Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a trial basis, during which period the employee may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate against Union Members. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the seniority list and their seniority day shall be the first (1st) day worked of thirty (30) days worked. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January of each year shall not accrue toward seniority. Any employee, who is retained after the second full week of January or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of January. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second full week of January. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee. SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work. SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22. SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data format.
Appears in 1 contract
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION Section 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a thirty (30) working day trial basis, during which period the employee he may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate discriminating against Union Membersmembers. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the regular seniority list and their his seniority day date shall be the first day worked within any ninety (1st90) day worked period of thirty (30) days his employment. He shall be placed on the seniority list of the classification in which he worked. In case of discipline within the probationary period, the Employer shall notify the Local Union in writing. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January December 31 of each year shall not accrue toward towards seniority. Any employee, employee who is retained after the second full week of January December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, December 31 must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31. November and December shall not be used in computing the ninety (90) consecutive day period. These employees shall acquire seniority as of the date of their original employment. Seasonal employees hired from outside sources prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31, and their seniority dates shall be the second full week first day worked after December 31. Seasonal employees, when hired, shall be notified they are seasonal. Upon request, the Employer will provide a list of Januarypeak season employees to the Local Union. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days, shall not count as working days. After successfully qualifying within the ninety (90) consecutive day period, these employees shall acquire seniority as of the first day of orientation. Orientation pay, for newly hired employees, shall be eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50) per hour for part-time employees for all hours worked and all work performed. Employees shall be paid at nine dollars and point three seventy-five cents ($9.375) per hour during full-time orientation, except that actual work performed within the classification will be paid at the appropriate contract rate. Upon qualifying in the new job assignment, current seniority employees shall be compensated the difference between the orientation rate and the applicable rate for the classification of work for time spent in orientation. The Company agrees that employees shall be reimbursed any expenses above normal if they are required to travel out of town for orientation including travel expenses, motel, meals, etc. Meal costs shall not exceed amounts listed in Article 59. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee. Where two (2) or more employees have the same starting date, then the one who achieved the thirtieth (30th) work day first shall go ahead on the seniority list. If still tied, the date of employment application shall govern, and if still tied, seniority order shall be decided by coin toss. An employee hired prior to November 1 to fill vacancies created by a full-time employee who quits, retires or is terminated for any reason and who is retained after December 3l or who is recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1 and shall acquire seniority as of the date of original employment and upon acquiring seniority shall receive pay for holidays as provided in Article 54 of this Agreement that he would not have been entitled to had he not been retained or recalled as specified above. It is further understood that health and welfare contributions will be made retroactive.
SECTION Section 2 Supervisors The work of supervisors will not perform include assignments to work covered normally performed by this Agreementemployees in the bargaining unit, except for the purpose of trainingtraining and demonstration. Supervisors shall follow UPS Training-Demonstration methods in instructing employees. The Company will furnish each Local Union, demonstrationupon request, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are a copy of United Parcel Service Training and Demonstrating Methods. Supervisors will not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any perform bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred work until after all reasonable efforts have been exhausted to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of have the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly workcovered. Reasonable efforts shall include calling the Local Union for qualified personnel.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data format.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION Section 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a thirty (30) working day trial basis, during which period the employee he may be discharged without further recoursere- course, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate discrimi- nating against Union Membersmembers. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the regular seniority list and their his seniority day date shall be the first day worked within any ninety (1st90) day worked period of thirty (30) days his employ- ment. He shall be placed on the seniority list of the classification in which he worked. In case of discipline within the probationary pe- riod, the Employer shall notify the Local Union in writing. