SUMMARY Cláusulas Exemplificativas

SUMMARY. 82% Linguistic Knowledge Experience in International M&A Processes Knowledge of Commercial, Company, Civil and Labour Law Knowledge of Commercial, Corporate, Civil and Labour Law Experience with Industrial Property Matters Experience with Industrial Property Matters Administration Council Support
SUMMARY. The Interview Experience
SUMMARY. Attached is a copy of the second quarter 2024 Liability Claim Status Report for Commission review. As required by Resolution 8458, this report is prepared for the board on a quarterly basis.
SUMMARY. It is well known that great are the difficulties that Brazilian entrepreneurs face when undertaking, especially in obtaining various investments in their business activity. IN 38/2017 of the DREI has contributed to solving this deficiency, making it possible through efficient regulation that new investment models promote the circulation of resources, enabling the expansion and optimization of economic activities developed from limited liability companies, allowing them to issue preferred shares or even keep shares in treasury, as in joint-stock companies, significantly expanding the means available so that interested third parties or even private investment funds can invest resources in a faster, safer and more transparent way, providing return capital gain a meaning in the pursuit of the goal of promoting social justice based on freely developed economic activity.
SUMMARY. Number of trainees/students 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total
SUMMARY. O Cisco Umbrella (o "Produto") é uma plataforma de segurança em nuvem que unifica vários serviços de segurança em uma única plataforma fornecida em nuvem para proteger o acesso à Internet e controlar o uso de aplicativos em nuvem da sua rede, filiais e usuários móveis. A Comparação de pacotes fornece informações sobre os vários pacotes de produtos.
SUMMARY. The Resilient P.PORTO programme targets the reinforcement and transformation of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (P.PORTO) activities, to promote the increase of graduates in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathmetics) areas, and the up-skilling and re-skilling of the adult work force. Under the “Impulso Jovens STEAM” the programme considers the labour market needs of some of the most vibrant economic areas of the region, such as the tourism industry and digital arts, and presents several projects/measures under the wide- ranging understanding of education and liberal arts. It will contribute to the reduction of the drop-out rate of students, by creating a pilot project of a one-year foundation course (Year “Zero”), to help students at the transition between education cycles. It will also create a network of spaces of experimentation and creation that will allow for a closer relationship between P.PORTO and the civil society, through the development of STEAM projects at secondary schools and city councils. In the “Impulso Adultos” stream, the post-graduations, short courses and specialized training will once again respond to current needs, and prepare unemployed, professionals, companies and industry sectors for the required economic recovery. The programme is the result of a permanent dialogue with regional authorities, industry representatives and other partners, thus it will not only skill up the candidates but also answer the direct needs of the labour market and regional development by creating a well-trained range of new professionals. This is a strong outcome, contributing to Portugal 2030 strategy of i) reducing the percentage of adults, including youth, of working age without secondary education;
SUMMARY. The aim of this study was to evaluate the formation of gaps as a result of resin’s polymerization contraction composed over the conventional and the resin modified glass-ionomer cement. Third human molar teeth caries free were used, with cavity made at 1/3 cervical high on the bucal and lingual surface of all teeth. At the central region a minor diameter cavity was made to settle the dentine-pulp complex protection material. The restorative techniques applied followed the manufacturer guidance. After restored, the teeth were cut and prepared to observation through scanning electron microscopy. Results show presence and absence of gaps, which varied concerning the usage or not of pulp protection material and also the type of protection material used. When the composite resin was straightly applied to the dentinal substrate, the percentage of gaps was smaller. Therefore it was understood that protection materials continue to be removed as the composite resin One Coat Bond(OCB) Total-etch Simplificado Ácido: ácido fosfórico a 36% gel Primer/Adesivo: éster do ácido metacrílico, polímero metacrilizado, glicerol dimetacrilato, uretano dimetacrilato, ácido silícico amorfo. Coltène-Waledent– Altstätten, Switzerland Glacier Compósito Microhíbrido de uso Anterior /Posterior Éster metacrilato multifuncional: BIS- GMA, TEG- DMA. Vidro de Bário e Silicato. Southern Dental Industries – Austrália Vitro Fil Cimento de ionômero de vidro ativado quimicamente Vidro de alumínio-silicato, ácido policarboxílico e água. DFL Indústria e Comércio LTDA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Vitro Fil LC Ionômero de Vidro Fotopolimerizável para Forramento e Base. Cristais de fluoramino silicato e ácido polialquenólico. XXX Xxxxxxxxx x Xxxxxxxx XXXX, Xxx xx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx contracts during the polymerization and as the protection materials do not provide a suitable blending resistance at the dental substrate.
SUMMARY. The collective bargaining is a Brazilian Labor Law institute used by the unions and corporations to reach a kind of “peaceful agreement”, in which the parties come on general terms about labor conditions and regulate individual conflicts between workers and their employers. This is the most important method of dispute resolution in the Brazilian Labor Law since the parties solve their conflicts by themselves without the Government intervention. This dissertation aims at a deep analysis of the collective bargaining in the Brazilian legal system, explaining the advantages of this mechanism in a democratic regime and its contribution to develop the Labor Rules as a whole. For that, it will be explained the historical evolution of the mechanism in the most important capitalist countries and in Brazil. This work also intends to analyze the principles and functions of the collective bargaining and its hole in the Brazilian society. Finally, the analyses will go through the limits imposed by the Brazilian legal system to the autonomy of the parties in the dispute resolution process and the potentiality of the collective bargaining of brings together the capital and the labor force.
SUMMARY. The objective of this article is to present models for the risk valuation of reinsurance treaties based on damage excesses, with extreme value theory (EVT). Using the risk theory approach, we proposed some models for the excesses of fire claims above a defined threshold (retention limit of a hypothetical reinsurance treaty). The distribution used to estimate the number of claims was Poisson and the adjusted distributions for the claims severity were the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD), Modified Generalized Pareto Distribution (MGPD) and the well known Gamma and Log-Normal distributions. Once obtained the estimates of the parameters that maximized the likelihood function, the distributions of extreme values presented better adjustments for high retention limits. Finally, the distribution of the amount of aggregated claims was generated through convolutions and compared with the empiric distribution. It is important to note that the models developed here can be easily applied for the underwriting risk valuation of reinsurance companies.