ACADEMIC SENATE REASSIGNED TIME. Any changes in reassigned time from what currently exists under Curriculum and Instruction Procedure 2907, shall be provided with the concurrence of the Academic Senate Presidents. The District will notify the United Faculty of any changes in reassigned time under this provision each semester.
ACADEMIC SENATE REASSIGNED TIME. 15 Each semester the District shall provide the Academic Senate with 1.8 FTE of reassigned 16 time to be used for Senate officers and committee chairs, vice-chairs, etc. The Senate 17 president shall designate faculty members to these positions. It is the responsibility of the 18 Academic Senate to provide the District with a list of those faculty members receiving 19 released time or compensation prior to the end of the academic year for the next 20 academic year. 22 Ordinarily, faculty serving release time appointments may either be paid or released from 23 regular duties. At no time shall a faculty member be given the option of release from 24 regular duties if such a release jeopardizes the integrity of the program. 25