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January December 31 of each year shall not accrue toward towards seniority. Any employee, employee who is retained after the second full week of January December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, Decem- ber 31 must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31. November and December shall not be used in computing the ninety (90) consecutive day period. These employees shall acquire seniority as of the date of their original employment. Seasonal employees hired from outside sources prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit. A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a thirty (30) working day trial basis, during which period he may be discharged without further re- course, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discrimi- nating against Union members. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the regular seniority list and his seniority date shall be the first day worked within any ninety (90) day period of his employ- ment. He shall be placed on the seniority list of the classification in which he worked. In case of discipline within the probationary pe- riod, the Employer shall notify the Local Union in writing. Time worked from November 1 through December 31 of each year shall not accrue towards seniority. Any employee who is retained after December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after Decem- ber 31 must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31. November and December shall not be used in computing the ninety (90) consecutive day period. These employees shall acquire seniority as of the date of their original employment. Seasonal employees hired from outside sources prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31, and their seniority dates shall be the second full week of Januaryfirst day worked after December 31. If employees Seasonal employees, when hired, shall be notified they are hired through an employment agencyseasonal. Upon request, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except for the purpose pro- vide a list of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred peak season employees to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outsideLocal Union. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employeesdays, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time After successfully qualifying within the ninety (90) consecutive day period, these employees will receive their hourly shall acquire seniority as of the first day of orientation. Orientation pay shall be paid in accordance with the start rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate as outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within , Section 5 of the National Master Agreement for all em- ployees for all hours worked, except that actual work performed within the classification will be paid at the appropriate contract rate. Upon qualifying in the new job assignment, current seniority employees shall be compensated the difference between the orien- tation rate and the applicable rate for the classification of work for time spent in orientation. The Company agrees that employees shall be reimbursed any expenses above normal if they are required to travel out of town for orientation including travel expenses, motel, meals, etc. Meal costs shall not exceed amounts listed in Article 59. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Em- ployer shall pay the employment agency fee. Where two (2) or more employees have the same starting date, then the one who achieved the thirtieth (30th) work day first shall go ahead on the seniority list. If still tied, the date of employment ap- plication shall govern, and if still tied, seniority order shall be de- cided by coin toss. An employee hired prior to November 1 to fill vacancies created by a full-time employee who quits, retires or is terminated for any rea- son and who is retained after December 3l or who is recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of ratification days worked prior to November 1 and shall acquire seniority as of the date of original employment and upon acquiring seniority shall receive pay for holidays as provided in Article 54 of this agreementAgreement that he would not have been entitled to had he not been retained or recalled as specified above. It is further understood that health and welfare contributions will be made retroactive.
Section 2 The work of supervisors will not include assignments to work nor- mally performed by employees in the bargaining unit, except for the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing purpose of all current training and demonstration. Supervisors shall follow UPS Training-Demonstration methods in instructing employees. This listing The Company will furnish each Local Union, upon request, a copy of United Parcel Service Training and Demonstrating Methods. Su- pervisors will not perform bargaining unit work until after all rea- sonable efforts have been exhausted to have the work covered. Reasonable efforts shall provide include calling the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data formatLocal Union for quali- fied personnel.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION Section 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a thirty (30) working day trial basis, during which period the employee he may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate discriminating against Union Membersmembers. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the regular seniority list and their his seniority day date shall be the first day worked within any ninety (1st90) day worked period of thirty (30) days his employment. He shall be placed on the seniority list of the classification in which he worked. In case of discipline within the probationary period, the Employer shall notify the Local Union in writing. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January December 31 of each year shall not accrue toward towards seniority. Any employee, employee who is retained after the second full week of January December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, Decem- ber 31 must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31. November and December shall not be used in computing the second full week ninety (90) consecutive day period. These employees shall acquire seniority as of Januarythe date of their original employment. Seasonal employees hired from outside sources prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit.
