Acceptable Level of Competence Sample Clauses
Acceptable Level of Competence. A. An acceptable level of competence (ALC) means performance by an employee warrants advancement of the employee's rate of basic pay to the next higher step of the grade of his or her position.
Acceptable Level of Competence. A. This Article is applicable only to General Schedule employees who occupy permanent positions within the Agency. An Acceptable Level of Competence (ALC) determination is made solely for the purpose of determining whether an otherwise eligible employee is entitled to a Within-Grade Increase (WGI).
Acceptable Level of Competence. An employee is considered to have attained an acceptable level of competence when work performance is rated as at least “Commendable” or its equivalent.
Acceptable Level of Competence. Section A--Policy:
Acceptable Level of Competence.
A. Approval of a final rating of record constitutes making a determination of whether the employee is or is not performing at an acceptable level of competence. If the employee does not have a current rating of record, or the current rating of record does not accurately reflect whether or not the employee is performing at an acceptable level of competence, a new rating of record is prepared.
B. A rating is normally delayed if either:
1. An employee has not had at least ninety (90) days to demonstrate acceptable performance because he or she has not been informed of the specific requirements for performance at an acceptable level of competence in his or her current position, and has not been given a performance rating in any position within ninety (90) days before the waiting period ends; or
2. Due to unacceptable performance, an employee is reduced in grade to a position where he or she is eligible for a WGI or will become eligible within ninety (90) days.
Acceptable Level of Competence. Section 16.01
A. those aspects of the employee's performance in which the employee is deficient and the extent of such deficiencies;
B. specific instances supporting the deficiencies;
C. a statement of what the employee needs to do to improve performance to an acceptable level of competence, and the type of guidance and review the supervisor will provide;
D. that the employee's within-grade increase may be denied unless sustained improvement to an acceptable level of competence is shown within sixty (60) calendar days. If the Employer fails to give this sixty (60) calendar day advance notice, and the within-grade increase is denied, the Employer will make a determination as to the employee's acceptable level of competence not later than 60 calendar days after the date the written notice is given to the employee.
Acceptable Level of Competence. Within-grade increases are based on the ratings of the critical job elements and are granted to employees who clearly meet the performance standards. A within-grade increase will be granted only when: employee performs at an acceptable level of competence (i.e., receives at least a score of 3.0 summary rating on their most recent performance appraisal); employee has not received an “equivalent increase” in pay (as defined by 5 C.F.R. § 531.407) during the waiting period; and employee completes the required waiting period for advancement to the next step within their grade. The waiting period of advancement to the following steps of each grade are: Steps 2, 3, 4 - 52 weeks of creditable service; Steps 5, 6, 7 - 104 weeks of creditable service; Steps 8, 9, 10 - 156 weeks of creditable service An acceptable level of competence is not synonymous with a minimally acceptable performance rating. For example, an employee may receive a minimally acceptable performance rating, yet not have performed at an acceptable level of competence warranting approval of the employee's within-grade increase.
Acceptable Level of Competence. In order to receive a WIGI, an Employee's most recent appraisal must show that the Employee's performance of duties and responsibilities is at an acceptable level of competence (fully successful or better). A WIGI will be denied if the Employee's current performance, with respect to any critical element, is unacceptable.
Acceptable Level of Competence. The performance (i.e., Effective) by an employee that warrants advancement of the employee’s rate of basic pay to the next higher step of the grade in accordance with 5 C.F.R. §§ 531.403 and 404.
Acceptable Level of Competence. An employee will be granted a within-grade increase (WGI) when the required waiting period has been completed and the employee has performed at the acceptable level of competence.