warrants, if Units are specified as applicable in the applicable Final Terms, each Unit, as the case may be, held by such Holder, which amount shall be equal to the fair market value (if any) of a W&C Security or Unit, as the case may be, taking into account such force majeure or act of state less, except in the case of Italian Listed Securities, the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements plus, in the case of Warrants, if applicable and if already paid by or on behalf of the Holder, the Exercise Price, all as determined by the Calculation Agent in its sole and absolute discretion. Any payment will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 10.
Force Majeure. 10.1 Force majeure shall mean any unforeseeable and exceptional situation or event beyond the control of the contracting parties which prevents either of them from performing any of their obligations under the Agreement, was not due to error or negligence on their part or on the part of a subcontractor, and could not have been avoided by the exercise of due diligence. Defects in equipment or materials or delays in making it available, labour disputes, strikes or financial problems cannot be invoked as force majeure, unless they stem from a relevant case of force majeure. 10.2 Without prejudice to the provision of 10.1, if either contracting party is faced with force majeure, it shall notify the other party without delay by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or equivalent, stating the nature, likely duration and foreseeable effects. 10.3 Neither contracting party shall be held in breach of its contractual obligations if it has been prevented from performing them by force majeure. Where the HCP module are unable to perform his contractual obligations owing to force majeure, he shall have the right to remuneration only for tasks actually executed. 10.4 The contracting parties shall take the necessary measures to reduce damage to a minimum. The HCP module shall inform in writing of subcontracting parts of the contract to third parties. In any case the HCP module shall none the less remain bound by his obligations to CN APELL-RO under the Agreement and bear exclusive liability for the proper performance of the Agreement. 12.1 The HCP module shall have sole responsibility for compliance with the tax laws which apply to him. Failure to comply shall make relevant invoices invalid. 12.2 Invoices presented by the HCP module shall indicate his place of taxation for VAT purposes and shall specify separately the amounts not including VAT and the amount including VAT and if applicable, include written evidence of exemption of taxes and duties, including VAT.
Force Majeure. 11.1. The non-performance of the obligations as a result of force majeure shall not constitute a breach of the obligations assumed by Friulforgia and by the Customer. Force majeure shall mean all unexpected or unpredictable situations or events, or events that could have been expected but could not have been avoided, because outside the control of the party who suffered them, where the occurrence of such circumstances is not due to the conduct or omissions of the party itself. Such circumstances include by way of example, the outbreak or the threat of war, government measures, flooding, pandemics, floods, earthquakes, riots, fires, general strikes exceeding 20 (twenty) days. 11.2. The party affected by an event of force majeure shall immediately inform the other party and shall take all reasonable measures to overcome this impediment and continue to perform its contractual obligations. The obligations and rights of the Party affected by the force majeure event will be extended from day to day for the period of time equal to the incendi, gli scioperi generali superiori a 20 (venti) giorni. 11.2. La Parte colpita da un evento di forza maggiore dovrà darne immediata comunicazione all’altra Parte e dovrà adottare ogni ragionevole misura per ovviare a tale impedimento e adempiere ai propri obblighi contrattuali. Le obbligazioni e i diritti della Parte colpita dall’evento di forza maggiore saranno estesi di giorno in giorno per il periodo di tempo pari al periodo di ritardo scusabile. L’assenza di comunicazione del verificarsi dell’evento di forza maggiore all’altra Parte non dà diritto alla Parte colpita di avvalersi dell’esonero della responsabilità contrattuale prevista a questo articolo. 11.3. Nel caso di prolungarsi della causa di forza maggiore oltre 120 (centoventi) giorni senza che la Parte colpita abbia potuto rimediare al proprio inadempimento, ciascuna Parte avrà facoltà di recedere dal Contratto, senza che alcun risarcimento sia dovuto all’altra Parte. Il recesso dovrà esercitarsi tramite invio di comunicazione scritta via posta elettronica certificata o raccomandata A/R all’altra Parte e avrà effetto dal quindicesimo giorno successivo all’invio della comunicazione stessa. 11.4. Nel caso di inadempimento parziale di Friulforgia dovuto a forza maggiore, il Cliente sarà comunque tenuto al pagamento dei costi sostenuti e delle lavorazioni effettuate da Friulforgia sino al prodursi dell’evento di forza maggiore.
Force Majeure. Failure to fulfill the obligations of one of the Parties that is prevented by objective circumstances that are unpredictable and beyond its control will not constitute a breach of the obligations assumed in the ODA and in the Contract. In this regard, events of force majeure will be deemed by way of example, but not limited to, wars, fires, accidents, earthquakes, floods, general strikes, lockouts, embargoes and orders from the public authorities. The Supplier who is prevented from fulfilling its obligations by an event of force majeure shall immediately inform the Purchaser and shall take all reasonable measure to remedy this impediment and to continue the fulfillment of its contractual obligations. Should this event cause a delay in deliveries exceeding 60 (sixty) days, the Purchaser will be entitled to terminate the purchase ODA at any time by sending a registered letter or a certified email (PEC) to the Supplier.
Force Majeure. If the Issuer determines that by reason of force majeure or act of state occurring after the Trade Date it becomes impossible or impracticable to perform in whole or in part its obligations under the Securities and/or any related hedging arrangements, the Issuer may, in the case of Warrants, cancel, or in the case of Certificates, redeem the Securities by giving notice to Holders in accordance with Condition 10. If the Issuer cancels or redeems, as the case may be, the Securities then the Issuer will, if and to the extent possible or practicable, pay an amount (if any) to each Holder in respect of each Security, or in the case of Warrants, if Units are specified as applicable in the applicable Final Terms, each Unit, as the case may be, held by such Holder, which amount shall be equal to the fair market value (if any) of a Security or Unit, as the case may be, taking into account such force majeure or act of state less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements plus, in the case of Warrants, if applicable and if already paid by or on behalf of the Holder, the Exercise Price, all as determined by the Calculation Agent in its sole and absolute discretion. Any payment will be made in such manner as shall be notified to the Holders in accordance with Condition 10.
Force Majeure. Nessuna delle Parti sarà ritenuta responsabile per ritardi o mancati adempimenti dei propri obblighi contrattuali dovuti a cause di force majeure come definite nel codice civile francese. Le Parti sovranno incontrari per discutere sulle implicazioni in caso di cause di force majeure.
Force Majeure. The contract execution can be suspended, without any responsibility, if its fulfilment is prevented or delayed by circumstances not depending from one of the interested party control, among them force majeure causes, war, conflict, acts of sabotage, government decisions or actions (including export or re-export prohibition, or the missed authorization or the annulment of export licenses); trade union conflicts, strike, lockout; without prejudice of Customer obligation to pay all necessary amounts due to CAENELS in compliance with the stipulated agreements. The seller does not have any obligation to supply goods, services or technology, if he did not obtain the necessary licenses or authorization or the qualification for the general licenses or the derogations foreseen by the law, regulations, ordinances and requirements for importation, exportation control and penalties and relevant modifications. Should such licenses, authorizations, approvals be rejected or repealed or in case of modification of laws, regulations, ordinances and requirements which forbid CAENELS to fulfil the contract or which expose him to the risk of responsibility foreseen by laws, regulations, and current requirements, CAENELS shall be exonerated from all obligations foreseen by the present contract and/or any other collateral contract with the customer. Should any of the parties be unable to fulfil its obligations, except for customer’s obligation to pay the amount due to CAENELS according to the stipulated agreements, due to the reasons foreseen in the present article, for a period longer than 180 consecutive days, both parties can settle the non-executed part of the contract, without any responsibilities, by a written notice sent to the other party.