1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31, and their seniority dates shall be the first day worked after December 31. Seasonal employees, when hired, shall be notified they are seasonal. Upon request, the Employer will provide a list of peak season employees to the Local Union. For package car drivers only, any reference to thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period in this Article, will be replaced with forty (40) days in a one-hundred (100) consecutive day period. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days, shall not count as working days. After successfully qualifying within the ninety (90) consecutive day period, these employees shall acquire seniority as of the first day of orientation. Orientation pay for non- seniority employees shall be paid in accordance with the start rate as outlined in Article 22, Section 5 of the National Master Agreement for all these employees for all hours worked, except that actual work performed within the classification will be paid at the appropriate contract rate. Upon qualifying in the new job assignment, current seniority employees shall be compensated the difference between the orientation rate and the applicable rate for the classification of work for time spent in orientation. Current seniority employees who successfully complete the five (5) day orientation shall be paid the start rate as outlined in Article 41 Section 2. The Company agrees that employees shall be reimbursed any expenses above normal if they are required to travel out of town for orientation including travel expenses, motel, meals, etc. Meal costs shall not exceed amounts listed in Article 59. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered . Where two (2) or more employees have the same starting date, then the one who achieved the thirtieth (30th) workday first shall go ahead on the seniority list. If still tied, the date of employment application shall govern, and if still tied, seniority order shall be decided by this Agreement, except for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not availablecoin toss. Training or demonstration shall not be used as An employee hired prior to November 1 to fill vacancies created by a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority partfull-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within employee who quits, retires or is terminated for any reason and who is retained after December 3l or who is recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of ratification days worked prior to November 1 and shall acquire seniority as of the date of original employment and upon acquiring seniority shall receive pay for holidays as provided in Article 54 of this agreement, the employer will provide Agreement that he they would not have been entitled to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employeeshad he they not been retained or recalled as specified above. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, It is further understood that health and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees welfare contributions will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data formatmade retroactive.
Section 2 [No change]
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a trial basis, during which period the employee he may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate against Union Members. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the seniority list and their his seniority day shall be the first (1st) day worked of thirty (30) days worked. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January December 31 of each year shall not accrue toward seniority. Any employee, who is retained after the second full week of January December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31, must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive consecu- tive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing per- forming work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing perform- ing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation ori- entation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable “all other” start rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data format.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a trial basis, during which period the employee may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate against Union Members. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive con- secutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the seniority list and their seniority day shall be the first (1st) day worked of thirty (30) days worked. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January of each year shall not accrue toward to- xxxx seniority. Any employee, who is retained after the second full week of January or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of January. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31the second full week of January, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second full week of January. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer Em- ployer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedurepro- cedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part part- time employees and fifteen (15) days for full full-time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data format.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION Section 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a thirty (30) working day trial basis, except for package car drivers as provided below, during which period the employee they may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate discriminating against Union Membersmembers. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive con secutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the regular seniority list and their seniority day date shall be the first day worked within any ninety (1st90) day worked period of thirty (30) days their employment. The Em ployee shall be placed on the seniority list of the classification in which they worked. In case of discipline within the probationary period, the Employer shall notify the Local Union in writing. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January December 31 of each year shall not accrue toward towards seniority. Any employee, employee who is retained after the second full week of January December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, Decem ber 31 must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31. November and December shall not be used in computing the ninety (90) consecutive day period. These employees shall acquire seniority as of the date of their original employment. Seasonal employees hired from outside sources prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31, and their seniority dates shall be the second full week of Januaryfirst day worked after December 31. If employees Seasonal employees, when hired, shall be notified they are hired through an employment agencyseasonal. Upon request, the Employer shall pay will pro- vide a list of peak season employees to the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by Local Union. For package car drivers only, any reference to thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period in this AgreementArticle, except for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outsidereplaced with forty (40) days in a one-hundred (100) consecutive day period. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employeesdays, shall not count as working days. Seniority partAfter successfully qualifying within the ninety (90) consecutive day period, these employees shall acquire seniority as of the first day of orientation. Orientation pay for non-time seniority employees will receive their hourly shall be paid in accordance with the start rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate as outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within , Section 5 of the National Master Agreement for these employees for all hours worked, ex cept that actual work performed within the classification will be paid at the appropriate contract rate. Current seniority employees who successfully complete the five (5) day orientation shall be paid the start rate as outlined in Article 41 Section 2. The Company agrees that employees shall be reimbursed any expenses above nor mal if they are required to travel out of town for orientation includ ing travel expenses, motel, meals, etc. Meal costs shall not exceed amounts listed in Article 59. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Em ployer shall pay the employment agency fee. Where two (2) or more employees have the same starting date, then the one who achieved the thirtieth (30th) workday first shall go ahead on the seniority list. If still tied, the date of employment ap- plication shall govern, and if still tied, seniority order shall be de- cided by coin toss. An employee hired prior to November 1 to fill vacancies created by a full-time employee who quits, retires or is terminated for any rea son and who is retained after December 3l or who is recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of ratification days worked prior to November 1 and shall acquire seniority as of the date of original employment and upon acquiring seniority shall receive pay for holidays as provided in Article 54 of this agreementAgreement that they would not have been entitled to had they not been retained or re called as specified above. It is further understood that health and welfare contributions will be made retroactive.
