3rd Offense. The initiating staff member will conference with the student and document the incident. The principal will conference with the student and staff member and communicate with a parent/guardian.
3rd Offense. Director’s discretion - Recommended expulsion. Dress Code Students shall be allowed reasonable freedom with dress and adornment. However, restrictions will be imposed whenever the mode of dress in question is considered unsafe or is disruptive to school operations and the educational process. The following is a list of specific guidelines by which students must abide: Dress in instructional areas for the area instructor in accordance with school and state safety regulations will determine safety and work purposes. Hair must be kept in a manner so as not to interfere with vision, safety or work performance. Excessive baggy shirts and pants are not permitted in industrial areas where they could result in hazardous situations. Any items (i.e., T-shirts, hats, coats, etc.) with sexually suggestive or obnoxious messages (i.e., drugs and alcohol related) are prohibited. Tinted glasses are prohibited except where prescribed by a physician. Mid-section exposure of the body, tube tops, halter-tops, and the wearing of heavy chains are not permitted. Violations of the dress code, depending on the frequency and severity of the offense will warrant an appropriate disciplinary action ranging from verbal warning, to loss of breaks, to inside suspension. Early Dismissal/Late Arrival 1st – Go to class, then come to Main Office after attendance is taken. 2nd – A written request from a parent/guardian for early dismissal should be presented to the Attendance Clerk. 3rd –Have the excuse signed and approved by the Director or designee. 4th – The student’s parent/guardian must sign the student out in the Main Office when leaving the building for an early dismissal and sign him/her in upon his/her return.
3rd Offense. Student will be suspended from school for a minimum of 1 day, and parents and student will need to meet with Administrator(s) and/or counselor. If this type of behavior continues, or if the IPDA is lewd or constitutes sexual conduct, the student could face long-term suspension or expulsion.
3rd Offense. The student will not be allowed to take the computer home for a period of one calendar year and will pay a fine of $45.00.
3rd Offense. The electronic device will be confiscated by the staff and turned into the office. At 3:45 PM the parent will be required to pick up the item after paying a $75.00 fine.
3rd Offense. A positive test for cannabis/marijuana is a dischargeable offense.
3rd Offense. Student will not be issued laptop again under the HISD neglect clause.
3rd Offense. Loss of Commission. You have 5 days or less to re-submit if any errors. If re-submitted on the 6th day or beyond license will be returned to NVRED
3rd Offense. Athlete will be suspended from all association activities for 2 weeks without reimbursement of all associated fees for that period of time.
3rd Offense. Restricted iPad privileges for a length of time determined by the classroom teacher and administration.