Liability Clausole campione

Liability. 11.1. Should the Vendor be liable for faulty products, the compensation shall not in any case exceed the purchase price of the same faulty products.
Liability. The Supplier shall be liable for any losses that the Supplier, its employees, its representatives and/or its subcontractors cause to ARaymond or to third parties due to the Supply and/or due to execution of the Purchase Order and/or the Contract. ARaymond shall hold the Supplier liable for any losses and/or liability that the other Party may incur in this regard. The Supplier shall indemnify ARaymond for any and all losses caused by a Supply that is defective or non-Compliant, including, but not limited to, the costs (including legal costs and experts’ fees) of any recall activity for the Supply, of labour, of replacements, of assembly and disassembly, of testing and analysis activities, of reconditioning and of transportation to/from ARaymond and/or to/from its customers. Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, the abovementioned provisions regarding liability apply to all harm, both direct and indirect, tangible and intangible, and to costs and to losses, without any limit of amount and to the fullest extent permitted by law. Under no circumstances shall ARaymond be liable for non-fulfilment of its obligations under the Contract if such non-fulfilment results from a Force Majeure Event as defined in Art. 15.1.
Liability. By requesting the Material and signing this Agreement, the Recipient accepts responsibility for the proper handling and testing of the Material in accordance with generally accepted international scientific standards, including any disposition and guidelines regarding biosecurity, biosafety, health and scientific research. The Recipient guarantees that suitable handling and containment conditions are available and will be applied in the Recipient’s laboratory. The Recipient represents that within its laboratories: - the access to the Material and to Modifications will be restricted to personnel capable and qualified to safely handle those substances, using appropriate containment; - the Recipient shall use the utmost precaution to minimise any risk of harm to persons and property and to safeguard them from theft or misuse. The Recipient assumes all liability for any and all third party damages and claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement, including the receipt, use, handling, storage, conservation of the Material and Modifications. The Recipient agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless IZSVe and its employees from and against any third party claims, losses, costs, expenses and damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees which may incur, suffer or be required to pay resulting from or arising in connection with the use, handling or storage of Material or Modifications by the Recipient or the Recipient’s personnel, or the breach of any obligation of the Recipient hereunder.
Liability. In accordance with article L.133-22 of the Monetary and Financial Code, LEMON WAY is responsible, under articles L.133-5 and L.133-21 of said Code, for successfully executing payment Transactions for the payer Account Holder, until the funds are received by the Beneficiary's third part payment service provider. In the event that LEMON WAY is responsible for a poorly executed payment Transaction, it will return the amount in question to the payer and will restore the debited account to the situation that would have prevailed if said poorly executed payment Transaction had not taken place. In accordance with article 8-, if an Account Holder, acting for non-professional purposes, wishes to dispute a payment Transaction that they have not personally authorised, they must contact customer services as soon as possible after learning of the irregularity and no later than thirteen (13) months after such a transaction is registered within the payment Transaction Account. In the event that a security measure is used, non-authorised payment Transactions executed prior to notification of the objection are deemed the responsibility of the Account Holder acting for non-professional purposes, up to a limit of €150. However, LEMON WAY shall not be held liable in case of Account Holder misconduct, such as a wilful misconduct, or constituent of a serious failure to meet its obligations, a late communication of an objection or bad faith. In the event of a misappropriation or counterfeiting of its data, the losses resulting from payment Transactions processed prior to objection by the Account Holder acting for non-professional purposes will be borne by LEMON WAY, unless such losses are a result of the aforementioned misconduct. Payment Transactions carried out after objection by the Account Holder acting for non-professional purposes are borne by LEMON WAY, except for cases of fraud. LEMON WAY does not have the right to cancel an irrevocable payment Order on the Account Xxxxxx'x request. LEMON WAY shall not, under any circumstances, be held liable for indirect damages, such as commercial harm, loss of customers, commercial disruption, loss of profit or damage to brand image suffered by an Account Holder or third party, that may have resulted from the payment Services it provides. Any action brought against an Account Holder by a third party is treated as indirect damage and therefore does not entitle the former to compensation. Unless otherwise stipulated in these General Ter...