Section 2 The work of supervisors will not include assignments to work nor mally performed by employees in the bargaining unit, except for the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing purpose of all current training and demonstration. Supervisors shall follow UPS Training-Demonstration methods in instructing employees. This listing The Company will furnish each Local Union, upon request, a copy of United Parcel Service Training and Demonstrating Methods. Su- pervisors will not perform bargaining unit work until after all rea- sonable efforts have been exhausted to have the work covered. Reasonable efforts shall provide include calling the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data formatLocal Union for quali fied personnel.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A (a) After thirty (30) days of work within a sixty (60) consecutive day period, not to include the orientation period which shall not last more than fifteen (15) working days, a new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but will acquire seniority and his seniority dates shall be employed only on a trial basis, during which period the employee may be discharged without further recourseoriginal date if his employment, provided, however, that the Employer may time worked in the free period shall not discharge or discipline count towards the acquisition of seniority. Newly hired employees attending orientation shall be paid the daily rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) for full time employees and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for part time employees. Part time employees transferring to full time positions shall be paid eighty-eight dollars ($88.00) per day for such orientation periods. Orientation periods shall be used for the expressed purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate against Union Members. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day periodtraining and demonstration, the employee any violations shall be placed on subject to the Grievance Procedure. Upon qualifying in the new job assignment, current seniority list and their seniority day employees shall be compensated the first difference between the orientation rate and the applicable rate for the classification of work for time spent in orientation.
(1stb) day worked of thirty There shall be a free period beginning October 15th and ending January 10th in each year, during which no employee can qualify for seniority.
(30c) days worked. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January of each year shall not accrue toward seniority. Any employee, An employee who is has been hired prior to October 15th and retained after the second full week of January 10th or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of January. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, January 10th will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1October 15th. These Those days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety sixty (9060) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second full week of January. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency feeJanuary 10th.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used (d) If an employee is hired as a subterfuge for summer replacement worker and works the performing of any bargaining unit workperiod between May 10th and September 30th and in addition works the free period from October 15th thru January 10th the following shall apply: Employees who have worked these two consecutive free periods and are recalled prior to April 1st will gain seniority. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are Those employees who are hired from after April 1st shall be considered a newly hired employee. Such employees cannot be hired a second time as a vacation replacement worker or work in a second free period. Any employee gaining seniority under the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not above provision shall have a seniority date identical to extend beyond five his or her first day worked excluding any time spent in orientation.
(5e) days for part time Any violation of the January 10th cutoff by assigning free period employees and fifteen (15) days for package car or feeder driving work will result in the creation of a permanent full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive position in the package or feeder classification to be filled and awarded per the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification vacancy provisions of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data formatsupplement.
