申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約. 前条第2項の規定にかかわらず、当ホテルは、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。
申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約. 前条第2項の規定にかかわらず、当ホテルは、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。 2 宿泊契約の申込みを承諾するに当たり、当ホテルが前条第2項の申込金の支払いを求めなかった場合及び申込金の支払い期日を指定しなかった場合は、前項の特約に応じたものとして取り扱います。 (宿泊契約締結の拒否)
申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約. 前条第2項の規定にかかわらず、当施設は、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。
申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約. 1. 前条第2項の規定にかかわらず、当館は、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。
2. 宿泊契約の申込みを承諾するに当たり、当館が前条第2項の申込金の支払いを求めなかった場合及び当該申込金の支払期日を指定しなかった場合は、前項の特約に応じたもの として取り扱います。
申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約. 1 前条第 2 項の規定にかかわらず、当ホテルは、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。 ♙rticle 1(SCOPE OF ♙XXXXX♙XXXX) 1 The accommodation contract andrelatedcontractsconcludedbetween the Hotelandthe Guestshallbe governedbytheprovisionsofthese Termsand Conditions. Matters not provided for in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by laws and regulations (includinglaws based on such laws) or generally established customs.
2 In the case of when the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations andgenerallyacceptedpractices,notwithstandingthepreceding Paragraph, thespecial contact shall take precedence over theprovisions of these Terms and Conditions. ♙rticle2(♙XXXXX♙XXXX FOR ♙CCOMMOD♙XXXX XXXXX♙CTS ) 1 ♙ Guest who intends to make an application for an ♙ccommodation Contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars:
(1) Name of the Guests (s);
(2) Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival;
(3) ♙ccommodation Charges (based, in principle, on the Basic ♙ccommodation Charges listed in the ♙ttached Table No.1); and
(4) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel; 2 In the case of when the Guest requests, during his stay, extension of the accommodation beyond the date in subparagraph (2) of the preceding Paragraph, it shall be regarded as an application for a new ♙ccommodation Contact at the time such request is made. ♙rticle3(CONCLUSION OF ♙CCOMMOD♙XXXX XXXXX♙CTS,ETC. )
1 ♙ Contract for ♙ccommodation shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Hotel has accepted the application as stipulated in the preceding ♙rticle. However, the same shall not apply when it has been proved that the Hotel has not accepted the application. 2 WhenaContractfor♙ccommodationhasbeenconcludedinaccordancewith the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Guest is requested to pay an accommodation deposit fixed by the Hotel within the limits of the Basic ♙ccommodation Charges covering the Guest’s entire period of stay (3days whentheperiod ofstayexceeds 3days) bythe datespecifiedby the Hotel. 3 The deposit shall be first used for the Total ♙ccommodation Charges to be paid by the Guest, then secondly for the cancellation charges under ♙rticle 6 and thirdly for the reparations under ♙rticle 18 as applicable, and the remainder, if any, shall be refunded at the time of the payment of the ♙ccommodation Charges as stated in ♙rticle 12.
4 When the Guest has failed to pay the deposit by t...
申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約. Article 4 Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit】
1 Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 3,the Hotel may enter into a special contract requiring no accommodation deposit after the contract has been concluded as stipulated in the same paragraph.
2 In the case where the Hotel has not requested the payment of the deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of preceding Article and / or has not specified the date of the payment of the deposit as the time the application for an Accommodation Contract has been accepted, it shall be treated as that the Hotel has accepted a special contract prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約. 1 前条第 2 項の規定にかかわらず、当ホテルは、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。 2 宿泊契約の申込みを承諾するにあたり、当ホテルが前条第 2 Article 1(SCOPE OF APPLICATION)
1 Contracts for Accommodation and related agreements to be entered into between this Hotel and the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. And any particulars not provided for herein shall be governedby Laws andregulationsandgenerally acceptedpractices.
2 In the case of when the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations andgenerallyacceptedpractices,notwithstandingtheprecedingParagraph, the special contact shall take precedence over the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. Article2(APPLICATION FOR ACCOMMODATION CONTRACTS ) 1 A Guest who intends to make an application for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars:
(1) Name of the Guests (s);
(2) Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival;
(3) Accommodation Charges (based, in principle, on the Basic Accommodation Charges listed in the Attached Table No.1); and
(4) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel; 2 In the case of when the Guest requests, during his stay, extension of the accommodation beyond the date in subparagraph (2) of the preceding Paragraph, it shall be regarded as an application for a new Accommodation Contact at the time such request is made. Article3(CONCLUSION OF ACCOMMODATION CONTRACTS,ETC. )
1 A Contract for Accommodation shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Hotel has accepted the application as stipulated in the preceding Article. However, the same shall not apply when it has been proved that the Hotel has not accepted the application. 2 WhenaContractforAccommodationhasbeenconcludedinaccordancewith the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Guest is requested to pay an accommodation deposit fixed by the Hotel within the limits of the Basic Accommodation Charges covering the Guest’s entire period of stay (3days whentheperiodofstayexceeds 3days) bythe datespecifiedbythe Hotel. 3 The deposit shall be first used for the Total Accommodation Charges to be paid by the Guest, then secondly for the cancellation charges under Article 6 and thirdly for the reparations under Article 18 as applicable, and the remainder, if any, shall be refunded at the time of the payment of the Accommodation Charges as stated in Article 12.
4 When the Guest has failed to pay the deposit...
申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約. 前条第2項の規定にかかわらず、ビッグ・アイは、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払を要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。
申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約. 1. 前条第2項の規定にかかわらず、当施設は、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。
2. 宿泊契約の申し込みを承諾するに当たり、当施設が前条第2項の申込金の支払いを求めなかった場合及び当該申込金の支払期日を指定しなかった場合は、前項の特約に応じたものとして取り扱います。 (施設における感染防止対策への協力の求め)