OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES Cláusulas Exemplificativas

OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. 4.1. Company: It is responsibility of the COMPANY (i) to pay the price under the conditions set in this agreement, (ii) the provision of necessary and sufficient information for the SUPPLIER to understand the scope of the SUPPLY to the COMPANY, (iii) to ensure access, where necessary and within the conditions established by the COMPANY, to the COMPANY premises in PURCHASE ORDER to enable the SUPPLY and/or clarification during the QUOTATION PROCESS. 4.2.
OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. 4.1. Both institutions shall attempt to achieve reciprocity under the activities covered by this Agreement.
OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. 4.1. Both institutions shall attempt to achieve reciprocity under the activities covered by this Agreement. 4.2. At the completion of the stay of the student, the host institution shall forward to the appropriate office of the institution of origin an official document, specifying the activities carried out and, as the case may be, the achievement level attained. 4.3. The home institution shall acknowledge the academic results obtained by the student at the host institution, based on the work program previously agreed to between the institutions and the respective credits and/or hours. 4.4. Both institutions agree in a binding form to promote the integration of the students in the academic life of the host institution. 4.5. The host institution shall provide such adequate research conditions and locations for the work of the visiting faculty member/researcher as are within its reach. 4.6. The host institution shall offer working conditions for the development of the activities of the members of the technical-administrative staffs. SECTION 5 – COORDINATION OF THE AGREEMENT 5.1. To ensure the technical-administrative coordination of this Agreement, the ESCOLA DE COMUNICAÇÕES E ARTES of USP hereby appoints ...................................……......... (full name of the professor and his/her administrative office/department) and ……………………(name of the FOREIGN INSTITUTION), hereby appoints .............................................. (full name of the professor and his/her administrative office/department). To ensure the technical and administrative support, ECA appoints its international office (xxxxx-xxx@xxx.xx and xxxxxxxx.xxx@xxx.xx) and ……. (name of the FOREIGN INSTITUTION) appoints …………….. 5.2. It is incumbent on the Coordinators to provide solutions and to forward all academic and administrative issues that may occur during the effective term hereof, as well as to ensure supervision of the activities. SECTION 6 –
OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. 4.1. Both institutions shall attempt to achieve reciprocity under the activities covered by this Agreement. 4.2. At the completion of the stay of the student, the host institution shall forward to the appropriate office of the institution of origin an official document, specifying the activities carried out and, as the case may be, the achievement level attained. 4.3. The home institution shall acknowledge the academic results obtained by the student at the host institution, based on the work program previously agreed to between the institutions and the respective credits and/or hours. 4.4. Both institutions agree in a binding form to promote the integration of the students in the academic life of the host institution. 4.5. The host institution shall provide such adequate research conditions and locations for the work of the visiting faculty member/researcher as are within its reach. 4.6. The host institution shall offer working conditions for the development of the activities of the members of the technical-administrative staffs.
OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. Clause 8 Data protection safeguards


  • CLÁUSULA DÉCIMA TERCEIRA - DOS CASOS OMISSOS 13.1 - Os casos omissos serão resolvidos com base na Lei nº. 8.666 de 21/06/93 e suas alterações, e, cujas normas ficam incorporadas ao presente instrumento, ainda que delas não se faça menção expressa.

  • DOS CASOS OMISSOS 14.1. Os casos omissos serão decididos pela CONTRATANTE, segundo as disposições contidas na Lei nº 8.666, de 1993, na Lei nº 10.520, de 2002 e demais normas federais aplicáveis e, subsidiariamente, segundo as disposições contidas na Lei nº 8.078, de 1990 – Código de Defesa do Consumidor – e normas e princípios gerais dos contratos.