ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES a) Students with documented disabilities who need accommodations in their residence hall room and/or meal plan must contact Disability Services, 000-000-0000. Assignments with accommodations cannot be processed without a recommendation/documentation from Disability Services. b) Requests for accommodations cannot be assured for students applying less than 60 days prior to the beginning of the semester for which on-campus accommodations are needed. NDSU will make every effort, however, to provide reasonable accommodations. c) Assignment is based on the accommodations required and the date the license agreement and deposit are received.
ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. A. Although federal law requires distance instruction to be accessible to students with disabilities, it does not mandate specific methodologies. Where technology itself imposes a barrier to access or where educational materials simply are not available in an accessible format, educators may still meet their legal obligations by providing children with disabilities equally effective alternate access to the curriculum or services provided to other students.
ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. SDCCD will revise its policy and procedure for students with disabilities who are requesting accommodations, BP 3105 and AP 3105.1 – Academic Accommodations for Students With Disabilities, so that it ensures that: (a) SDCCD will give primary consideration to the requests of the student with a disability when considering and approving communication accommodations. (b) The DSPS Office acts as a liaison between students and faculty and takes an active role in working with all instructors (and other participants in College programs) to promptly and effectively resolve students’ disability-related concerns. (c) DSPS serves as the main point of contact on issues related to Section 504 and Title II compliance for instructors; an instructor who has a student who is registered with DSPS and makes a disability-related complaint must notify DSPS immediately so that DSPS can ensure and facilitate appropriate resolution of the complaint. (d) SDCCD approved accommodations for students who have “Verification of Eligibility” letters are implemented with the supervision of DSPS. This will occur, for example, through contact by DSPS to instructors of students with approved accommodations who are having difficulties securing the accommodations from instructors. SDCCD will continue to enhance training of instructors regarding adherence to the accommodations identified in students’ letters in cases where students choose to provide such letters to instructors. The decision to request academic accommodations shall remain the decision of individual students. (e) Consistent with the requirements of Section 504 and Title II, opportunities afforded generally to SDCCD students are equally afforded to students with disabilities. (f) If DSPS has not fully resolved a student’s complaint about the failure or refusal of an instructor to provide approved accommodations, DSPS will notify the student in writing of the student’s right to file a complaint of discrimination under the applicable procedure; DSPS will also notify the appropriate administrator that DSPS has been unable to resolve the student’s concern.
ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES a) Students with documented disabilities who need accommodations in their residence hall room and/or meal plan must contact the Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources (CADR), 000-000-0000. Assignments with accommodations cannot be processed without a recommendation/documentation from CADR. b) Requests for accommodations cannot be assured for students applying less than 60 days prior to the beginning of the semester for which on-campus accommodations are needed. NDSU will make every effort, however, to provide reasonable accommodations. c) Assignment is based on the accommodations required, the date the completed license agreement is received, and available space.


  • Students with Disabilities The Charter School shall comply with all federal special education laws and regulations, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

  • Reasonable Accommodation for Applicants / Employees with Disabilities The contractor must be familiar with the requirements for and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and all rules and regulations established there under. Employers must provide reasonable accommodation in all employment activities unless to do so would cause an undue hardship.

  • Fair Employment Practices and Americans with Disabilities Act Party agrees to comply with the requirement of Title 21V.S.A. Chapter 5, Subchapter 6, relating to fair employment practices, to the full extent applicable. Party shall also ensure, to the full extent required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, that qualified individuals with disabilities receive equitable access to the services, programs, and activities provided by the Party under this Agreement. Party further agrees to include this provision in all subcontracts.

  • RELATIONSHIP WITH DIRECTORS Directors, officers and employees of the Advisor or an Affiliate of the Advisor may serve as Directors, officers or employees of the Company, except that no director, officer or employee of the Advisor or its Affiliates who also is a Director shall receive any compensation from the Company for serving as a Director other than reasonable reimbursement for travel and related expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Board.

  • PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Contractor and/or subcontractor agree to comply with the provisions of §504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, (29 USC 794 et seq., as implemented in 45 CFR 84.1 et seq.), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (42 USC 12101 et seq.; as implemented in 29 CFR 1630), as applicable, pertaining to the prohibition of discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities in all programs or activities, and if applicable, as implemented in Title 45, CFR, §84.1 et seq., as they exist now or may be hereafter amended together with succeeding legislation.

  • Proof of Compliance with Disability Benefits Coverage Requirements In order to provide proof of compliance with the requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Law pertaining to disability benefits, a Vendor/Contractor shall: a) Be legally exempt from obtaining disability benefits coverage; or b) Obtain such coverage from an insurance carrier; or c) Be a Board-approved self-insured employer. A Vendor seeking to enter into a Contract with the State of New York shall provide one of the following forms to OGS at the time of Vendor Submission and thereafter, within three (3) days of request: a) Form CE-200, Certificate of Attestation for New York Entities With No Employees and Certain Out of State Entities, That New York State Workers’ Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage is Not Required, which is available on the Workers’ Compensation Board’s website (; (Reference applicable Solicitation and Group #s on the form.); b) Form DB-120.1, Certificate of Disability Benefits Insurance. The Vendor/Contractor must request that its insurance carrier send this form to OGS; or c) Form DB-155, Certificate of Disability Benefits Self-Insurance. The Vendor/Contractor must call the Board’s Self-Insurance Office at 000-000-0000 to obtain this form. Proof of coverage or an exemption shall be submitted to The New York State Office of General Services, New York State Procurement, Corning Tower- 00xx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx, XX 00000.

  • Family Care and Medical Leave An unpaid Family Care and Medical Leave shall be granted, to the extent of and subject to the restrictions as set forth below, to an employee who has been employed for at least twelve (12) months and who has served for one hundred thirty days (130) workdays during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the effective date of the leave. For purposes of this section, furlough days and days worked during off-basis time shall count as "workdays". Family Care and Medical Leave absences of twenty (20) consecutive working days or less can be granted by the immediate administrator or designee. Leaves of twenty (20) or more consecutive working days can be granted only by submission of a formal leave application to the Classified Personnel Assignments Branch.

  • AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) Contractor must comply with the ADA, which provides comprehensive civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, state and local government services, and telecommunications.

  • Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance a. When the Project scope includes work on sidewalks, curb ramps, bike lanes, or pedestrian-activated signals or triggers an obligation to address curb ramps or pedestrian signals, the Parties shall: i. Utilize ODOT standards to assess and ensure Project compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (together, “ADA”), including ensuring that all sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian-activated signals meet current ODOT Highway Design Manual standards; ii. Follow ODOT’s processes for design, construction, or alteration of sidewalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian-activated signals, including using the ODOT Highway Design Manual, ODOT Design Exception process, ODOT Standard Drawings, ODOT Construction Specifications, providing a temporary pedestrian accessible route plan and current ODOT Curb Ramp Inspection form; iii. At Project completion, send a completed ODOT Curb Ramp Inspection Form 734- 5020 to the address on the form as well as to State’s Project Manager for each curb ramp constructed or altered as part of the Project. The completed form is the documentation required to show that each curb ramp meets ODOT standards and is ADA compliant. ODOT’s fillable Curb Ramp Inspection Form and instructions are available at the following address: b. Agency shall ensure that any portions of the Project under Agency’s maintenance jurisdiction are maintained in compliance with the ADA throughout the useful life of the Project. This includes, but is not limited to, Agency ensuring that: i. Pedestrian access is maintained as required by the ADA, ii. Any complaints received by Agency identifying sidewalk, curb ramp, bike lanes, or pedestrian-activated signal safety or access issues are promptly evaluated and addressed,

  • Extended Health Care Benefits The City will provide for all employees by contract through an insurer selected by the City an Extended Health Care Plan which will provide extended health care benefits. The City shall pay one hundred per cent (100%) of the premiums, which will include any premiums payable under The Health Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.