Dispute Resolution. The following is added to the end of this section:
Dispute Resolution. The following is inserted at the end of 1.12.4:
Dispute Resolution. The following replaces the final sentence in 1.12.4:
Dispute Resolution. The following replaces the third sentence of 1.12.4:
Dispute Resolution. The Parties shall use their best efforts to achieve the amicable settlement of any dispute arising out of the interpretation or performance of this Agreement. In the event that it is not possible to reach said composition, the Courts of the Judicial District of the Capital of the State of São Paulo are elected as competent to settle any disputes between the Parties, with the waiver of any other, however privileged it may be.
Dispute Resolution. 14.1 Students in dispute with either one of the partner universities will resolve the dispute through the complaint or appeal process of the university which is the subject of the dispute. Students will be subject to the normal disciplinary procedures of the university in which they are resident at the time. There will be no double punishment. MINUTA
14.2 Unresolved disputes within the JAC about the appointment of supervisors and student progress will be referred to the relevant authorities in each university. Should any dispute prove completely unresolvable, the student will revert to single-degree status in the Home University.
14.3 Disputes about the evaluation and examination of theses/dissertations will be resolved by the appointment of an additional external examiner. In regards to USP, the Thesis Judging Committee’s decision is sovereign. In regards to King’s, the Research Degree Examination Board gives final approval for all awards.