Appears in 1 contract
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a trial basis, during which period the employee he/ she may be discharged without further recourse, recourse provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate discriminating against Union Membersmembers. Seniority shall be attained after working thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period, regardless if the thirty (30) days worked was in a combination of Centers within the same building. The Company has the right to place this employee on the most avail- able Center seniority list. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the seniority list and their his/her seniority day date shall be the first (1st) day worked of thirty (30) days worked. Time worked from November 1 through the second (2nd) full week of in January of each year shall not accrue toward seniority. Any employee, em- ployee who is retained after the second (2nd) full week of in January or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second (2nd) full week of January, in January must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second (2nd) full week of in January. However, those these employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31the second (2nd) full week in Janu- ary, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November No- vember 1. These days retained will count towards toward the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second (2nd) full week of in January. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer Em- ployer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except ex- cept for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training If a supervisor must perform bargaining work for any of the above listed reasons, he/she shall inform the appropriate xxxxxxx for that shift or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified center as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance hires’ attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond be- yond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority partNew hires attending orientation shall be paid a daily rate of seventy-five dol- lars ($75.00) for full time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty and twenty-five dollars (60$25.00) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, for part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data formatemployees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a trial basis, during which period the employee he may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate against Union Members. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the seniority list and their his seniority day shall be the first (1st) day worked of thirty (30) days worked. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January December 31 of each year shall not accrue toward seniority. Any employee, who is retained after the second full week of January December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31, must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive consecu- tive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer Em- ployer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except ex- cept for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing perform- ing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possiblepossi- ble, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data format.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but (a) Newly hired employees attending orientation shall be employed only on paid the daily rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) for full time employees and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for part time employees. Part time employees transferring to full time positions shall be paid eighty-eight dollars ($88.00) per day for such orientation peri- ods. Orientation periods shall be used for the expressed pur- pose of training and demonstration, any violations shall be subject to the Grievance Procedure. Upon qualifying in the new job assignment, current seniority employees shall be compensated the difference between the orientation rate and the applicable rate for the classification of work for time spent in orientation.
(b) There shall be a trial basisfree period beginning October 15th and ending December 30th January 10th in each year, during which period the no employee may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline can qualify for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate against Union Members. After working thirty seniority.
(30c) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the An employee shall be placed on the seniority list who has been hired prior to October 15th and their seniority day shall be the first (1st) day worked of thirty (30) days worked. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January of each year shall not accrue toward seniority. Any employee, who is retained after the second full week of December 30th January 10th or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of January. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, 30th January 10th will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1October 15th. These Those days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety sixty (9060) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second full week of January. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency feeDecember 30th January 10th.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used (d) If an employee is hired as a subterfuge for summer replacement worker and works the performing of any bargaining unit workperiod between May 1st 10th and September 30th and in addition works the free period from October 15 thru December 30th January 10th the following shall apply: Employees who have worked these two consecutive free peri- ods and are recalled prior to April 1st will gain seniority. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are Those employees who are hired from after April 1st shall be consid- ered a newly hired employee. Such employees cannot be hired a second time as a vacation replacement worker or work a sec- ond free period. Any employee gaining seniority under the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not above provision shall have a seniority date identical to extend beyond five his or her first day worked excluding any time spent in orientation.
