Porters Sample Clauses

Porters. Package center porters will be laid off on the basis of Company sen- iority within the employee’s area. The 43rd Street and Island City buildings will be considered one area for this purpose. If there is no work available in the employee’s area, the employee may request a transfer to another center where the xxxxxx with the least Company seniority in the Union’s jurisdiction is working.
Porters. The Employer will supply Porters with three shirts, at least one (1) shall be short sleeved, and three pairs of pants of the Employer's choice of colour, style and accessories. In addition, the Employer will supply the Porters with the use of a winter coat to be kept within the Department for emergency purposes requiring them to go outdoors. The Xxxxxx'x coat will be maintained in a sanitary condition at the expense of the Employer. It is the Employee's responsibility to maintain their own uniforms. The Employer will pay for their safety shoes as outlined in point 3 above. Those on L.T.D., Workplace Safety Insurance or a Leave of Absence without Pay will not be able to claim uniform allowance, where they have been absent for twelve (12) consecutive months. 23:01 (b) The Employer agrees to provide three (3) uniforms in each twelve (12) month period* for all members of the Bargaining Unit, in the Maintenance, Grounds** and Housekeeping*** Departments. The Employer and Union agree to the system whereby: (i) The University will designate a supplier from a list of three (3) mutually determined between the University and the Union. To be reviewed annually. (ii) The University will provide the supplier with a list of all Union members entitled to clothing allowance. (iii) Colours to be determined by the Employer. (iv) The uniforms must be picked up by the employees in the month of March. Groundskeeper shall also receive a hat and a parka once in every two (2) years. The University will provide a spring/fall jacket to the Groundskeeper once in every two (2) years. There shall be a committee established of Union and Management representatives to consider and recommend on colour and specifications. Such uniforms shall be laundered and maintained by the employee. The Employer initially will assign one (1) pair of rubber boots to each Groundskeeper. Such rubber boots will remain the property of the Employer and will be replaced when required in the opinion of the Employer. Those on L.T.D., Workplace Safety Insurance or a Leave of Absence without Pay will not be able to claim uniform allowance where they have been absent for twelve (12) consecutive months. * Staff may choose two (2) T-shirts and two (2) regular shirts plus three (3) pants. ** Grounds staff will have the choice of two (2) T-shirts and two (2) or three (3) regular shirts once every year. Grounds will be provided with one (1) additional pants and one (1) additional shirt totalling four (4) uniforms per ye...
Porters. Customers may require Daytime or Nighttime Porters for Custodial Services. Porters will be paid by an hourly rate as specified on the Price Sheet posted on the DMS website. The following duties may be performed by Xxxxxxx and may be furthered defined in the Customer Specific Scope of Work. • Porters shall maintain entrances and lobbies, (including parking garage) windows, doors, and perform dusting. • Porters shall clean water fountains. • Porters shall clean and maintain restrooms. • Porters shall empty and restock trash. • Porters shall dust all interior signage including lobby and common areas. • Porters shall maintain kitchenettes by emptying trash, dusting windowsills, wiping down exterior and interior of cabinets, and wiping down counter and sink areas. • Porters shall maintain custodial storage areas, keeping active inventory of supplies and consumables and all custodial closets clean and neat. • Porters shall check all facility entrances and parking garages for paper and trash, empty all trash, and empty all smoking containers outside of facilities. • Porters shall report any maintenance items needing repair or custodial issues in the Control Book. • Porters shall remove all recycling waste. • Daytime Porters shall provide ongoing service for entrances, common areas, restrooms, emergency spill removal from carpets and hard flooring, rainy day safety precautions (put out mats, signs, wet umbrella bags, and keep floors mopped dry). • The Customer’s Contract Manager will have authority to direct the Daytime Porters to perform cleaning duties between business hours. • Porters shall perform vacuuming office areas and spot cleaning as necessary. • Within healthcare and related facilities or buildings, Xxxxxx’x shall respond to all requests for clean-ups, including full custodial cleaning of affected areas.
Porters. First 6 m o n t h s $60.00 Secon d 6 m o n t h s 63.00 Third 6 m o n t h s 65.00 Fourth 6 m onths 68.00 Fifth 6 m o n t h s 73.00 Th ereafter 77.00 G en eral In crease ............................... 4.00 or to the a p p lica b le m in im u m rate abov e, w h ich ev er is h igh er.
Porters. Porters are graded on salary scale 12. After one year in salary grade 19, they are graded on salary scale 16, grade 21. Subsequently, the grades 23, 25 and 27 on salary scale 16 are used.
Porters. Female employees, except those qual­ ified and performing work in classi­ fication (b) and except errand girls.
Porters. Volunteers acting as porters for large item pick-ups will be available. These are volunteers and is a goodwill gesture extended to both vendor and shopper. Porters are not responsible for items, or any breakage while transporting goods.