Liability. 14.1) The Supplier's Responsibility
Liability. Whilst every effort is made by BIMS to ensure that the contents of face-to-face or online courses (including, but not limited to, videos, pictures and texts) are accurate and up to date, BIMS shall not be liable whatsoever for any inaccuracy or misleading information, nor for any consequential damage or expense or any loss of profit or any liability to third parties incurred as a result of reliance on such information, which is provided for educational purpose only. BIMS total liability under this agreement shall be limited to the maximum amount represented by the Fees paid to the latter by the Client. BIMS and the Client undertake all the obligations in the matter of traceability of financial flows pursuant to Law No 136/2010, as amended and implemented ("Traceability Obligations"). Should the Client fall within the definition of 'contracting authority' provided by the Legislative Decree no. 50 of April 18, 2016 for the purposes of the applicability of the provisions of law pursuant to art. 3 of Law No. 136/2010, as amended, the Client undertakes to notify BIMS about the Tender Identification Code/s Codice/i Identificativo/i di Gara (CIG) relating to the payments to be made hereunder and, if provided, the Single Project Code/s Codice/i Unico di Progetto (CUP). It is understood that, except for any derogations and partial exemptions from the provisions of Law No. 136/2010, failure to use suitable instruments for enabling the traceability of the financial movements (e.g., bank or postal money transfer) and failure to perform any other Traceability Obligation, represents a cause for the termination of the present agreement.
Liability. All Material provided within the framework of the present Agreement are to be used for experimental purposes. By requesting the Material and signing this Agreement, the Recipient accepts responsibility for the proper handling and testing of the Material in accordance with generally accepted international scientific standards, including any disposition and guidelines regarding biosecurity, biosafety, health and scientific research. The Recipient guarantees that suitable handling and containment conditions are available and will be applied in the Recipient’s laboratory. The Recipient accepts that the Material and any Progeny classified as Risk Group 2(as defined by EU Regulations on such matters) includes known pathogens and that any other Material, differently identified, may be pathogenic under certain conditions. The Recipient represents that within its laboratories, the access to the Material will be restricted to personnel capable and qualified to safely handle those substances, using appropriate containment. The Recipient shall use the utmost precaution to minimise any risk of harm to persons and property and to safeguard them from theft or misuse. The Recipient assumes all liability for any and all third party damages and claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement, including the receipt, use, handling, storage, conservation of the Material. The Recipient agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Provider and its employees from and against any third party claims, losses, costs, expenses and damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees which may incur, suffer or be required to pay resulting from or arising in connection with the use, handling or storage of Material by the Recipient or the Recipient’s personnel, or the breach of any obligation of the Recipient hereunder. Neither the Provider nor the Depositary will take the responsibility or guarantee that the use of the Material does not violate any patent, trademark or any other property right of any Third party.
Liability. 13.1 Liability Cap. If Model Contract Clauses have been entered into as described in Section 10.2 (Transfers of Data) then, subject to Section
Liability point 11. C&F Srl is exempted from any responsibility in terms of direct or indirect damages to persons and things that may derive from transportation, installation, maintenance or use of the equipments supplied, or by faults or defects with the exception of the event that exclusion and limitation of responsibility are not allowed by law. In any case C&F Srl will never acknowledge a compensation higher than the value of the supply itself.
Liability. By requesting the Material and signing this Agreement, the Recipient accepts responsibility for the proper handling and testing of the Material in accordance with generally accepted international scientific standards, including any disposition and guidelines regarding biosecurity, biosafety, health and scientific research. The Recipient guarantees that suitable handling and containment conditions are available and will be applied in the Recipient’s laboratory.‌ The Recipient represents that within its laboratories: - the Recipient shall use the utmost precaution to minimise any risk of harm to persons and property and to safeguard them from theft or misuse.‌ The Recipient assumes all liability for any and all third-party damages and claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement, including the receipt, use, handling, storage, conservation of the Material and Modifications.