(5e) days for part time Any violation of the January 10th cutoff by assigning free period employees and fifteen (15) days for package car or feeder driving work will result in the creation of a permanent full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive position in the package or feeder classification to be filled and awarded per the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification vacancy provisions of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data formatsup- plement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION Section 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a thirty (30) working day trial basis, during which period the employee he may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline disci- xxxxx for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate discriminating against Union Membersmembers. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the regular seniority list and their his seniority day date shall be the first day worked within any ninety (1st90) day worked period of thirty (30) days his employment. He shall be placed on the seniority list of the classification in which he worked. In case of discipline within the probationary period, the Employer shall notify the Local Union in writing. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January December 31 of each year shall not accrue toward towards seniority. Any employee, employee who is retained after the second full week of January December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, December 31 must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period peri- od commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31. November and December shall not be used in computing the ninety (90) consecutive day period. These employees shall acquire seniority as of the date of their original employment. Seasonal employees hired from outside sources prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31, and their seniority dates shall be the second full week first day worked after December 31. Seasonal employees, when hired, shall be notified they are seasonal. Upon request, the Employer will pro- vide a list of Januarypeak season employees to the Local Union. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days, shall not count as working days. After successfully qualify- ing within the ninety (90) consecutive day period, these employees shall acquire seniority as of the first day of orientation. Orientation pay, for newly hired employees, shall be eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50) per hour for part-time employees for all hours worked and all work performed. Employees shall be paid at nine dollars and point three seventy-five cents ($9.375) per hour during full-time ori- entation, except that actual work performed within the classification will be paid at the appropriate contract rate. Upon qualifying in the new job assignment, current seniority employees shall be compen- sated the difference between the orientation rate and the applicable rate for the classification of work for time spent in orientation. The Company agrees that employees shall be reimbursed any expenses above normal if they are required to travel out of town for orienta- tion including travel expenses, motel, meals, etc. Meal costs shall not exceed amounts listed in Article 59. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee. Where two (2) or more employees have the same starting date, then the one who achieved the thirtieth (30th) work day first shall go ahead on the seniority list. If still tied, the date of employment application shall govern, and if still tied, seniority order shall be decided by coin toss. An employee hired prior to November 1 to fill vacancies created by a full-time employee who quits, retires or is terminated for any rea- son and who is retained after December 3l or who is recalled with- in sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1 and shall acquire seniority as of the date of original employment and upon acquiring seniority shall receive pay for holidays as provided in Article 54 of this Agreement that he would not have been entitled to had he not been retained or recalled as specified above. It is further understood that health and welfare contributions will be made retroactive.
SECTION Section 2 Supervisors The work of supervisors will not perform include assignments to work covered nor- mally performed by this Agreementemployees in the bargaining unit, except for the purpose of trainingtraining and demonstration. Supervisors shall follow UPS Training-Demonstration methods in instructing employees. The Company will furnish each Local Union, demonstrationupon request, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are a copy of United Parcel Service Training and Demonstrating Methods. Supervisors will not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any perform bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred work until after all rea- sonable efforts have been exhausted to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of have the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly workcovered. Reasonable efforts shall include calling the Local Union for quali- fied personnel.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data format.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a trial basis, during which period the employee he may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate against Union Members. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the seniority list and their his seniority day shall be the first (1st) day worked of thirty (30) days worked. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January December 31 of each year shall not accrue toward seniority. Any employee, who is retained after the second full week of January December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of JanuaryJanuary December 31, must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of JanuaryJanuary December 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second full week of JanuaryJanuary December 31. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data format.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a trial basis, during which period the employee may be discharged without further recourse, recourse provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate discriminating against Union Membersmembers. Seniority shall be attained after working thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period, regardless if the thirty (30) days worked was in a combination of Centers within the same building. The Company has the right to place this employee on the most available Center seniority list. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the seniority list and their seniority day date shall be the first (1st) day worked of thirty (30) days worked. If the employee has not successfully qualified within the thirty (30) day trail period, a fifteen (15) day extension can be granted by mu- tual agreement only. Time worked from November 1 1st through the second full week of (2nd) Friday in January of each year shall not accrue toward seniority. For fulltime inside seasonal employees, time worked from October 15th through the second (2nd) Friday in January of each year shall not count to- xxxx seniority. Any employee, employee who is retained after the second full week of (2nd) Friday in January or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, (2nd) Friday in January must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of (2nd) Friday in January. However, those these employees hired prior to November 1 1st and retained after December 31the second (2nd) Fri- day in January, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 11st. However, fulltime inside seasonal employees hired prior to October 15th and retained after the second (2nd) Friday in January, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to October 15th. These days retained will count towards toward the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second full week of (2nd) Friday in January. If employees em- ployees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except ex- cept for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training If a supervisor must perform bargaining work for any of the above listed reasons, they shall inform the appropriate xxxxxxx for that shift or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified center as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance hires’ attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond be- yond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-New hires attending orientation shall be paid a daily rate of seventyfive dol- lars ($75.00) for full time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty and twentyfive dollars (60$25.00) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full time seniority, for part time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data formatemployees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION Section 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a thirty (30) work- ing day trial basis, during which period the employee he may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate discriminating against Union Membersmem- bers. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive con- secutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the regu- lar seniority list and their his seniority day date shall be the first day worked within any ninety (1st90) day worked period of thirty (30) days his employment. He shall be placed on the seniority list of the classification in which he worked. In case of discipline within the probationary period, the Employer shall notify the Local Union in writing. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January December 31 of each year shall not accrue toward towards seniority. Any employee, employee who is retained after the second full week of January December 31 or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, December 31 must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of JanuaryDecember 31. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, 31 or recalled with- in sixty (60) days will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecu- tive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31. November and December shall not be used in computing the ninety (90) consecutive day period. These employees shall acquire seniority as of the date of their origi- nal employment. Seasonal employees hired from outside sources prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thir- ty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after December 31, and their seniority dates shall be the second full week of Januaryfirst day worked after December 31. If employees Seasonal employees, when hired, shall be noti- fied they are hired through an employment agencyseasonal. Upon request, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except for the purpose provide a list of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred peak season employees to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outsideLocal Union. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part time employees and fifteen (15) days for full time employeesdays, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive After successfully qualifying within the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing consecutive day period, these employees shall acquire seniority as of the first day of orientation. Orientation pay, for newly hired employees, shall be eight dollars and fifty cents ($8.50) per hour for part- time employees for all hours worked and all work performed. Full-time eEmployees shall be paid at nine dollars and point three seventy-five cents ($9.375) per hour during full-time orientation, except that actual work performed within the clas- sification will be paid at the appropriate contract rate. Upon qualifying in the new job assignment, current employees. This listing seniority employees shall provide be compensated the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full difference between the orientation rate and the applicable rate for the classifica- tion of work for time seniority, part time seniority, and rate of payspent in orientation. The listing Company agrees that employees shall be reimbursed any expenses above normal if they are required to travel out of all current employees will be provided town for orienta- tion including travel expenses, motel, meals, etc. Meal costs shall not exceed amounts listed in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data formatArticle 59.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Supplemental Tentative Agreement
Acquisition of Seniority. SECTION 1 A new employee shall work under the provisions of this Agreement but shall be employed only on a trial basis, during which period the employee may be discharged without further recourse, provided, however, that the Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of evading this Agreement or discriminate against Union Members. After working thirty (30) days within a ninety (90) consecutive day period, the employee shall be placed on the seniority list and their seniority day shall be the first (1st) day worked of thirty (30) days worked. Time worked from November 1 through the second full week of January of each year shall not accrue toward seniority. Any employee, who is retained after the second full week of January or recalled within sixty (60) days after the second full week of January, must work thirty (30) days in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first (1st) day worked after the second full week of January. However, those employees hired prior to November 1 and retained after December 31, will retain credit for the number of days worked prior to November 1. These days retained will count towards the thirty (30) days worked in a ninety (90) consecutive day period commencing with the first day worked after the second full week of January. If employees are hired through an employment agency, the Employer shall pay the employment agency fee.
SECTION 2 Supervisors will not perform work covered by this Agreement, except for the purpose of training, demonstration, safety or performing work when qualified personnel are not available. Training or demonstration shall not be used as a subterfuge for the performing of any bargaining unit work. Any claimed abuses will be referred to the grievance procedure. Stewards will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the work shifts, when supervisors perform hourly work.
SECTION 3 New hires are employees who are hired from the outside. Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond five (5) days for part part-time employees and fifteen (15) days for full full-time employees, shall not count as working days. Seniority part-time employees will receive their hourly rate of pay while attending orientation meetings. All new hired employees will receive the applicable rate outlined in Article 22.
SECTION 4 Within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement, the employer will provide to the union every ninety (90) days a complete listing of all current employees. This listing shall provide the name, social security, address, telephone number, center, sort, job classification, full full-time seniority, part part- time seniority, and rate of pay. The listing of all current employees will be provided in a Micro-Soft Excel or some other mutually agreed upon electronic data format.
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