Related to Porters

  • Passengers THE CARRIER shall be liable for damages resulting from death or bodily injury to a Passenger by the sole reason that the act which caused the damages took place on board the aircraft or during boarding or deboarding the aircraft.

  • Shiftwork 28.1 In this clause Shiftwork means work comprising recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in rotation. 28.2 Shiftworker for the purposes of this clause is defined as an Employee who is required by the Employer to work Shiftwork, which commences or finishes outside 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.

  • Drivers Any and all drivers who drive the Vehicles you are renting/leasing from us shall be duly licensed, trained and qualified to drive vehicles of this type. Although we may, from time to time, recommend certain qualified drivers with whom we are familiar, we do not supply drivers. You must supply and employ any driver who drives our Vehicles (even if the driver is the registered owner of the vehicle or owner of a company that owns the vehicle) and that driver shall be deemed to be your employee for all purposes and shall be covered as an additional insured on all of your applicable insurance policies.

  • Shiftworkers 37.1 Shiftworker for the purposes of this clause is defined as an Employee who performs Shiftwork and who starts or finishes a shift outside of the ordinary hours set out at clause 36.2 above. 37.2 A Shiftworker shall be paid at the rate of double time for all hours worked. 37.3 An Employee who has to work Shiftwork shall be given at least 48 hours of notice of the requirements to work shiftwork. 37.4 For clarity, Shiftwork, means work comprising recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in rotation; the different groups of workers do not necessarily need to be employed by the same employer for the purpose of this definition.

  • Workloads The parties agree to the following provisions relating to faculty members' workload. (a) The registration limits for all courses currently offered by the Employer in the academic, career and technology areas are 35 unless established by practice as lower, excepting multiple sections where the limit is the correct multiple of the number of sections involved. (b) The registration limits for English are as follows: (i) Writing and Composition Courses - 25 (ii) Writing Skills -17 (iii) Creative Writing - 22

  • Rosters 8.1 As far as practically possible, the Employer will draw up a roster 1 week in advance. Changes to rosters may occur with 24 hours notice or, subject to the availability of the Employee, with less notice if by mutual consent. 8.2 The Employer will ordinarily roster Employees in a manner that is both fair and equitable to ensure that, where applicable, the allocation of weekend and public holiday hours are equally divided between Employees on a rotating basis.

  • Rotation Where the Employer's designate and the Union's designate at the local level agree that shifts be rotated, the shifts shall be rotated on an equitable basis among the employees involved.

  • Technicians All other technicians and support personnel will be paid at the Tender rate.

  • Contractors All LAUSD Contractors and their Representatives are expected to conduct any and all business affiliated with LAUSD in an ethical and responsible manner that fosters integrity and public confidence. A “Contractor” is any individual, organization, corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership, nonprofit, joint venture, association, or any combination thereof that is pursuing or conducting business with and/or on behalf of LAUSD, including, without limitation, consultants, suppliers, manufacturers, and any other vendors, bidders or proposers. A Contractor’s “Representative” is also broadly defined to include any subcontractors, employees, agents, or anyone else who acts on a Contractor’s behalf.

  • Tickets Each Ticket represents a limited, revocable license to enter the Venue to attend the specific Event listed on the applicable Ticket. No person, except for attendees under the age of three, may enter the Venue without a Ticket, and re-entry is prohibited. Failure to comply with this Agreement shall result in forfeiture of this license and all rights arising hereunder without refund or credit and shall entitle KSE to pursue all legal remedies available.